3,521 research outputs found

    Ofshore Wind Park Control Assessment Methodologies to Assure Robustness

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    Addressing Instability Issues in Microgrids Caused By Constant Power Loads Using Energy Storage Systems

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    Renewable energy sources, the most reasonable fuel-shift taken over the naturally limited conventional fuels, necessarily deal with the self-functional microgrid system rather than the traditional grid distribution system. The study shows that the microgrid system, a comparatively low-powered system, experiences the challenge of instability due to the constant power load (CPL) from many electronic devices such as inverter-based systems. In this dissertation, as a methodical approach to mitigate the instability complication, AC microgrid stability is thoroughly investigated for each and every considerable parameter of the system. Furthermore, a specific loading limit is depicted by evaluating the stability margin from the small signal analysis of the microgrid scheme. After demonstrating all cases regarding the instability problem, the storage-based virtual impedance power compensation method is introduced to restore the system stability and literally extend the loading limit of the microgrid system. Here, a PID controller is implemented to maintain the constant terminal voltage of CPL via current injection method from storage. Since the system is highly nonlinear by nature, advanced nonlinear control techniques, such as Sliding Mode Control and Lyapunov Redesign Control technique, are implemented to control the entire nonlinear system. Robustness, noise rejection, and frequency variation are scrutinized rigorously in a virtual platform such as Matlab/Simulink with appreciable aftermaths. After that, a comparative analysis is presented between SMC and LRC controller robustness by varying CPL power. From this analysis, it is evident that Lyapunov redesign controller performs better than the previous one in retaining microgrid stability for dense CPL-loaded conditions. Finally, to ensure a robust storage system, Hybrid Energy Storage System is introduced and its advantages are discussed as extended research work

    Energy Shaping Control for Stabilization of Interconnected Voltage Source Converters in Weakly-Connected AC Microgrid Systems

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    With the ubiquitous installations of renewable energy resources such as solar and wind, for decentralized power applications across the United States, microgrids are being viewed as an avenue for achieving this goal. Various independent system operators and regional transmission operators such as Southwest Power Pool (SPP), Midcontinent System Operator (MISO), PJM Interconnection and Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manage the transmission and generation systems that host the distributed energy resources (DERs). Voltage source converters typically interconnect the DERs to the utility system and used in High voltage dc (HVDC) systems for transmitting power throughout the United States. A microgrid configuration is built at the 13.8kV 4.75MVA National Center for Reliable Energy Transmission (NCREPT) testing facility for performing grid-connected and islanded operation of interconnected voltage source converters. The interconnected voltage source converters consist of a variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) drive, which powers a regenerative (REGEN) load bench acting as a distributed energy resource emulator. Due to the weak-grid interface in islanded mode testing, a voltage instability occurs on the VVVF dc link voltage causing the system to collapse. This dissertation presents a new stability theorem for stabilizing interconnected voltage source converters in microgrid systems with weak-grid interfaces. The new stability theorem is derived using the concepts of Dirac composition in Port-Hamiltonian systems, passivity in physical systems, eigenvalue analysis and robust analysis based on the edge theorem for parametric uncertainty. The novel stability theorem aims to prove that all members of the classes of voltage source converter-based microgrid systems can be stabilized using an energy-shaping control methodology. The proposed theorems and stability analysis justifies the development of the Modified Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (Modified IDA-PBC) method to be utilized in stabilizing the microgrid configuration at NCREPT for mitigating system instabilities. The system is simulated in MATLAB/SimulinkTM using the Simpower toolbox to observe the system’s performance of the designed controller in comparison to the decoupled proportional intergral controller. The simulation results verify that the Modified-IDA-PBC is a viable option for dc bus voltage control of interconnected voltage source converters in microgrid systems

    Grid-Synchronization Stability of Converter-Based Resources - An Overview

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    Plug-and-play and coordinated control for bus-connected AC islanded microgrids

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    This paper presents a distributed control architecture for voltage and frequency stabilization in AC islanded microgrids. In the primary control layer, each generation unit is equipped with a local controller acting on the corresponding voltage-source converter. Following the plug-and-play design approach previously proposed by some of the authors, whenever the addition/removal of a distributed generation unit is required, feasibility of the operation is automatically checked by designing local controllers through convex optimization. The update of the voltage-control layer, when units plug -in/-out, is therefore automatized and stability of the microgrid is always preserved. Moreover, local control design is based only on the knowledge of parameters of power lines and it does not require to store a global microgrid model. In this work, we focus on bus-connected microgrid topologies and enhance the primary plug-and-play layer with local virtual impedance loops and secondary coordinated controllers ensuring bus voltage tracking and reactive power sharing. In particular, the secondary control architecture is distributed, hence mirroring the modularity of the primary control layer. We validate primary and secondary controllers by performing experiments with balanced, unbalanced and nonlinear loads, on a setup composed of three bus-connected distributed generation units. Most importantly, the stability of the microgrid after the addition/removal of distributed generation units is assessed. Overall, the experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed modular control design framework, where generation units can be added/removed on the fly, thus enabling the deployment of virtual power plants that can be resized over time

    Proportional derivative based stabilizing control of paralleled grid converters with cables in renewable power plants

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    Network Synchronization and Control Based on Inverse Optimality : A Study of Inverter-Based Power Generation

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    This thesis dwells upon the synthesis of system-theoretical tools to understand and control the behavior of nonlinear networked systems. This work is at the crossroads of three topics: synchronization in coupled high-order oscillators, inverse optimal control and the application of inverter-based power systems. The control and stability of power systems leverages the theoretical results obtained for synchronization in coupled high-order oscillators and inverse optimal control.First, we study the dynamics of coupled high-order nonlinear oscillators. These are characterized by their rotational invariance, meaning that their dynamics remain unchanged following a static shift of their angles. We provide sufficient conditions for local frequency synchronization based on both direct, indirect Lyapunov methods and center manifold theory. Second, we study inverse optimal control problems, embedded in networked settings. In this framework, we depart from a given stabilizing control law, with an associated control Lyapunov function and reverse engineer the cost functional to guarantee the optimality of the controller. In this way, inverse optimal control generates a whole family of optimal controllers corresponding to different cost functions. This provides analytically explicit and numerically feasible solutions in closed-form. This approach circumvents the complexity of solving partial differential equations descending from dynamic programming and Bellman's principle of optimality. We show this to be the case also in the presence of disturbances in the dynamics and the cost. In networks, the controller obtained from inverse optimal control has a topological structure (e.g., it is distributed) and thus feasible for implementation. The tuning is analogous to that of linear quadratic regulators.Third, motivated by the pressing changes witnessed by the electrical grid toward renewable energy generation, we consider power system stability and control as the main application of this thesis. In particular, we apply our theoretical findings to study a network of power electronic inverters. We first propose a controller we term the matching controller, a control strategy that, based on DC voltage measurements, endows the inverters with an oscillatory behavior at a common desired frequency. In closed-loop with the matching control, inverters can be considered as nonlinear oscillators. Our study of the dynamics of nonlinear oscillator network provides feasible physical conditions that ask for damping on DC- and AC-side of each converter, that are sufficient for system-wide frequency synchronization.Furthermore, we showcase the usefulness of inverse optimal control for inverter-based generation at two different settings to synthesize robust angle controllers with respect to common disturbances in the grid and provable stability guarantees. All the controllers proposed in this thesis, provide the electrical grid with important services, namely power support whenever needed, as well as power sharing among all inverters

    The Use of Active Elements to Reduce the Size and Weight of Passive Components in Adjustable Speed Drives

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    Double Deadbeat Plus Repetitive Control Scheme for Microgrid System

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    Parallel connection of converters is a convenient choice when system capacity is to be increased. Parallel-connected voltage source converters, especially neutral point clamped converters, are one of the best choices for its range. However, with the parallel connectivity, the converter possesses a circulating current in its legs, which consequently threatens the safe operation of the system. To alleviate this circulating current problem, in this paper, a double deadbeat (DD) plus repetitive control (RC) scheme is proposed. The RC scheme is employed to mitigate the circulating currents and the DD loop control scheme is employed to achieve a high operating bandwidth for voltage and current characteristics. Furthermore, the DD loop is associated with an adaptive controlling technique, which adjusts internally by itself and provides better performance for nonlinear loads. The proposed DD method forces the equivalent system elements to be placed outside the closed loop, which does not affect the system stability. Initially, the system has been executed with a conventional proportional + integral scheme and then with the proposed DD + RC scheme. The proposed method is verified by implementing a Simulink model in the OPAL-RT platform. Furthermore, the proposed method is built with a prototype, and its results are explored
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