10,101 research outputs found

    On the stabilization of persistently excited linear systems

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    We consider control systems of the type x˙=Ax+α(t)bu\dot x = A x +\alpha(t)bu, where uRu\in\R, (A,b)(A,b) is a controllable pair and α\alpha is an unknown time-varying signal with values in [0,1][0,1] satisfying a persistent excitation condition i.e., \int_t^{t+T}\al(s)ds\geq \mu for every t0t\geq 0, with 0<μT0<\mu\leq T independent on tt. We prove that such a system is stabilizable with a linear feedback depending only on the pair (T,μ)(T,\mu) if the eigenvalues of AA have non-positive real part. We also show that stabilizability does not hold for arbitrary matrices AA. Moreover, the question of whether the system can be stabilized or not with an arbitrarily large rate of convergence gives rise to a bifurcation phenomenon in dependence of the parameter μ/T\mu/T

    Bimeron nanoconfined design

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    We report on the stabilization of the topological bimeron excitations in confined geometries. The Monte Carlo simulations for a ferromagnet with a strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction revealed the formation of a mixed skyrmion-bimeron phase. The vacancy grid created in the spin lattice drastically changes the picture of the topological excitations and allows one to choose between the formation of a pure bimeron and skyrmion lattice. We found that the rhombic plaquette provides a natural environment for stabilization of the bimeron excitations. Such a rhombic geometry can protect the topological state even in the absence of the magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    A characterization of switched linear control systems with finite L 2 -gain

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    Motivated by an open problem posed by J.P. Hespanha, we extend the notion of Barabanov norm and extremal trajectory to classes of switching signals that are not closed under concatenation. We use these tools to prove that the finiteness of the L2-gain is equivalent, for a large set of switched linear control systems, to the condition that the generalized spectral radius associated with any minimal realization of the original switched system is smaller than one