26 research outputs found

    Stability analysis of fractional differential equations with unknown parameters

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    In this paper, the stability of fractional differential equations (FDEs) with unknown parameters is studied. Using the graphical based D-decomposition method, the parametric stability analysis of FDEs is investigated without complicated mathematical analysis. To achieve this, stability boundaries are obtained firstly by a conformal mapping from s-plane to parameter space composed by unknown parameters of FDEs, and then the stability region set depending on the unknown parameters is found. The applicability of the presented method is shown considering some benchmark equations, which are often used to verify the results of a new method. Simulation examples show that the method is simple and give reliable stability results. &nbsp

    Stability of systems of fractional-order differential equations with caputo derivatives

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    Systems of fractional-order differential equations present stability properties which differ in a substantial way from those of systems of integer order. In this paper, a detailed analysis of the stability of linear systems of fractional differential equations with Caputo derivative is proposed. Starting from the well-known Matignon’s results on stability of single-order systems, for which a different proof is provided together with a clarification of a limit case, the investigation is moved towards multi-order systems as well. Due to the key role of the Mittag–Leffler function played in representing the solution of linear systems of FDEs, a detailed analysis of the asymptotic behavior of this function and of its derivatives is also proposed. Some numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the main results

    Robust stability of fractional-order linear time-invariant systems: Parametric versus Unstructured Uncertainty Models

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    The main aim of this paper is to present and compare three approaches to uncertainty modeling and robust stability analysis for fractional-order (FO) linear time-invariant (LTI) single-input single-output (SISO) uncertain systems. The investigated objects are described either via FO models with parametric uncertainty, by means of FO unstructured multiplicative uncertainty models, or through FO unstructured additive uncertainty models, while the unstructured models are constructed on the basis of appropriate selection of a nominal plant and a weight function. Robust stability investigation for systems with parametric uncertainty uses the combination of plotting the value sets and application of the zero exclusion condition. For the case of systems with unstructured uncertainty, the graphical interpretation of the utilized robust stability test is based mainly on the envelopes of the Nyquist diagrams. The theoretical foundations are followed by two extensive, illustrative examples where the plant models are created; the robust stability of feedback control loops is analyzed, and obtained results are discussed.European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech Instrumentation [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)

    Stability of fractional order systems

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    The theory and applications of fractional calculus (FC) had a considerable progress during the last years. Dynamical systems and control are one of the most active areas, and several authors focused on the stability of fractional order systems. Nevertheless, due to the multitude of efforts in a short period of time, contributions are scattered along the literature, and it becomes difficult for researchers to have a complete and systematic picture of the present day knowledge. This paper is an attempt to overcome this situation by reviewing the state of the art and putting this topic in a systematic form. While the problem is formulated with rigour, from the mathematical point of view, the exposition intends to be easy to read by the applied researchers. Different types of systems are considered, namely, linear/nonlinear, positive, with delay, distributed, and continuous/discrete. Several possible routes of future progress that emerge are also tackled

    Uniform Stability of a Class of Fractional-Order Nonautonomous Systems with Multiple Time Delays

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    In mathematics, to a large extent, control theory addresses the stability of solutions of differential equations, which can describe the behavior of dynamic systems. In this paper, a class of fractional-order nonautonomous systems with multiple time delays modeled by differential equations is considered. A sufficient condition is established for the existence and uniqueness of solutions for such systems involving Caputo fractional derivative, and the uniform stability of solution is studied. At last, two examples are given to demonstrate the applicability of our results

    Kalman filter and variants for estimation in 2DOF serial flexible link and joint using fractional order PID controller

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    Robotic manipulators have been widely used in industries, mainly to move tools into different specific positions. Thus, it has become necessary to have accurate knowledge about the tool position using forward kinematics after accessing the angular locations of limbs. This paper presents a simulation study in which an encoder attached to the limbs gathers information about the angular positions. The measured angles are applied to the Kalman Filter (KF) and its variants for state estimation. This work focuses on the use of fractional order controllers with a Two Degree of Freedom Serial Flexible Links (2DSFL) and Two Degree of Freedom Serial Flexible Joint (2DSFJ) and undertakes simulations with noise and a square wave as input. The fractional order controllers fit better with the system properties than integer order controllers. The KF and its variants use an unknown and assumed process and measurement noise matrices to predict the actual data. An optimisation problem is proposed to achieve reasonable estimations with the updated covariance matrices.Web of Science1115art. no. 669