3 research outputs found

    Bifurkasi Hopf pada Model Lotka-Volterra Orde-Fraksional dengan Efek Allee Aditif pada Predator

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    This article aims to study the dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with Allee effect in predator. According to the biological condition, the Caputo fractional-order derivative is chosen as its operator. The analysis is started by identifying the existence, uniqueness, and non-negativity of the solution. Furthermore, the existence of equilibrium points and their stability is investigated. It has shown that the model has two equilibrium points namely both populations extinction point which is always a saddle point, and a conditionally stable co-existence point, both locally and globally. One of the interesting phenomena is the occurrence of Hopf bifurcation driven by the order of derivative. Finally, the numerical simulations are given to validate previous theoretical results

    The dynamics of a delayed generalized fractional-order biological networks with predation behavior and material cycle

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    In this paper, a delayed generalized fractional-order biological networks with predation behavior and material cycle is comprehensively discussed. Some criteria of stability and bifurcation for the present system is presented. Moreover some results of two delays are obtained. Finally, some numerical simulations are presented to support the analytical results