44 research outputs found

    Effect of Prey Refuge and Harvesting on Dynamics of Eco-epidemiological Model with Holling Type III

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    In this research, we formulate and analyze an eco-epidemiology model of the modified Leslie-Gower model with Holling type III by incorporating prey refuge and harvesting. In the model, we find at most six equilibrium where three equilibrium points are unstable and three equilibrium points are locally asymptotically stable. Furthermore, we find an interesting phenomenon, namely our model undergoes Hopf bifurcation at the interior equilibrium point by selecting refuge as the bifurcation parameter. Moreover, we also conclude that the stability of all populations occurs faster when the harvesting rate increases.  In the end, several numerical solutions are presented to check the analytical results

    Estabilidad de un modelo depredador-presa tipo Leslie Gower con un efecto Allee fuerte con retardo

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    In this paper, a modified Leslie-Gower type predator-prey model introducing in prey population growth a delayed strong Allee effect is studied. Estabilidad de un modelo depredador-presa tipo Leslie Gower con un efecto Allee fuerte con retardo The Leslie-Gower model with Allee effect has none, one or two positive equilibrium points but the incorporation of a time delay in the growth rate destabilizes the system, breaking the stability when the delay cross a critical point. The existence of a Hopf bifurcation is studied in detail and the numerical simulations confirm the theoretical results showing the different scenarios. We present biological interpretations for species prey-predator type.En este trabajo se estudia un modelo depredador-presa del tipo Leslie-Gower modificado que introduce en el crecimiento de la población de presas un fuerte efecto Allee retardado.El modelo Leslie-Gower con efecto Allee no tiene ninguno, uno o dos puntos de equilibrio positivos, pero la incorporación de un retardo temporal en la tasa de crecimiento desestabiliza el sistema, rompiendo la estabilidad cuando el retardo cruza un punto crítico. Se estudia en detalle la existencia de una bifurcación de Hopf y las simulaciones numéricas confirman los resultados teóricos mostrando los diferentes escenarios. Presentamos interpretaciones biológicas para especies de tipo presa-predado

    Dynamics of a stage–structure Rosenzweig–MacArthur model with linear harvesting in prey and cannibalism in predator

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    A kind of stage-structure Rosenzweig–MacArthur model with linear harvesting in prey and cannibalism in predator is investigated in this paper. By analyzing the model, local stability of all possible equilibrium points is discussed. Moreover, the model undergoes a Hopf–bifurcation around the interior equilibrium point. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate our main results

    Impact of alternative food on predator diet in a Leslie-Gower model with prey refuge and Holling Ⅱ functional response

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    Since certain prey hide from predators to protect themselves within their habitats, predators are forced to change their diet due to a lack of prey for consumption, or on the contrary, subsist only with alternative food provided by the environment. Therefore, in this paper, we propose and mathematically contrast a predator-prey, where alternative food for predators is either considered or not when the prey population size is above the refuge threshold size. Since the model with no alternative food for predators has a Hopf bifurcation and a transcritical bifurcation, in addition to a stable limit cycle surrounding the unique interior equilibrium, such bifurcation cases are transferred to the model when considering alternative food for predators when the prey size is above the refuge. However, such a model has two saddle-node bifurcations and a homoclinic bifurcation, characterized by a homoclinic curve surrounding one of the three interior equilibrium points of the model

    Dynamics of prey–predator model with strong and weak Allee effect in the prey with gestation delay

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    This study proposes two prey–predator models with strong and weak Allee effects in prey population with Crowley–Martin functional response. Further, gestation delay of the predator population is introduced in both the models. We discussed the boundedness, local stability and Hopf-bifurcation of both nondelayed and delayed systems. The stability and direction of Hopfbifurcation is also analyzed by using Normal form theory and Center manifold theory. It is shown that species in the model with strong Allee effect become extinct beyond a threshold value of Allee parameter at low density of prey population, whereas species never become extinct in weak Allee effect if they are initially present. It is also shown that gestation delay is unable to avoiding the status of extinction. Lastly, numerical simulation is conducted to verify the theoretical findings.&nbsp

    A Fractional-Order Predator-Prey Model with Age Structure on Predator and Nonlinear Harvesting on Prey

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    In this manuscript, the dynamics of a fractional-order predator-prey model with age structure on predator and nonlinear harvesting on prey are studied. The Caputo fractional-order derivative is used as the operator of the model by considering its capability to explain the present state as the impact of all of the previous conditions. Three biological equilibrium points are successfully identified including their existing properties. The local dynamical behaviors around each equilibrium point are investigated by utilizing the Matignon condition along with the linearization process. The numerical simulations are demonstrated not only to show the local stability which confirms all of the previous analytical results but also to show the existence of periodic signal as the impact of the occurrence of Hopf bifurcation

    Complex Dynamical Behavior of a Predator-Prey System with Group Defense

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    A diffusive predator-prey system with prey refuge is studied analytically and numerically. The Turing bifurcation is analyzed in detail, which in turn provides a theoretical basis for the numerical simulation. The influence of prey refuge and group defense on the equilibrium density and patterns of species under the condition of Turing instability is explored by numerical simulations, and this shows that the prey refuge and group defense have an important effect on the equilibrium density and patterns of species. Moreover, it can be obtained that the distributions of species are more sensitive to group defense than prey refuge. These results are expected to be of significance in exploration for the spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystems

    Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Fear on the Harvested Modified Leslie-Gower Model

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    A modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with a Beddington-DeAngelis functional response is proposed and studied. The purpose is to examine the effects of fear and quadratic fixed effort harvesting on the system's dynamic behavior. The model's qualitative properties, such as local equilibria stability, permanence, and global stability, are examined. The analysis of local bifurcation has been studied. It is discovered that the system experiences a saddle-node bifurcation at the survival equilibrium point whereas a transcritical bifurcation occurs at the boundary equilibrium point. Additionally established are the prerequisites for Hopf bifurcation existence. Finally, using MATLAB, a numerical investigation is conducted to verify the validity of the theoretical analysis and visualize the model dynamics.

    Stability and bifurcation analysis of a discrete predator-prey system of Ricker type with refuge effect

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    The refuge effect is critical in ecosystems for stabilizing predator-prey interactions. The purpose of this research was to investigate the complexities of a discrete-time predator-prey system with a refuge effect. The analysis investigated the presence and stability of fixed points, as well as period-doubling and Neimark-Sacker (NS) bifurcations. The bifurcating and fluctuating behavior of the system was controlled via feedback and hybrid control methods. In addition, numerical simulations were performed as evidence to back up our theoretical findings. According to our findings, maintaining an optimal level of refuge availability was critical for predator and prey population cohabitation and stability