8,478 research outputs found

    Event-based recursive distributed filtering over wireless sensor networks

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    In this technical note, the distributed filtering problem is investigated for a class of discrete time-varying systems with an event-based communication mechanism. Each intelligent sensor node transmits the data to its neighbors only when the local innovation violates a predetermined Send-on-Delta (SoD) data transmission condition. The aim of the proposed problem is to construct a distributed filter for each sensor node subject to sporadic communications over wireless networks. In terms of an event indicator variable, the triggering information is utilized so as to reduce the conservatism in the filter analysis. An upper bound for the filtering error covariance is obtained in form of Riccati-like difference equations by utilizing the inductive method. Subsequently, such an upper bound is minimized by appropriately designing the filter parameters iteratively, where a novel matrix simplification technique is developed to handle the challenges resulting from the sparseness of the sensor network topology and filter structure preserving issues. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is illustrated by a numerical simulation.This work is supported by National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under Grant 2010CB731800, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61210012, 61290324, 61473163 and 61273156, and Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of E-business at Nanjing University of Jiangsu and Economics of China under Grant JSEB201301

    Robustness of event-based discrete PI controllers. A sampled describing function approach

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    Ponencia presentada en IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 2796-2801In this paper we present a study about the robustness of event-based discrete PI controllers.Our approach is based on Sampled Describing Function technique, which has been used tocharacterize the non-linear effect of the Symmetric Send on Delta (SSOD) sampling strategy onthe control loop. Through several examples this technique is proven to produce accurate resultsin predicting limit cycle oscillations and to provid

    A new method for tuning PI controllers with symmetric send-on-delta sampling strategy

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    In this paper we present a new method for tuning PI controllers with symmetric send-on-delta (SSOD) sampling strategy. First we analyze the conditions that produce oscillations in event based systems considering SSOD sampling strategy. The Describing Function is the tool used to address the problem. Once the conditions for oscillations are established, a new robustness to oscillation performance measure is introduced which entails with the concept of phase margin, one of the most traditional measures of relative stability in closed-loop control systems. Therefore, the application of the proposed robustness measure is easy and intuitive. The method is tested by both simulations and experiments. Additionally, a Java application has been developed to aid in the design according to the results presented in the paper.This work has been supported by the MICINN under grant DPI2011-27845-C02–02

    Tuning and robustness analysis of event-based PID controllers under different event generation strategies

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    In this article, we propose practical rules for tuning event-based PID controllers with two sampling strategies: symmetric send-on-delta (SSOD) and regular quantification (RQ). We present a detailed analysis about the effect of the derivative term of the controller when using SSOD or RQ and some guide lines are given to select the derivative filter coefficient. The two sampling strategies are compared, showing that, even when both of them lead to similar controlled output response, systems with RQ have better robustness properties than those with SSOD. The study is based on the describing function and the results are applicable to process with dynamic responses of different types: with time delays, non-minimum phase, under-damped response, etc. The rules presented here are given in terms of phase and gain margins that are measures of robustness used in the design of continuous PID controllers. This allows the application of conventional PID tuning methods to the case of event-based PID. The tuning rules are very simple and can be used for tuning PID, PI, PD and other controller structures.This work has been supported by MICINN project number TEC2015-69155-R from the Spanish government, project number P1-1B2015-42 and grant PI15734 from Universitat Jaume I

    Event-triggered Learning

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    The efficient exchange of information is an essential aspect of intelligent collective behavior. Event-triggered control and estimation achieve some efficiency by replacing continuous data exchange between agents with intermittent, or event-triggered communication. Typically, model-based predictions are used at times of no data transmission, and updates are sent only when the prediction error grows too large. The effectiveness in reducing communication thus strongly depends on the quality of the prediction model. In this article, we propose event-triggered learning as a novel concept to reduce communication even further and to also adapt to changing dynamics. By monitoring the actual communication rate and comparing it to the one that is induced by the model, we detect a mismatch between model and reality and trigger model learning when needed. Specifically, for linear Gaussian dynamics, we derive different classes of learning triggers solely based on a statistical analysis of inter-communication times and formally prove their effectiveness with the aid of concentration inequalities

    Design of Event-Triggered Fault-Tolerant Control for Stochastic Systems with Time-Delays

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    This paper proposes two novel, event-triggered fault-tolerant control strategies for a class of stochastic systems with state delays. The plant is disturbed by a Gaussian process, actuator faults, and unknown disturbances. First, a special case about fault signals that are coupled to the unknown disturbances is discussed, and then a fault-tolerant strategy is designed based on an event condition on system states. Subsequently, a send-on-delta transmission framework is established to deal with the problem of fault-tolerant control strategy against fault signals separated from the external disturbances. Two criteria are provided to design feedback controllers in order to guarantee that the systems are exponentially mean-square stable, and the corresponding H∞-norm disturbance attenuation levels are achieved. Two theorems were obtained by synthesizing the feedback control gains and the desired event conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Finally, two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results

    Regular quantisation with hysteresis: a new sampling strategy for event-based PID control systems

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    In this study, a new sampling strategy for networked control systems, called regular quantification with hysteresis (RQH), is proposed. This alternative presents some benefits with respect to symmetric-send-on-delta sampling, which is one of the most used strategies in the event-based proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control loops. The behaviour of the RQH is defined by two parameters, the signal quantification and hysteresis, whose effect on the overall system performance is studied and guidelines about its choice are given in terms of noise measurement and steady-state error. The limit cycle oscillations that could be induced by this sampling strategy are studied and new robustness measures to avoid them are proposed based on the describing function approach. The suitability of some tuning rules for continuous PI when applied to control systems with a RQH sampling is evaluated using the proposed measures. The results show that these tuning rules can be applied under certain conditions
