41,546 research outputs found

    Quasi-periodic motions in dynamical systems. Review of a renormalisation group approach

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    Power series expansions naturally arise whenever solutions of ordinary differential equations are studied in the regime of perturbation theory. In the case of quasi-periodic solutions the issue of convergence of the series is plagued of the so-called small divisor problem. In this paper we review a method recently introduced to deal with such a problem, based on renormalisation group ideas and multiscale techniques. Applications to both quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems (KAM theory) and non-Hamiltonian dissipative systems are discussed. The method is also suited to situations in which the perturbation series diverges and a resummation procedure can be envisaged, leading to a solution which is not analytic in the perturbation parameter: we consider explicitly examples of solutions which are only infinitely differentiable in the perturbation parameter, or even defined on a Cantor set.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, review articl

    The partition function zeroes of quantum critical points

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    The Lee–Yang theorem for the zeroes of the partition function is not strictly applicable to quantum systems because the zeroes are defined in units of the fugacity ehΔτ, and the Euclidean-time lattice spacing Δτ can be divergent in the infrared (IR). We recently presented analytic arguments describing how a new space-Euclidean time zeroes expansion can be defined, which reproduces Lee and Yang's scaling but avoids the unresolved branch points associated with the breaking of nonlocal symmetries such as Parity. We now present a first numerical analysis for this new zeroes approach for a quantum spin chain system. We use our scheme to quantify the renormalization group flow of the physical lattice couplings to the IR fixed point of this system. We argue that the generic Finite-Size Scaling (FSS) function of our scheme is identically the entanglement entropy of the lattice partition function and, therefore, that we are able to directly extract the central charge, c, of the quantum spin chain system using conformal predictions for the scaling of the entanglement entropy

    Linear stability in networks of pulse-coupled neurons

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    In a first step towards the comprehension of neural activity, one should focus on the stability of the various dynamical states. Even the characterization of idealized regimes, such as a perfectly periodic spiking activity, reveals unexpected difficulties. In this paper we discuss a general approach to linear stability of pulse-coupled neural networks for generic phase-response curves and post-synaptic response functions. In particular, we present: (i) a mean-field approach developed under the hypothesis of an infinite network and small synaptic conductances; (ii) a "microscopic" approach which applies to finite but large networks. As a result, we find that no matter how large is a neural network, its response to most of the perturbations depends on the system size. There exists, however, also a second class of perturbations, whose evolution typically covers an increasingly wide range of time scales. The analysis of perfectly regular, asynchronous, states reveals that their stability depends crucially on the smoothness of both the phase-response curve and the transmitted post-synaptic pulse. The general validity of this scenarion is confirmed by numerical simulations of systems that are not amenable to a perturbative approach.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Frontiers in Computational Neuroscienc

    Superheat: An R package for creating beautiful and extendable heatmaps for visualizing complex data

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    The technological advancements of the modern era have enabled the collection of huge amounts of data in science and beyond. Extracting useful information from such massive datasets is an ongoing challenge as traditional data visualization tools typically do not scale well in high-dimensional settings. An existing visualization technique that is particularly well suited to visualizing large datasets is the heatmap. Although heatmaps are extremely popular in fields such as bioinformatics for visualizing large gene expression datasets, they remain a severely underutilized visualization tool in modern data analysis. In this paper we introduce superheat, a new R package that provides an extremely flexible and customizable platform for visualizing large datasets using extendable heatmaps. Superheat enhances the traditional heatmap by providing a platform to visualize a wide range of data types simultaneously, adding to the heatmap a response variable as a scatterplot, model results as boxplots, correlation information as barplots, text information, and more. Superheat allows the user to explore their data to greater depths and to take advantage of the heterogeneity present in the data to inform analysis decisions. The goal of this paper is two-fold: (1) to demonstrate the potential of the heatmap as a default visualization method for a wide range of data types using reproducible examples, and (2) to highlight the customizability and ease of implementation of the superheat package in R for creating beautiful and extendable heatmaps. The capabilities and fundamental applicability of the superheat package will be explored via three case studies, each based on publicly available data sources and accompanied by a file outlining the step-by-step analytic pipeline (with code).Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Power spectrum of the maxBCG sample: detection of acoustic oscillations using galaxy clusters

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    We use the direct Fourier method to calculate the redshift-space power spectrum of the maxBCG cluster catalog -- currently by far the largest existing galaxy cluster sample. The total number of clusters used in our analysis is 12,616. After accounting for the radial smearing effect caused by photometric redshift errors and also introducing a simple treatment for the nonlinear effects, we show that currently favored low matter density "concordance" LCDM cosmology provides a very good fit to the estimated power. Thanks to the large volume (~0.4 h^{-3}Gpc^{3}), high clustering amplitude (linear effective bias parameter b_{eff} ~3x(0.85/sigma_8)), and sufficiently high sampling density (~3x10^{-5} h^{3}Mpc^{-3}) the recovered power spectrum has high enough signal to noise to allow us to find evidence (~2 sigma CL) for the baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO). In case the clusters are additionally weighted by their richness the resulting power spectrum has slightly higher large-scale amplitude and smaller damping on small scales. As a result the confidence level for the BAO detection is somewhat increased: ~2.5 sigma. The ability to detect BAO with relatively small number of clusters is encouraging in the light of several proposed large cluster surveys.Comment: MNRAS accepted, extended analysis of arXiv:0705.1843, 15 page

    Periodicity Manifestations in the Turbulent Regime of Globally Coupled Map Lattice

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    We revisit the globally coupled map lattice (GCML). We show that in the so called turbulent regime various periodic cluster attractor states are formed even though the coupling between the maps are very small relative to the non-linearity in the element maps. Most outstanding is a maximally symmetric three cluster attractor in period three motion (MSCA) due to the foliation of the period three window of the element logistic maps. An analytic approach is proposed which explains successfully the systematics of various periodicity manifestations in the turbulent regime. The linear stability of the period three cluster attractors is investigated.Comment: 34 pages, 8 Postscript figures, all in GCML-MSCA.Zi

    Convergence results for projected line-search methods on varieties of low-rank matrices via \L{}ojasiewicz inequality

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    The aim of this paper is to derive convergence results for projected line-search methods on the real-algebraic variety M≤k\mathcal{M}_{\le k} of real m×nm \times n matrices of rank at most kk. Such methods extend Riemannian optimization methods, which are successfully used on the smooth manifold Mk\mathcal{M}_k of rank-kk matrices, to its closure by taking steps along gradient-related directions in the tangent cone, and afterwards projecting back to M≤k\mathcal{M}_{\le k}. Considering such a method circumvents the difficulties which arise from the nonclosedness and the unbounded curvature of Mk\mathcal{M}_k. The pointwise convergence is obtained for real-analytic functions on the basis of a \L{}ojasiewicz inequality for the projection of the antigradient to the tangent cone. If the derived limit point lies on the smooth part of M≤k\mathcal{M}_{\le k}, i.e. in Mk\mathcal{M}_k, this boils down to more or less known results, but with the benefit that asymptotic convergence rate estimates (for specific step-sizes) can be obtained without an a priori curvature bound, simply from the fact that the limit lies on a smooth manifold. At the same time, one can give a convincing justification for assuming critical points to lie in Mk\mathcal{M}_k: if XX is a critical point of ff on M≤k\mathcal{M}_{\le k}, then either XX has rank kk, or ∇f(X)=0\nabla f(X) = 0

    Steady-state stabilization due to random delays in maps with self-feedback loops and in globally delayed-coupled maps

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    We study the stability of the fixed-point solution of an array of mutually coupled logistic maps, focusing on the influence of the delay times, Ï„ij\tau_{ij}, of the interaction between the iith and jjth maps. Two of us recently reported [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 94}, 134102 (2005)] that if Ï„ij\tau_{ij} are random enough the array synchronizes in a spatially homogeneous steady state. Here we study this behavior by comparing the dynamics of a map of an array of NN delayed-coupled maps with the dynamics of a map with NN self-feedback delayed loops. If NN is sufficiently large, the dynamics of a map of the array is similar to the dynamics of a map with self-feedback loops with the same delay times. Several delayed loops stabilize the fixed point, when the delays are not the same; however, the distribution of delays plays a key role: if the delays are all odd a periodic orbit (and not the fixed point) is stabilized. We present a linear stability analysis and apply some mathematical theorems that explain the numerical results.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, important changes (title changed, discussion, figures, and references added
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