111 research outputs found

    Survey and Benchmark of Block Ciphers for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cryptographic algorithms play an important role in the security architecture of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Choosing the most storage- and energy-efficient block cipher is essential, due to the facts that these networks are meant to operate without human intervention for a long period of time with little energy supply, and that available storage is scarce on these sensor nodes. However, to our knowledge, no systematic work has been done in this area so far.We construct an evaluation framework in which we first identify the candidates of block ciphers suitable for WSNs, based on existing literature and authoritative recommendations. For evaluating and assessing these candidates, we not only consider the security properties but also the storage- and energy-efficiency of the candidates. Finally, based on the evaluation results, we select the most suitable ciphers for WSNs, namely Skipjack, MISTY1, and Rijndael, depending on the combination of available memory and required security (energy efficiency being implicit). In terms of operation mode, we recommend Output Feedback Mode for pairwise links but Cipher Block Chaining for group communications

    New results on the genetic cryptanalysis of TEA and reduced-round versions of XTEA

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    Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Portland, USA, 19-23 June 2004Recently, a simple way of creating very efficient distinguishers for cryptographic primitives such as block ciphers or hash functions, was presented by the authors. Here, this cryptanalysis attack is shown to be successful when applied over reduced round versions of the block cipher XTEA. Additionally, a variant of this genetic attack is introduced and its results over TEA shown to be the most powerful published to date

    Square attack against reduced variants of rijndael

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    Integrals go Statistical: Cryptanalysis of Full Skipjack Variants

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    Integral attacks form a powerful class of cryptanalytic techniques that have been widely used in the security analysis of block ciphers. The integral distinguishers are based on balanced properties holding with probability one. To obtain a distinguisher covering more rounds, an attacker will normally increase the data complexity by iterating through more plaintexts with a given structure under the strict limitation of the full codebook. On the other hand, an integral property can only be deterministically verified if the plaintexts cover all possible values of a bit selection. These circumstances have somehow restrained the applications of integral cryptanalysis. In this paper, we aim to address these limitations and propose a novel \emph{statistical integral distinguisher} where only a part of value sets for these input bit selections are taken into consideration instead of all possible values. This enables us to achieve significantly lower data complexities for our statistical integral distinguisher as compared to those of traditional integral distinguisher. As an illustration, we successfully attack the full-round Skipjack-BABABABA for the first time, which is the variant of NSA\u27s Skipjack block cipher

    SoK: Security Evaluation of SBox-Based Block Ciphers

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    Cryptanalysis of block ciphers is an active and important research area with an extensive volume of literature. For this work, we focus on SBox-based ciphers, as they are widely used and cover a large class of block ciphers. While there have been prior works that have consolidated attacks on block ciphers, they usually focus on describing and listing the attacks. Moreover, the methods for evaluating a cipher\u27s security are often ad hoc, differing from cipher to cipher, as attacks and evaluation techniques are developed along the way. As such, we aim to organise the attack literature, as well as the work on security evaluation. In this work, we present a systematization of cryptanalysis of SBox-based block ciphers focusing on three main areas: (1) Evaluation of block ciphers against standard cryptanalytic attacks; (2) Organisation and relationships between various attacks; (3) Comparison of the evaluation and attacks on existing ciphers

    The (related-key) impossible boomerang attack and its application to the AES block cipher

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    The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a 128-bit block cipher with a user key of 128, 192 or 256 bits, released by NIST in 2001 as the next-generation data encryption standard for use in the USA. It was adopted as an ISO international standard in 2005. Impossible differential cryptanalysis and the boomerang attack are powerful variants of differential cryptanalysis for analysing the security of a block cipher. In this paper, building on the notions of impossible differential cryptanalysis and the boomerang attack, we propose a new cryptanalytic technique, which we call the impossible boomerang attack, and then describe an extension of this attack which applies in a related-key attack scenario. Finally, we apply the impossible boomerang attack to break 6-round AES with 128 key bits and 7-round AES with 192/256 key bits, and using two related keys we apply the related-key impossible boomerang attack to break 8-round AES with 192 key bits and 9-round AES with 256 key bits. In the two-key related-key attack scenario, our results, which were the first to achieve this amount of attacked rounds, match the best currently known results for AES with 192/256 key bits in terms of the numbers of attacked rounds. The (related-key) impossible boomerang attack is a general cryptanalytic technique, and can potentially be used to cryptanalyse other block ciphers

    Cryptanalysis, Reverse-Engineering and Design of Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms

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    In this thesis, I present the research I did with my co-authors on several aspects of symmetric cryptography from May 2013 to December 2016, that is, when I was a PhD student at the university of Luxembourg under the supervision of Alex Biryukov. My research has spanned three different areas of symmetric cryptography. In Part I of this thesis, I present my work on lightweight cryptography. This field of study investigates the cryptographic algorithms that are suitable for very constrained devices with little computing power such as RFID tags and small embedded processors such as those used in sensor networks. Many such algorithms have been proposed recently, as evidenced by the survey I co-authored on this topic. I present this survey along with attacks against three of those algorithms, namely GLUON, PRINCE and TWINE. I also introduce a new lightweight block cipher called SPARX which was designed using a new method to justify its security: the Long Trail Strategy. Part II is devoted to S-Box reverse-engineering, a field of study investigating the methods recovering the hidden structure or the design criteria used to build an S-Box. I co-invented several such methods: a statistical analysis of the differential and linear properties which was applied successfully to the S-Box of the NSA block cipher Skipjack, a structural attack against Feistel networks called the yoyo game and the TU-decomposition. This last technique allowed us to decompose the S-Box of the last Russian standard block cipher and hash function as well as the only known solution to the APN problem, a long-standing open question in mathematics. Finally, Part III presents a unifying view of several fields of symmetric cryptography by interpreting them as purposefully hard. Indeed, several cryptographic algorithms are designed so as to maximize the code size, RAM consumption or time taken by their implementations. By providing a unique framework describing all such design goals, we could design modes of operations for building any symmetric primitive with any form of hardness by combining secure cryptographic building blocks with simple functions with the desired form of hardness called plugs. Alex Biryukov and I also showed that it is possible to build plugs with an asymmetric hardness whereby the knowledge of a secret key allows the privileged user to bypass the hardness of the primitive

    A Salad of Block Ciphers

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    This book is a survey on the state of the art in block cipher design and analysis. It is work in progress, and it has been for the good part of the last three years -- sadly, for various reasons no significant change has been made during the last twelve months. However, it is also in a self-contained, useable, and relatively polished state, and for this reason I have decided to release this \textit{snapshot} onto the public as a service to the cryptographic community, both in order to obtain feedback, and also as a means to give something back to the community from which I have learned much. At some point I will produce a final version -- whatever being a ``final version\u27\u27 means in the constantly evolving field of block cipher design -- and I will publish it. In the meantime I hope the material contained here will be useful to other people

    Hypothesis testing and advanced distinguishers in differential cryptanalysis of block ciphers

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    Distinguishing distributions is a major part during cryptanalysis of symmetric block ciphers. The goal of the cryptanalyst is to distinguish two distributions; one that characterizes the number of certain events which occur totally at random and another one that characterizes same type of events but due to propagation inside the cipher. This can be realized as a hypothesis testing problem, where a source is used to generate independent random samples in some given finite set with some distribution P, which is either R or W, corresponding to propagation inside the cipher or a random permutation respectively. Distinguisher’s goal is to determine which one is most likely the one which was used to generate the sample. In this paper, we study a general hypothesis-testing based approach to construct statistical distinguishers using truncated differential properties. The observable variable in our case is the expected number of pairs that follow a certain truncated differential property of the form ΔX → ΔY after a certain number of rounds. As a proof of concept, we apply this methodology to GOST and SIMON 64/128 block ciphers and present distinguishers on 20 and 22 rounds respectivel