120 research outputs found

    A study of low force fabric characteristics and vibrational behaviour for automated garment handling

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    One of the fundamental concepts in automated garment assembly is that the orientation of a fabric panel should never be lost. However, if a panel does become distorted, several techniques, such as vision, air flotation tables, and vibratory conveyors are available to restore the orientation. This thesis has investigated the behaviour of a fabric panel on a vibratory table. Several table parameters such as amplitude of vibration, frequency and angle of inclination, together with some important fabric properties as friction and compressibility are required to understand the behaviour. However, most work on friction in textiles considers fibre-fibre or fabric-fabric friction, which is not appropriate to this and so low force frictional properties between unloaded fabric and engineering surfaces (i.e., aluminium, Formica and rubber) have been studied. The influence of several experimental variables on friction is demonstrated, in particular, the effect of humidity and velocity. Further, an in depth study is made on the stick-slip of fabric panels wherein a novel measuring technique is introduced. An estimate of the damping, which is required to model the fabric, has been obtained from an in-plane vibration test.The second significant fabric property to be studied is the compression both static and impact. Again, only low-force compression tests are carried out since these are the typical forces experienced by fabrics on a vibrating table. The static compressibility of knitted and woven materials is verified with van Wvk's equation. which gives a near indistinguishable fit with the experimental data

    A Functional, Comprehensive and Extensible Multi-Platform Querying and Transformation Approach

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    This thesis is about a new model querying and transformation approach called FunnyQT which is realized as a set of APIs and embedded domain-specific languages (DSLs) in the JVM-based functional Lisp-dialect Clojure. Founded on a powerful model management API, FunnyQT provides querying services such as comprehensions, quantified expressions, regular path expressions, logic-based, relational model querying, and pattern matching. On the transformation side, it supports the definition of unidirectional model-to-model transformations, of in-place transformations, it supports defining bidirectional transformations, and it supports a new kind of co-evolution transformations that allow for evolving a model together with its metamodel simultaneously. Several properties make FunnyQT unique. Foremost, it is just a Clojure library, thus, FunnyQT queries and transformations are Clojure programs. However, most higher-level services are provided as task-oriented embedded DSLs which use Clojure's powerful macro-system to support the user with tailor-made language constructs important for the task at hand. Since queries and transformations are just Clojure programs, they may use any Clojure or Java library for their own purpose, e.g., they may use some templating library for defining model-to-text transformations. Conversely, like every Clojure program, FunnyQT queries and transformations compile to normal JVM byte-code and can easily be called from other JVM languages. Furthermore, FunnyQT is platform-independent and designed with extensibility in mind. By default, it supports the Eclipse Modeling Framework and JGraLab, and support for other modeling frameworks can be added with minimal effort and without having to modify the respective framework's classes or FunnyQT itself. Lastly, because FunnyQT is embedded in a functional language, it has a functional emphasis itself. Every query and every transformation compiles to a function which can be passed around, given to higher-order functions, or be parametrized with other functions

    Feasibility study for a numerical aerodynamic simulation facility. Volume 1

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    A Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Facility (NASF) was designed for the simulation of fluid flow around three-dimensional bodies, both in wind tunnel environments and in free space. The application of numerical simulation to this field of endeavor promised to yield economies in aerodynamic and aircraft body designs. A model for a NASF/FMP (Flow Model Processor) ensemble using a possible approach to meeting NASF goals is presented. The computer hardware and software are presented, along with the entire design and performance analysis and evaluation

    Visual dysfunction : a contributing factor in memory deficits, and therefore learning difficulties?

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    This thesis is based on Educational Therapy (ET) practice which has found eye muscle imbalance is a key factor to be addressed in management of learning difficulties (LD). This level of oculo-motor (o-m) function is a \u27hidden\u27 handicap as individuals are unaware of the problem; it is not routinely tested; and is not generally included in learning difficulties research. O-m function is omitted in standard paediatric optometry tests, and in school vision screening. Eye exercises increase the range of binocular fields of vision by employing stereopsis glasses and red/green slides. Central vision loss was uncovered when students reported words, seen by only the right eye, disappear or switch on and off . When the left eye was covered, right eye vision returned but was lost again with binocular vision, even though larger shapes on the screen remained complete. In effect, global vision was unaffected while right eye central (foveal) vision was suppressed. This is considered significant because students attending ET have learning difficulties with phonemic memory, spelling and reading deficits, which are predominantly left hemisphere processes. The aim of this three-part study, consisting of School Survey, ET Intervention study and Case studies, was to: a) determine whether o-m dysfunction was found in a girls\u27 school population and/or was associated with LD; b) set up an Intervention study to explore the effects of vision training on the outcomes of a subsequent week-long word-skills programme in the ET practice. Two case studies we\u27re also examined, that of matched senior school boys whose outcomes were significantly different; and c) examine more closely the common pattern of muscle imbalance in two case studies of current junior school students. This tested the therapy assumption that mal-adaptive sensory feedback was contributing to o-m dysfunction. This notion is based on the Luria (1973) Model of Levels of Neural Function which provides the framework for ET practice, and the Developmental Model of LD that has evolved in application and explanation. Part 1 School Survey. This exploratory, cross-sectional study included a randomised sample of 277 participants in a private girl\u27s school. A 7-10 minute screening was provided by five optometrists, with an expanded protocol including o-m function. Also assessed were academic standards of reading comprehension and spelling, reasoning, visual perception, phonological skills, auditory, visual and phonemic memory, and arm dominance. Results showed visual dysfunction and mixed eye dominance in approximately equal numbers. Of the 47% girls with visual dysfunction, not all had literacy problems; however, LD students had corresponding degrees of o-m dysfunction, memory deficit and mixed hand / arm dominance. Part 2 Intervention study. The Research Question for the Intervention Study was: Does the difference in learning standards depend on which eye is disadvantaged in the case of weak binocularity? This question was answered by determining the outcomes to literacy levels once normal binocular o-m function and stable eye dominance were established. Twenty-four students (6 to 18 years) had Behavioural Optometry assessment prior to commencing therapy and were found to have o-m dysfunction, undetected by previous standard optometry tests. Eye exercise results showed 62.5% of the group had changed from left to right eye dominance. The dominance criterion was set by this group, indicated by the right eye holding fixation through full range of fusional reserves (binocular overlap), together with superior eye-tracking speed \u3e20% by the right, compared to the left, eye. Associated significant gains in literacy and phonemic memory were also achieved by the newly established \u27right-eyed\u27 group. In spite of undergoing identical treatment, the \u27left-eyed\u27 group retained limited foveal binocularity, and made less progress in literacy outcomes. Part 3 Two current Case Studies. Present ET practice benefited from insights gained from the 36% \u27unsuccessful\u27 participants of the previous study. Better therapy outcomes are achieved from an integrative motor-sensory approach, supported by Podiatry and Cranial Osteopathy. This detailed study involved two junior school boys who exemplified a common pattern of physical anomalies. For example, RW (8-year old male) had \u27minimal brain damage\u27 and LD that co-occur with unstable feet and o-m control, postural muscle imbalance, poor balance, motor co-ordination and dyspraxia. After 18, two-hour therapy sessions over nine months, he is now reading well, his motor co-ordination, eye tracking and writing are within the ‘low normal range’, and he is interacting competently with his peers. Learning difficulties can be conceptualised as a profile of immaturities. The results of this three part study have shown that once the \u27hidden\u27 handicap of right eye suppression is overcome with balanced binocular fields of vision, learning difficulties arc ameliorated. This is affirmed by the positive gains achieved by these students, not only in literacy skills but also \u27outgrowing\u27 immaturity in motor-sensory-perceptual development

    Course Manual Winter School on Structure and Functions of Marine Ecosystem: Fisheries

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    Marine ecosystems comprises of diverse organisms and their ambient abiotic components in varied relationships leading to an ecosystem functioning. These relationships provides the services that are essential for marine organisms to sustain in the nature. The studies examining the structure and functioning of these relationships remains unclear and hence understanding and modelling of the ecological functioning is imperative in the context of the threats different ecosystem components are facing. The relationship between marine population and their environment is complex and is subjected to fluctuations which affects the bottom level of an ecosystem pyramid to higher trophic levels. Understanding the energy flow within the marine ecosystems with the help of primary to secondary producers and secondary consumers are potentially important when assessing such states and changes in these environments. Many of the physiological changes are known to affect the key functional group, ie. the species or group of organisms, which play an important role in the health of the ecosystem. In marine environment, phytoplankton are the main functional forms which serves as the base of marine food web. Any change in the phytoplankton community structure may lead to alteration in the composition, size and structure of the entire ecosystem. Hence, it is critical to understand how these effects may scale up to population, communities, and entire marine ecosystem. Such changes are difficult to predict, particularly when more than one trophic level is affected. The identification and quantification of indicators of changes in ecosystem functioning and the knowledge base generated will provide a suitable way of bridging issues related to a specific ecosystem. New and meaningful indicators, derived from our current understanding of marine ecosystem functioning, can be used for assessing the impact of these changes and can be used as an aid in promoting responsible fisheries in marine ecosystems. Phytoplantkon is an indicator determining the colour of open Ocean. In recent years, new technologies have emerged which involves multidisciplinary activities including biogeochemistry and its dynamics affecting higher trophic levels including fishery. The winter school proposed will provide the insights into background required for such an approach involving teaching the theory, practical, analysis and interpretation techniques in understanding the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems from ground truth measurements as well as from satellite remote sensing data. This is organized with the full funding support from Indian council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) New Delhi and the 25 participants who are attending this programme has been selected after scrutiny of their applications based on their bio-data. The participants are from different States across Indian subcontinent covering north, east, west and south. They are serving as academicians such as Professors/ scientists and in similar posts. The training will be a feather in their career and will enable them to do their academic programmes in a better manner. Selected participants will be scrutinized initially to understand their knowledge level and classes will be oriented based on this. In addition, all of them will be provided with an e-manual based on the classes. All selected participants are provided with their travel and accommodation grants. The faculty include the scientists who developed this technology, those who are practicing it and few user groups who do their research in related areas. The programme is coordinated by the Fishery Resources Assessment Division of CMFRI. This programme will generate a team of elite academicians who can contribute to sustainable management of marine ecosystem and they will further contribute to capacity building in the sector by training many more interested researchers in the years to come

    Towards the total synthesis of novenamine and its analogues with modifications at C-4 and C-5

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    Includes bibliographical references.Novenamine, a known antibacterial agent, is composed of 3-0-carbamoyl noviose (novobiose) glycosidically linked to a 4-hydroxy-3-amino-coumarin unit. Its activity as a DNA-gyrase inhibitor and the absence of analogues containing 4-epi-noviose provided the rationale for developing new synthetic routes to these analogues. This thesis describes the total synthesis of the methyl glycosides of noviose and C-4-epi-noviose, methodology for the introduction of the C-3 carbamoyl group to both isomers, an alternative synthesis of the coumarin component, progress towards a C-5 analogue of 4-epi-noviose and a model study of methodology for the glycosidic coupling of the coumarin unit to suitably activated sugars

    Safety and Efficacy of Feed Additives in Animal Production

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    This book focuses on animal nutrition strategies using various feed additives to enhance nutrient digestibility and utilization, modulate the antioxidant capacity, mineral status, immunity, and gut and/or rumen microbiota in livestock. This results in improvements in their growth, performance and production parameters, as well as the quality of animal products