659 research outputs found

    ACCDIST: A Metric for comparing speakers' accents

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    This paper introduces a new metric for the quantitative assessment of the similarity of speakers' accents. The ACCDIST metric is based on the correlation of inter-segment distance tables across speakers or groups. Basing the metric on segment similarity within a speaker ensures that it is sensitive to the speaker's pronunciation system rather than to his or her voice characteristics. The metric is shown to have an error rate of only 11% on the accent classification of speakers into 14 English regional accents of the British Isles, half the error rate of a metric based on spectral information directly. The metric may also be useful for cluster analysis of accent groups

    The new accent technologies:recognition, measurement and manipulation of accented speech

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    Speech synthesis, Speech simulation and speech science

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    Speech synthesis research has been transformed in recent years through the exploitation of speech corpora - both for statistical modelling and as a source of signals for concatenative synthesis. This revolution in methodology and the new techniques it brings calls into question the received wisdom that better computer voice output will come from a better understanding of how humans produce speech. This paper discusses the relationship between this new technology of simulated speech and the traditional aims of speech science. The paper suggests that the goal of speech simulation frees engineers from inadequate linguistic and physiological descriptions of speech. But at the same time, it leaves speech scientists free to return to their proper goal of building a computational model of human speech production

    An exploration of the rhythm of Malay

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    In recent years there has been a surge of interest in speech rhythm. However we still lack a clear understanding of the nature of rhythm and rhythmic differences across languages. Various metrics have been proposed as means for measuring rhythm on the phonetic level and making typological comparisons between languages (Ramus et al, 1999; Grabe & Low, 2002; Dellwo, 2006) but the debate is ongoing on the extent to which these metrics capture the rhythmic basis of speech (Arvaniti, 2009; Fletcher, in press). Furthermore, cross linguistic studies of rhythm have covered a relatively small number of languages and research on previously unclassified languages is necessary to fully develop the typology of rhythm. This study examines the rhythmic features of Malay, for which, to date, relatively little work has been carried out on aspects rhythm and timing. The material for the analysis comprised 10 sentences produced by 20 speakers of standard Malay (10 males and 10 females). The recordings were first analysed using rhythm metrics proposed by Ramus et. al (1999) and Grabe & Low (2002). These metrics (∆C, %V, rPVI, nPVI) are based on durational measurements of vocalic and consonantal intervals. The results indicated that Malay clustered with other so-called syllable-timed languages like French and Spanish on the basis of all metrics. However, underlying the overall findings for these metrics there was a large degree of variability in values across speakers and sentences, with some speakers having values in the range typical of stressed-timed languages like English. Further analysis has been carried out in light of Fletcher’s (in press) argument that measurements based on duration do not wholly reflect speech rhythm as there are many other factors that can influence values of consonantal and vocalic intervals, and Arvaniti’s (2009) suggestion that other features of speech should also be considered in description of rhythm to discover what contributes to listeners’ perception of regularity. Spectrographic analysis of the Malay recordings brought to light two parameters that displayed consistency and regularity for all speakers and sentences: the duration of individual vowels and the duration of intervals between intensity minima. This poster presents the results of these investigations and points to connections between the features which seem to be consistently regulated in the timing of Malay connected speech and aspects of Malay phonology. The results are discussed in light of current debate on the descriptions of rhythm

    Realistic Lip Syncing for Virtual Character Using Common Viseme Set

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    Speech is one of the most important interaction methods between the humans. Therefore, most of avatar researches focus on this area with significant attention. Creating animated speech requires a facial model capable of representing the myriad shapes the human face expressions during speech. Moreover, a method to produce the correct shape at the correct time is also in order. One of the main challenges is to create precise lip movements of the avatar and synchronize it with a recorded audio. This paper proposes a new lip synchronization algorithm for realistic applications, which can be employed to generate synchronized facial movements among the audio generated from natural speech or through a text-to-speech engine. This method requires an animator to construct animations using a canonical set of visemes for all pair wise combination of a reduced phoneme set. These animations are then stitched together smoothly to construct the final animation

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    “A better me”: Using acoustically modified learner voices as models

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    This paper presents the results of a brief mixed-methods intervention which sought to modify the production of prominence-related features in L2 English by four native French-speaking university lecturers, in read-aloud speech. Selected parts of participants’ productions were acoustically modified and then used as the model in a Listen-and-Repeat protocol, where both quantitative (acoustic measures) and qualitative (free comments from discussion) data were collected. Acoustic measures were taken again from productions realized three months after the protocol, to trace longer term retention of modifications; expert listeners compared a selection of these productions to the original, diagnostic renditions, rating the degree of native-like rhythm and melody. Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative results confirm that imitating oneself can help individuals to modify prominence-related features of their pronunciation, that such changes can be retained over a 3-month period, but that people cannot reliably judge what they have modified. New potential is thus shown for Listen-and-Repeat, using one’s own modified voice, as an effective technique in pronunciation instruction

    Articulatory-based Speech Processing Methods for Foreign Accent Conversion

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    The objective of this dissertation is to develop speech processing methods that enable without altering their identity. We envision accent conversion primarily as a tool for pronunciation training, allowing non-native speakers to hear their native-accented selves. With this application in mind, we present two methods of accent conversion. The first assumes that the voice quality/identity of speech resides in the glottal excitation, while the linguistic content is contained in the vocal tract transfer function. Accent conversion is achieved by convolving the glottal excitation of a non-native speaker with the vocal tract transfer function of a native speaker. The result is perceived as 60 percent less accented, but it is no longer identified as the same individual. The second method of accent conversion selects segments of speech from a corpus of non-native speech based on their acoustic or articulatory similarity to segments from a native speaker. We predict that articulatory features provide a more speaker-independent representation of speech and are therefore better gauges of linguistic similarity across speakers. To test this hypothesis, we collected a custom database containing simultaneous recordings of speech and the positions of important articulators (e.g. lips, jaw, tongue) for a native and non-native speaker. Resequencing speech from a non-native speaker based on articulatory similarity with a native speaker achieved a 20 percent reduction in accent. The approach is particularly appealing for applications in pronunciation training because it modifies speech in a way that produces realistically achievable changes in accent (i.e., since the technique uses sounds already produced by the non-native speaker). A second contribution of this dissertation is the development of subjective and objective measures to assess the performance of accent conversion systems. This is a difficult problem because, in most cases, no ground truth exists. Subjective evaluation is further complicated by the interconnected relationship between accent and identity, but modifications of the stimuli (i.e. reverse speech and voice disguises) allow the two components to be separated. Algorithms to measure objectively accent, quality, and identity are shown to correlate well with their subjective counterparts