3,600 research outputs found

    A writer identification and verification system using HMM based recognizers

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    In this paper, an off-line, text independent system for writer identification and verification of handwritten text lines using Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based recognizers is presented. For each writer, an individual recognizer is built and trained on text lines of that writer. This results in a number of recognizers, each of which is an expert on the handwriting of exactly one writer. In the identification and verification phase, a text line of unknown origin is presented to each of these recognizers and each one returns a transcription that includes the log-likelihood score for the generated output. These scores are sorted and the resulting ranking is used for both identification and verification. Several confidence measures are defined on this ranking. The proposed writer identification and verification system is evaluated using different experimental setup

    Visual identification by signature tracking

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    We propose a new camera-based biometric: visual signature identification. We discuss the importance of the parameterization of the signatures in order to achieve good classification results, independently of variations in the position of the camera with respect to the writing surface. We show that affine arc-length parameterization performs better than conventional time and Euclidean arc-length ones. We find that the system verification performance is better than 4 percent error on skilled forgeries and 1 percent error on random forgeries, and that its recognition performance is better than 1 percent error rate, comparable to the best camera-based biometrics

    Sequential decision fusion for controlled detection errors

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    Information fusion in biometrics has received considerable attention. The architecture proposed here is based on the sequential integration of multi-instance and multi-sample fusion schemes. This method is analytically shown to improve the performance and allow a controlled trade-off between false alarms and false rejects when the classifier decisions are statistically independent. Equations developed for detection error rates are experimentally evaluated by considering the proposed architecture for text dependent speaker verification using HMM based digit dependent speaker models. The tuning of parameters, n classifiers and m attempts/samples, is investigated and the resultant detection error trade-off performance is evaluated on individual digits. Results show that performance improvement can be achieved even for weaker classifiers (FRR-19.6%, FAR-16.7%). The architectures investigated apply to speaker verification from spoken digit strings such as credit card numbers in telephone or VOIP or internet based applications

    Computer-Aided Palaeography, Present and Future

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    The field of digital palaeography has received increasing attention in recent years, partly because palaeographers often seem subjective in their views and do not or cannot articulate their reasoning, thereby creating a field of authorities whose opinions are closed to debate. One response to this is to make palaeographical arguments more quantitative, although this approach is by no means accepted by the wider humanities community, with some arguing that handwriting is inherently unquantifiable. This paper therefore asks how palaeographical method might be made more objective and therefore more widely accepted by non-palaeographers while still answering critics within the field. Previous suggestions for objective methods before computing are considered first, and some of their shortcomings are discussed. Similar discussion in forensic document analysis is then introduced and is found relevant to palaeography, though with some reservations. New techniques of "digital" palaeography are then introduced; these have proven successful in forensic analysis and are becoming increasingly accepted there, but they have not yet found acceptance in the humanities communities. The reasons why are discussed, and some suggestions are made for how the software might be designed differently to achieve greater acceptance. Finally, a prototype framework is introduced which is designed to provide a common basis for experiments in "digital" palaeography, ideally enabling scholars to exchange quantitative data about scribal hands, exchange processes for generating this data, articulate both the results themselves and the processes used to produce them, and therefore to ground their arguments more firmly and perhaps find greater acceptance

    Automatic gender detection using on-line and off-line information

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    In this paper, the problem of classifying handwritten data with respect to gender is addressed. A classification method based on Gaussian Mixture Models is applied to distinguish between male and female handwriting. Two sets of features using on-line and off-line information have been used for the classification. Furthermore, we combined both feature sets and investigated several combination strategies. In our experiments, the on-line features produced a higher classification rate than the off-line features. However, the best results were obtained with the combination. The final gender detection rate on the test set is 67.57%, which is significantly higher than the performance of the on-line and off-line system with about 64.25 and 55.39%, respectively. The combined system also shows an improved performance over human-based classification. To the best of the authors' knowledge, the system presented in this paper is the first completely automatic gender detection system which works on on-line data. Furthermore, the combination of on-line and off-line features for gender detection is investigated for the first time in the literatur

    Temporal Hidden Markov Models

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