13,789 research outputs found

    Accurate and efficient splitting methods for dissipative particle dynamics

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    We study numerical methods for dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), which is a system of stochastic differential equations and a popular stochastic momentum-conserving thermostat for simulating complex hydrodynamic behavior at mesoscales. We propose a new splitting method that is able to substantially improve the accuracy and efficiency of DPD simulations in a wide range of the friction coefficients, particularly in the extremely large friction limit that corresponds to a fluid-like Schmidt number, a key issue in DPD. Various numerical experiments on both equilibrium and transport properties are performed to demonstrate the superiority of the newly proposed method over popular alternative schemes in the literature

    Efficient numerical integrators for stochastic models

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    The efficient simulation of models defined in terms of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) depends critically on an efficient integration scheme. In this article, we investigate under which conditions the integration schemes for general SDEs can be derived using the Trotter expansion. It follows that, in the stochastic case, some care is required in splitting the stochastic generator. We test the Trotter integrators on an energy-conserving Brownian model and derive a new numerical scheme for dissipative particle dynamics. We find that the stochastic Trotter scheme provides a mathematically correct and easy-to-use method which should find wide applicability.Comment: v

    How would you integrate the equations of motion in dissipative particle dynamics simulations?

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    In this work we assess the quality and performance of several novel dissipative particle dynamics integration schemes that have not previously been tested independently. Based on a thorough comparison we identify the respective methods of Lowe and Shardlow as particularly promising candidates for future studies of large-scale properties of soft matter systems

    Trotter Derivation of Algorithms for Brownian and Dissipative Particle Dynamics

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    This paper focuses on the temporal discretization of the Langevin dynamics, and on different resulting numerical integration schemes. Using a method based on the exponentiation of time dependent operators, we carefully derive a numerical scheme for the Langevin dynamics, that we found equivalent to the proposal of Ermak, and not simply to the stochastic version of the velocity-Verlet algorithm. However, we checked on numerical simulations that both algorithms give similar results, and share the same ``weak order two'' accuracy. We then apply the same strategy to derive and test two numerical schemes for the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). The first one of them was found to compare well, in terms of speed and accuracy, with the best currently available algorithms.Comment: to be published in J.Chem.Phy

    Warm Inflation in the Adiabatic Regime- a Model, an Existence Proof for Inflationary Dynamics in Quantum Field Theory

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    Warm inflation is examined in a multi-field model. Solutions are obtained for expansion e-folds and scalar density perturbations. Nonequilibrium dynamics is restricted to a regime that is displaced only slightly from thermal equilibrium and in which all macroscopic motion is adiabatic. In such a regime, nonequilibrium dynamics is well defined, provided macroscopic motions that displace the thermal equilibrium state occur sufficiently slow. The solution has adjustable parameters that permit observational consistency with respect to expansion e-folds and density perturbations in the full adiabatic regime, thus insuring a valid solution regime. For particle physics, the model is nonstandard since it requires a large number of fields, >104> 10^4. A particle physics/string interpretation of the model and solutions is discussed, which can accommodate the large field number requirement.Comment: 49 pages, 1 figure, Latex, minor corrections, In Press Nuclear Physics B 200

    Decoherence in resonantly driven bistable systems

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    We study dissipative tunneling in a double well potential that is driven close to a resonance between the lowest tunnel doublet and a singlet. While the coherent dynamics can be described well within a three-level approximation, dissipative transitions to levels outside the singlet and the doublet may play a crucial role. Moreover, such transitions can enhance the entropy production significantly.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, vch-book.cl