140 research outputs found

    Detecting cryptocurrency miners with NetFlow/IPFIX network measurements

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    In the last few years, cryptocurrency mining has become more and more important on the Internet activity and nowadays is even having a noticeable impact on the global economy. This has motivated the emergence of a new malicious activity called cryptojacking, which consists of compromising other machines connected to the Internet and leverage their resources to mine cryptocurrencies. In this context, it is of particular interest for network administrators to detect possible cryptocurrency miners using network resources without permission. Currently, it is possible to detect them using IP address lists from known mining pools, processing information from DNS traffic, or directly performing Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) over all the traffic. However, all these methods are still ineffective to detect miners using unknown mining servers or result too expensive to be deployed in real-world networks with large traffic volume. In this paper, we present a machine learning-based method able to detect cryptocurrency miners using NetFlow/IPFIX network measurements. Our method does not require to inspect the packets' payload; as a result, it achieves cost-efficient miner detection with similar accuracy than DPI-based techniques.This work has been supported by the Spanish MINECO under contract TEC2017-90034-C2-1-R (ALLIANCE).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Tutorial: A Descriptive Introduction to the Blockchain

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    Blockchain technology, which supports the bitcoin cryptocurrency, has risen to prominence as the technology that will transform how business transactions occur and parties manage assets over the Internet. A decentralized system, the blockchain provides a way to digitally record and securely store verifiable and immutable transactions, which eliminates the need for trusted third-party intermediaries. While simplistically described as a decentralized ledger, the blockchain is a complex technology that integrates peer-to-peer networking, cryptography, and distributed consensus. In this paper, I explain blockchain’s components, describe how a blockchain works, identify use case examples from various industries, explore potentials and limitations, and speculate on the progressive adoption of the blockchain as a transformative technology

    Keeping Authorities "Honest or Bust" with Decentralized Witness Cosigning

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    The secret keys of critical network authorities - such as time, name, certificate, and software update services - represent high-value targets for hackers, criminals, and spy agencies wishing to use these keys secretly to compromise other hosts. To protect authorities and their clients proactively from undetected exploits and misuse, we introduce CoSi, a scalable witness cosigning protocol ensuring that every authoritative statement is validated and publicly logged by a diverse group of witnesses before any client will accept it. A statement S collectively signed by W witnesses assures clients that S has been seen, and not immediately found erroneous, by those W observers. Even if S is compromised in a fashion not readily detectable by the witnesses, CoSi still guarantees S's exposure to public scrutiny, forcing secrecy-minded attackers to risk that the compromise will soon be detected by one of the W witnesses. Because clients can verify collective signatures efficiently without communication, CoSi protects clients' privacy, and offers the first transparency mechanism effective against persistent man-in-the-middle attackers who control a victim's Internet access, the authority's secret key, and several witnesses' secret keys. CoSi builds on existing cryptographic multisignature methods, scaling them to support thousands of witnesses via signature aggregation over efficient communication trees. A working prototype demonstrates CoSi in the context of timestamping and logging authorities, enabling groups of over 8,000 distributed witnesses to cosign authoritative statements in under two seconds.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Bringing Order into Things Decentralized and Scalable Ledgering for the Internet-of-Things

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is simultaneously the largest and the fastest growing distributed system known to date. With the expectation of 50 billion of devices coming online by 2020, far surpassing the size of the human population, problems related to scale, trustability and security are anticipated. Current IoT architectures are inherently flawed as they are centralized on the cloud and explore fragile trust-based relationships over a plethora of loosely integrated devices, leading to IoT platforms being non-robust for every party involved and unable to scale properly in the near future. The need for a new architecture that addresses these concerns is urgent as the IoT is progressively more ubiquitous, pervasive and demanding regarding the integration of devices and processing of data increasingly susceptible to reliability and security issues. In this thesis, we propose a decentralized ledgering solution for the IoT, leveraging a recent concept: blockchains. Rather than replacing the cloud, our solution presents a scalable and fault-tolerant middleware for recording transactions between peers, under verifiable and decentralized trustability assumptions and authentication guarantees for IoT devices, cloud services and users. Following on the emergent trend in modern IoT architectures, we leverage smart hubs as blockchain gateways, aggregating, pre-processing and forwarding small amounts of data and transactions in proximity conditions, that will be verified and processed as transactions in the blockchain. The proposed middleware acts as a secure ledger and establishes private channels between peers, requiring transactions in the blockchain to be signed using threshold signature schemes and grouporiented verification properties. The approach improves the decentralization and robustness characteristics under Byzantine fault-tolerance settings, while preserving the blockchain distributed nature

    P2PEdge : A Decentralised, Scalable P2P Architecture for Energy Trading in Real-Time

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    Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.K., D.H.-S., R.N.A., B.S. and K.M.; Formal analysis, J.K., D.H.-S. and B.S.; Investigation, J.K.; Methodology, J.K.; Project administration, K.M.; Supervision, K.M. and D.H.-S.; Validation, J.K. and D.H.-S.; Visualization, J.K.; Writing—original draft, J.K.; Writing—review & editing, J.K., K.M., D.H.-S., R.N.A. and B.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Concurrency in Blockchain Based Smartpool with Transactional Memory

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    Blockchain is the buzzword in today\u27s modern technological world. It is an undeniably ingenious invention of the 21st century. Blockchain was first coined and used by a cryptocurrency namedBitcoin. Since then bitcoin and blockchain are so popular that every single person is taking on bitcoin these days and the price of bitcoin has leaped to a staggering price in the last year and so.Today several other cryptocurrencies have adapted the blockchain technology. Blockchain in cryptocurrencies is formed by chaining of blocks. These blocks are created by the nodes called miners through the process called Proof of Work(PoW). Mining Pools are formed as a collection of miners which collectively tries to solve a puzzle. However, most of the mining pools are centralized. P2Pool is the first decentralized mining pool in Bitcoin but is not that popular as the number of messages exchanged among the miners is a scalar multiple of the number of shares. SmartPool is a decentralized mining pool with the throughput equal to that of the traditional pool. However, the verification of blocks is done in a sequential manner. We propose a non-blocking concurrency mechanism in a decentralized mining pool for the verification of blocks in a blockchain. Smart contract in SmartPool is concurrently executed using a transactional memory approach without the use of locks. Since the SmartPool mining implemented in ethereum can be applied to Bitcoin, this concurrency method proposed in ethereum smart contracts can be applicable in Bitcoin as well

    Scaling Distributed Ledgers and Privacy-Preserving Applications

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    This thesis proposes techniques aiming to make blockchain technologies and smart contract platforms practical by improving their scalability, latency, and privacy. This thesis starts by presenting the design and implementation of Chainspace, a distributed ledger that supports user defined smart contracts and execute user-supplied transactions on their objects. The correct execution of smart contract transactions is publicly verifiable. Chainspace is scalable by sharding state; it is secure against subsets of nodes trying to compromise its integrity or availability properties through Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT). This thesis also introduces a family of replay attacks against sharded distributed ledgers targeting cross-shard consensus protocols; they allow an attacker, with network access only, to double-spend resources with minimal efforts. We then build Byzcuit, a new cross-shard consensus protocol that is immune to those attacks and that is tailored to run at the heart of Chainspace. Next, we propose FastPay, a high-integrity settlement system for pre-funded payments that can be used as a financial side-infrastructure for Chainspace to support low-latency retail payments. This settlement system is based on Byzantine Consistent Broadcast as its core primitive, foregoing the expenses of full atomic commit channels (consensus). The resulting system has extremely low-latency for both confirmation and payment finality. Finally, this thesis proposes Coconut, a selective disclosure credential scheme supporting distributed threshold issuance, public and private attributes, re-randomization, and multiple unlinkable selective attribute revelations. It ensures authenticity and availability even when a subset of credential issuing authorities are malicious or offline, and natively integrates with Chainspace to enable a number of scalable privacy-preserving applications

    Kleptography and steganography in blockchains

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    Despite its vast proliferation, the blockchain technology is still evolving, and witnesses continuous technical innovations to address its numerous unresolved issues. An example of these issues is the excessive electrical power consumed by some consensus protocols. Besides, although various media reports have highlighted the existence of objectionable content in blockchains, this topic has not received sufficient research. Hence, this work investigates the threat and deterrence of arbitrary-content insertion in public blockchains, which poses a legal, moral, and technical challenge. In particular, the overall aim of this work is to thoroughly study the risk of manipulating the implementation of randomized cryptographic primitives in public blockchains to mount kleptographic attacks, establish steganographic communication, and store arbitrary content. As part of our study, we present three new kleptographic attacks on two of the most commonly used digital signatures: ring signature and ECDSA. We also demonstrate our kleptographic attacks on two real cryptocurrencies: Bytecoin and Monero. Moreover, we illustrate the plausibility of hijacking public blockchains to establish steganographic channels. Particularly, we design, implement, and evaluate the first blockchain-based broadcast communication tool on top of a real-world cryptocurrency. Furthermore, we explain the detrimental consequences of kleptography and steganography on the users and the future of the blockchain technology. Namely, we show that kleptography can be used to surreptitiously steal the users' secret signing keys, which are the most valuable and guarded secret in public blockchains. After losing their keys, users of cryptocurrencies will inevitably lose their funds. In addition, we clarify that steganography can be used to establish subliminal communication and secretly store arbitrary content in public blockchains, which turns them into cheap cyberlockers. Consequently, the participation in such blockchains, which are known to store unethical content, can be criminalized, hindering the future adoption of blockchains. After discussing the adverse effects of kleptographic and steganographic attacks on blockchains, we survey all of the existing techniques that can defend against these attacks. Finally, due to the shortcomings of the available techniques, we propose four countermeasures that ensure kleptography and steganography-resistant public blockchains. Our countermeasures include two new cryptographic primitives and a generic steganographyresistant blockchain framework (SRBF). This framework presents a universal solution that deters steganography and practically achieves the right to be forgotten (RtbF) in blockchains, which represents a regulatory challenge for current immutable blockchains

    Hyperproofs: Aggregating and Maintaining Proofs in Vector Commitments

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    We present Hyperproofs, the first vector commitment (VC) scheme that is efficiently maintainable and aggregatable. Similar to Merkle proofs, our proofs form a tree that can be efficiently maintained: updating all nn proofs in the tree after a single leaf change only requires O(logn)O(\log{n}) time. Importantly, unlike Merkle proofs, Hyperproofs are efficiently aggregatable, anywhere from 10×10\times to 41×41\times faster than SNARK-based aggregation of Merkle proofs. At the same time, an individual Hyperproof consists of only logn\log{n} algebraic hashes (e.g., 32-byte elliptic curve points) and an aggregation of bb such proofs is only O(log(blogn))O(\log{(b\log{n})})-sized. Hyperproofs are also reasonably fast to update when compared to Merkle trees with SNARK-friendly hash functions. As another benefit over Merkle trees, Hyperproofs are homomorphic: digests (and proofs) for two vectors can be homomorphically combined into a digest (and proofs) for their sum. Homomorphism is very useful in emerging applications such as stateless cryptocurrencies. First, it enables unstealability, a novel property that incentivizes proof computation. Second, it makes digests and proofs much more convenient to update. Finally, Hyperproofs have certain limitations: they are not transparent, have linear-sized public parameters, are slower to verify, and have larger aggregated proofs and slower verification than SNARK-based approaches. Nonetheless, end-to-end, aggregation and verification in Hyperproofs is 10×10\times to 41×41\times faster than in SNARK-based Merkle trees