4 research outputs found

    Enhancement of student performance prediction using modified K-nearest neighbor

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    The traditional K-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm uses an exhaustive search for a complete training set to predict a single test sample. This procedure can slow down the system to consume more time for huge datasets. The selection of classes for a new sample depends on a simple majority voting system that does not reflect the various significance of different samples (i.e. ignoring the similarities among samples). It also leads to a misclassification problem due to the occurrence of a double majority class. In reference to the above-mentioned issues, this work adopts a combination of moment descriptor and KNN to optimize the sample selection. This is done based on the fact that classifying the training samples before the searching actually takes place can speed up and improve the predictive performance of the nearest neighbor. The proposed method can be called as fast KNN (FKNN). The experimental results show that the proposed FKNN method decreases original KNN consuming time within a range of (75.4%) to (90.25%), and improve the classification accuracy percentage in the range from (20%) to (36.3%) utilizing three types of student datasets to predict whether the student can pass or fail the exam automatically

    Quadtree partitioning scheme of color image based

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    Image segmentation is an essential complementary process in digital image processing and computer vision, but mostly utilizes simple segmentation techniques, such as fixed partitioning scheme and global thresholding techniques due to their simplicity and popularity, in spite of their inefficiency. This paper introduces a new split-merge segmentation process for a quadtree scheme of colour images, based on exploiting the spatial and spectral information embedded within the bands and between bands, respectively. The results show that this technique is efficient in terms of quality of segmentation and time, which can be used in standard techniques as alternative to a fixed partitioning scheme

    Novel Color Image Compression Algorithm Based-On Quadtree

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    This paper presents a novel algorithm having two image processing systems that have the ability to compress the colour image. The proposed systems divides the colour image into RGB components, each component is selected to be divided. The division processes of the component into blocks are based on quad tree method. For each selection, the other two components are divided using the same blocks coordinates of the selected divided component. In the first system, every block has three minimum values and three difference values. While the other system, every block has three minimum values and one average difference. From experiments, it is found that the division according to the G component is the best giving good visual quality of the compressed images with appropriate compression ratios. It is also noticed, the performance of the second system is better than the first one. The obtained compression ratios ofthe second system are between 1.3379 and 5.0495 at threshold value 0.1, and between 2.3476 and 8.9713 at threshold value 0.2