43 research outputs found

    Power-Aware Speed Scaling in Processor Sharing Systems

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    Energy use of computer communication systems has quickly become a vital design consideration. One effective method for reducing energy consumption is dynamic speed scaling, which adapts the processing speed to the current load. This paper studies how to optimally scale speed to balance mean response time and mean energy consumption under processor sharing scheduling. Both bounds and asymptotics for the optimal speed scaling scheme are provided. These results show that a simple scheme that halts when the system is idle and uses a static rate while the system is busy provides nearly the same performance as the optimal dynamic speed scaling. However, the results also highlight that dynamic speed scaling provides at least one key benefit - significantly improved robustness to bursty traffic and mis-estimation of workload parameters

    A Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Speed Scaling with Sleep State

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    We study classical deadline-based preemptive scheduling of tasks in a computing environment equipped with both dynamic speed scaling and sleep state capabilities: Each task is specified by a release time, a deadline and a processing volume, and has to be scheduled on a single, speed-scalable processor that is supplied with a sleep state. In the sleep state, the processor consumes no energy, but a constant wake-up cost is required to transition back to the active state. In contrast to speed scaling alone, the addition of a sleep state makes it sometimes beneficial to accelerate the processing of tasks in order to transition the processor to the sleep state for longer amounts of time and incur further energy savings. The goal is to output a feasible schedule that minimizes the energy consumption. Since the introduction of the problem by Irani et al. [16], its exact computational complexity has been repeatedly posed as an open question (see e.g. [2,8,15]). The currently best known upper and lower bounds are a 4/3-approximation algorithm and NP-hardness due to [2] and [2,17], respectively. We close the aforementioned gap between the upper and lower bound on the computational complexity of speed scaling with sleep state by presenting a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for the problem. The scheme is based on a transformation to a non-preemptive variant of the problem, and a discretization that exploits a carefully defined lexicographical ordering among schedules

    Multiprocessor speed scaling for jobs with arbitrary sizes and deadlines

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    In this paper we study energy efficient deadline scheduling on multiprocessors in which the processors consumes power at a rate of sα when running at speeds, where α ≥ 2. The problem is to dispatch jobs to processors and determine the speed and jobs to run for each processor so as to complete all jobs by their deadlines using the minimum energy. The problem has been well studied for the single processor case. For the multiprocessor setting, constant competitive online algorithms for special cases of unit size jobs or arbitrary size jobs with agreeable deadlines have been proposed by Albers et al. (2007). A randomized algorithm has been proposed for jobs of arbitrary sizes and arbitrary deadlines by Greiner et al. (2009). We propose a deterministic online algorithm for the general setting and show that it is O(logαP)-competitive, where P is the ratio of the maximum and minimum job size

    Energy-Efficient Multiprocessor Scheduling for Flow Time and Makespan

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    We consider energy-efficient scheduling on multiprocessors, where the speed of each processor can be individually scaled, and a processor consumes power sαs^{\alpha} when running at speed ss, for α>1\alpha>1. A scheduling algorithm needs to decide at any time both processor allocations and processor speeds for a set of parallel jobs with time-varying parallelism. The objective is to minimize the sum of the total energy consumption and certain performance metric, which in this paper includes total flow time and makespan. For both objectives, we present instantaneous parallelism clairvoyant (IP-clairvoyant) algorithms that are aware of the instantaneous parallelism of the jobs at any time but not their future characteristics, such as remaining parallelism and work. For total flow time plus energy, we present an O(1)O(1)-competitive algorithm, which significantly improves upon the best known non-clairvoyant algorithm and is the first constant competitive result on multiprocessor speed scaling for parallel jobs. In the case of makespan plus energy, which is considered for the first time in the literature, we present an O(ln11/αP)O(\ln^{1-1/\alpha}P)-competitive algorithm, where PP is the total number of processors. We show that this algorithm is asymptotically optimal by providing a matching lower bound. In addition, we also study non-clairvoyant scheduling for total flow time plus energy, and present an algorithm that achieves O(lnP)O(\ln P)-competitive for jobs with arbitrary release time and O(ln1/αP)O(\ln^{1/\alpha}P)-competitive for jobs with identical release time. Finally, we prove an Ω(ln1/αP)\Omega(\ln^{1/\alpha}P) lower bound on the competitive ratio of any non-clairvoyant algorithm, matching the upper bound of our algorithm for jobs with identical release time

    Speed scaling for weighted flow time

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    Intel's SpeedStep and AMD's PowerNOW technologies allow the Windows XP operating system to dynamically change the speed of the processor to prolong battery life. In this setting, the operating system must not only have a job selection policy to determine which job to run, but also a speed scaling policy to determine the speed at which the job will be run. We give an online speed scaling algorithm that is O(1)-competitive for the objective of weighted flow time plus energy. This algorithm also allows us to efficiently construct an O(1)-approximate schedule for minimizing weighted flow time subject to an energy constraint

    Online Primal-Dual For Non-linear Optimization with Applications to Speed Scaling

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    We reinterpret some online greedy algorithms for a class of nonlinear "load-balancing" problems as solving a mathematical program online. For example, we consider the problem of assigning jobs to (unrelated) machines to minimize the sum of the alpha^{th}-powers of the loads plus assignment costs (the online Generalized Assignment Problem); or choosing paths to connect terminal pairs to minimize the alpha^{th}-powers of the edge loads (online routing with speed-scalable routers). We give analyses of these online algorithms using the dual of the primal program as a lower bound for the optimal algorithm, much in the spirit of online primal-dual results for linear problems. We then observe that a wide class of uni-processor speed scaling problems (with essentially arbitrary scheduling objectives) can be viewed as such load balancing problems with linear assignment costs. This connection gives new algorithms for problems that had resisted solutions using the dominant potential function approaches used in the speed scaling literature, as well as alternate, cleaner proofs for other known results