36 research outputs found


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    【学位授与の要件】中央大学学位規則第4条第1項【論文審査委員主査】中村 太郎 (中央大学理工学部教授)【論文審査委員副査】平岡 弘之(中央大学理工学部教授)、新妻 実保子(中央大学理工学部准教授)、諸麥 俊司(中央大学理工学部准教授)、万 偉偉(大阪大学准教授)博士(工学)中央大

    Hierarchical neural control of human postural balance and bipedal walking in sagittal plane

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-192).The cerebrocerebellar system has been known to be a central part in human motion control and execution. However, engineering descriptions of the system, especially in relation to lower body motion, have been very limited. This thesis proposes an integrated hierarchical neural model of sagittal planar human postural balance and biped walking to 1) investigate an explicit mechanism of the cerebrocerebellar and other related neural systems, 2) explain the principles of human postural balancing and biped walking control in terms of the central nervous systems, and 3) provide a biologically inspired framework for the design of humanoid or other biomorphic robot locomotion. The modeling was designed to confirm neurophysiological plausibility and achieve practical simplicity as well. The combination of scheduled long-loop proprioceptive and force feedback represents the cerebrocerebellar system to implement postural balance strategies despite the presence of signal transmission delays and phase lags. The model demonstrates that the postural control can be substantially linear within regions of the kinematic state-space with switching driven by sensed variables.(cont.) A improved and simplified version of the cerebrocerebellar system is combined with the spinal pattern generation to account for human nominal walking and various robustness tasks. The synergy organization of the spinal pattern generation simplifies control of joint actuation. The substantial decoupling of the various neural circuits facilitates generation of modulated behaviors. This thesis suggests that kinematic control with no explicit internal model of body dynamics may be sufficient for those lower body motion tasks and play a common role in postural balance and walking. All simulated performances are evaluated with respect to actual observations of kinematics, electromyogram, etc.by Sungho JoPh.D

    Bio­-inspired approaches to the control and modelling of an anthropomimetic robot

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    Introducing robots into human environments requires them to handle settings designed specifically for human size and morphology, however, large, conventional humanoid robots with stiff, high powered joint actuators pose a significant danger to humans. By contrast, “anthropomimetic” robots mimic both human morphology and internal structure; skeleton, muscles, compliance and high redundancy. Although far safer, their resultant compliant structure presents a formidable challenge to conventional control. Here we review, and seek to address, characteristic control issues of this class of robot, whilst exploiting their biomimetic nature by drawing upon biological motor control research. We derive a novel learning controller for discovering effective reaching actions created through sustained activation of one or more muscle synergies, an approach which draws upon strong, recent evidence from animal and humans studies, but is almost unexplored to date in musculoskeletal robot literature. Since the best synergies for a given robot will be unknown, we derive a deliberately simple reinforcement learning approach intended to allow their emergence, in particular those patterns which aid linearization of control. We also draw upon optimal control theories to encourage the emergence of smoother movement by incorporating signal dependent noise and trial repetition. In addition, we argue the utility of developing a detailed dynamic model of a complete robot and present a stable, physics-­‐‑based model, of the anthropomimetic ECCERobot, running in real time with 55 muscles and 88 degrees of freedom. Using the model, we find that effective reaching actions can be learned which employ only two sequential motor co-­‐‑activation patterns, each controlled by just a single common driving signal. Factor analysis shows the emergent muscle co-­‐‑activations can be reconstructed to significant accuracy using weighted combinations of only 13 common fragments, labelled “candidate synergies”. Using these synergies as drivable units the same controller learns the same task both faster and better, however, other reaching tasks perform less well, proportional to dissimilarity; we therefore propose that modifications enabling emergence of a more generic set of synergies are required. Finally, we propose a continuous controller for the robot, based on model predictive control, incorporating our model as a predictive component for state estimation, delay-­‐‑ compensation and planning, including merging of the robot and sensed environment into a single model. We test the delay compensation mechanism by controlling a second copy of the model acting as a proxy for the real robot, finding that performance is significantly improved if a precise degree of compensation is applied and show how rapidly an un-­‐‑compensated controller fails as the model accuracy degrades

    Investigating sensory-motor interactions to shape rehabilitation

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    Over the last decades, robotic devices for neurorehabilitation have been developed with the aim of providing better and faster improvement of motor performance. These devices are being used to help patients repeat movements and (re)learn different dynamic tasks. Over the years, these devices have become bigger and more complex, so as to provide the end user with a more realistic and sophisticated stimuli while still allowing the experimenter to have control over the interaction forces that can potentially shape the motor behaviour. However, experimental results have shown no clear advantage of these complex devices over simpler versions. In this context, this thesis investigates sensory-motor processes of human interaction, which can help us understand the main issues for rehabilitation devices and how to overcome the limitations of simple devices to train particular motor behaviours. Conventional neurorehabilitation of motor function relies on haptic interaction between the patient and physiotherapist. However, how humans deal with human-human interactions is largely unknown, and has been little studied. In this regard, experiments of the first section of the thesis investigate the mechanisms of interaction during human-human collaborative tasks. It goes from identifying the different strategies that dyads can take to proposing methods to measure and understand redundancy and synchrony in haptic interactions. It also shows that one can shape the interaction between partners by modifying only the visual information provided to each agent. Learning a novel skill requires integration of different sensory modalities, in particular vision and proprioception. Hence, one can expect that learning will depend on the mechanical characteristics of the device. For instance, a device with limited degrees of freedom will reduce the amount of information about the environment, modify the dynamics of the task and prevent certain error-based corrections. To investigate this, the second section of the thesis examines whether the lack of proprioceptive feedback that is created due to mechanical constraints or haptic guidance can be substituted with visual information. Psychophysical experiments with healthy subjects and some preliminary experiments with stroke patients presented in this thesis support the idea that by incorporating task-relevant visual feedback into simple devices, one could deliver effective neurorehabilitation protocols. The contributions of the thesis are not limited to the role of visual feedback to shape motor behaviour, but also advance our understanding on the mechanisms of learning and human-human interaction

    Robotics 2010

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    Without a doubt, robotics has made an incredible progress over the last decades. The vision of developing, designing and creating technical systems that help humans to achieve hard and complex tasks, has intelligently led to an incredible variety of solutions. There are barely technical fields that could exhibit more interdisciplinary interconnections like robotics. This fact is generated by highly complex challenges imposed by robotic systems, especially the requirement on intelligent and autonomous operation. This book tries to give an insight into the evolutionary process that takes place in robotics. It provides articles covering a wide range of this exciting area. The progress of technical challenges and concepts may illuminate the relationship between developments that seem to be completely different at first sight. The robotics remains an exciting scientific and engineering field. The community looks optimistically ahead and also looks forward for the future challenges and new development

    Humanoid Robots

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    For many years, the human being has been trying, in all ways, to recreate the complex mechanisms that form the human body. Such task is extremely complicated and the results are not totally satisfactory. However, with increasing technological advances based on theoretical and experimental researches, man gets, in a way, to copy or to imitate some systems of the human body. These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human body, objectifying possible applications in the technology of rehabilitation of human beings, gathering in a whole studies related not only to Robotics, but also to Biomechanics, Biomimmetics, Cybernetics, among other areas. This book presents a series of researches inspired by this ideal, carried through by various researchers worldwide, looking for to analyze and to discuss diverse subjects related to humanoid robots. The presented contributions explore aspects about robotic hands, learning, language, vision and locomotion

    Engineering derivatives from biological systems for advanced aerospace applications

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    The present study consisted of a literature survey, a survey of researchers, and a workshop on bionics. These tasks produced an extensive annotated bibliography of bionics research (282 citations), a directory of bionics researchers, and a workshop report on specific bionics research topics applicable to space technology. These deliverables are included as Appendix A, Appendix B, and Section 5.0, respectively. To provide organization to this highly interdisciplinary field and to serve as a guide for interested researchers, we have also prepared a taxonomy or classification of the various subelements of natural engineering systems. Finally, we have synthesized the results of the various components of this study into a discussion of the most promising opportunities for accelerated research, seeking solutions which apply engineering principles from natural systems to advanced aerospace problems. A discussion of opportunities within the areas of materials, structures, sensors, information processing, robotics, autonomous systems, life support systems, and aeronautics is given. Following the conclusions are six discipline summaries that highlight the potential benefits of research in these areas for NASA's space technology programs

    JSC Director's Discretionary Fund Program

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    The JSC Center Director's Discretionary Fund Program 1991 Annual Report provides a brief status of the projects undertaken during the 1991 fiscal year. For this year, four space exploration initiative related issues were focused on: regenerative life support, human spacecraft design, lunar surface habitat, and in situ resource utilization. In this way, a viable program of life sciences, space sciences, and engineering research has been maintained. For additional information on any single project, the individual investigator should be contacted

    Biologically-inspired Motion Control for Kinematic Redundancy Resolution and Self-sensing Exploitation for Energy Conservation in Electromagnetic Devices

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    This thesis investigates particular topics in advanced motion control of two distinct mechanical systems: human-like motion control of redundant robot manipulators and advanced sensing and control for energy-efficient operation of electromagnetic devices. Control of robot manipulators for human-like motions has been one of challenging topics in robot control for over half a century. The first part of this thesis considers methods that exploits robot manipulators’ degrees of freedom for such purposes. Jacobian transpose control law is investigated as one of the well-known controllers and sufficient conditions for its universal convergence are derived by using concepts of “stability on a manifold” and “transferability to a sub-manifold”. Firstly, a modification on this method is proposed to enhance the rectilinear trajectory of the robot end-effector. Secondly, an abridged Jacobian controller is proposed that exploits passive control of joints to reduce the attended degrees of freedom of the system. Finally, the application of minimally-attended controller for human-like motion is introduced. Electromagnetic (EM) access control systems are one of growing electronic systems which are used in applications where conventional mechanical locks may not guarantee the expected safety of the peripheral doors of buildings. In the second part of this thesis, an intelligent EM unit is introduced which recruits the selfsensing capability of the original EM block for detection purposes. The proposed EM device optimizes its energy consumption through a control strategy which regulates the supply to the system upon detection of any eminent disturbance. Therefore, it draws a very small current when the full power is not needed. The performance of the proposed control strategy was evaluated based on a standard safety requirement for EM locking mechanisms. For a particular EM model, the proposed method is verified to realize a 75% reduction in the power consumption

    Neural and behavioral bases of innate behaviors

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    Recently, ethological studies of animal behavior uncovered its complexity while neuroscientific work began unraveling the neural bases of behavior. Improvements in algorithmic understanding of behavior and neural function contributed to re- cent breakthroughs in robotics and artificial intelligence systems. Yet, animals’ decision-making and motor-control are unequalled by human engineered systems and the continued investigation of the behavioral and neural bases of these abilities is crucial for understanding brain function and inform further technological devel- opments. In my PhD work, I first investigate escape path selection in mice presented with threat, demonstrating how mice combined rapidly acquired spatial knowledge with an innate choice heuristic to inform decision-making. This strategy minimizes the requirement for trial-and-error learning and yields accurate decision-making by combining knowledge acquired at an evolutionarily time-scale with that acquired by the individual. Future work aimed at understanding how these sources of in- formation are combined in the brain to inform decision-making may lead to more efficient artificial learning agents. Next, I studied goal-directed locomotion behav- ior in which mice move rapidly through an environment to reach a goal location. Successful goal-directed locomotion behavior requires substantial navigation and motor control skills and, additionally, sophisticated planning and control of move- ments while moving at high speed. Detailed behavioral quantification and compar- ison to a control-theoretic model demonstrated that mice do possess such planning skills, allowing them to execute rapid and efficient trajectories to a goal. Population- level extracellular recordings of neural activity during goal directed locomotion was also used to begin uncovering the neural bases of planning during locomotion. Altogether, my work combined accurate quantification of animal movements with the- oretical models of optimal behavior to understand behavior at a computation level, aiming to provide crucial information to inform future studies on the neural bases of innate behaviors and aid in the development of novel artificial learning system