11 research outputs found

    Speech Signal Enhancement through Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding

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    This paper demonstrates the application of the Bionic Wavelet Transform (BWT), an adaptive wavelet transform derived from a non-linear auditory model of the cochlea, to the task of speech signal enhancement. Results, measured objectively by Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and Segmental SNR (SSNR) and subjectively by Mean Opinion Score (MOS), are given for additive white Gaussian noise as well as four different types of realistic noise environments. Enhancement is accomplished through the use of thresholding on the adapted BWT coefficients, and the results are compared to a variety of speech enhancement techniques, including Ephraim Malah filtering, iterative Wiener filtering, and spectral subtraction, as well as to wavelet denoising based on a perceptually scaled wavelet packet transform decomposition. Overall results indicate that SNR and SSNR improvements for the proposed approach are comparable to those of the Ephraim Malah filter, with BWT enhancement giving the best results of all methods for the noisiest (−10 db and −5 db input SNR) conditions. Subjective measurements using MOS surveys across a variety of 0 db SNR noise conditions indicate enhancement quality competitive with but still lower than results for Ephraim Malah filtering and iterative Wiener filtering, but higher than the perceptually scaled wavelet method

    Auditory Coding Based Speech Enhancement

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    This paper demonstrates a speech enhancement system based on an efficient auditory coding approach, coding of time-relative structure using spikes. The spike coding method can more compactly represent the non-stationary characteristics of speech signals than the Fourier transform or wavelet transform. Enhancement is accomplished through the use of MMSE thresholding on the spike code. Experimental results show that compared with the spectral domain logSTSA filter, both the subjective spectrogram evaluation and objective SSNR improvement for the proposed approach is better in suppressing noise in high noise situations, with fewer musical artifacts.

    Filtrado ciego de ruido blanco en señales de voz

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    Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) has been used in the recent yearsin signal processing applications, i.e. filtering and compression. In thecase of denoising because the energy of the noise is spread in the entire wavelet coefficients and it has low amplitude, it can be rejected by thres holding. In this paper, we propose a model to evaluate the influence of the denoising parameters in the quality of the speech signals, by ablind process. We examine the residual signal to establish an objective and blind criteria for selecting the following parameters: base, levels of de composition, rule, and threshold. This model can be applied in anytype of speech signal, no matter its behavior in time and frequency.La Transformada Wavelet Discreta se ha utilizado en los últimos años en aplicaciones de procesamiento de señales, como el filtrado y la compresión. En el caso específico de eliminación de ruido, la umbralización permite eliminar el ruido debido a que su energía está esparcida en todos los coeficientes Wavelet y es de baja amplitud. En este trabajo se propone una metodología para evaluar la influencia de los parámetros de filtrado en la calidad de la señal de voz, en un proceso ciego. A partir de la señal residuo se establece un criterio objetivo y ciego para la selección de los parámetros base, niveles de descomposición, regla y umbral. Esta metodología se puede aplicar a cualquier tipo de señal de voz, sin importar su comportamiento en el tiempo y en la frecuenci

    A New Wavelet Denoising Method for Noise Threshold

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    A new method is used wavelet 1-D experimental signal for denoising. It is provided the optimal adaptive threshold of sub-band based on input signals. The new method: 1) use a new method with low complexity that calculates thresholds; 2) use threshold for each sub-bands; 3) divide three sub-band with range of human hearing and range of the hearing tests are often displayed in the form of an audiogram; 4) use a new denoising algorithm depends on attribute of signal for wavelet coefficients; 5) applies denoising to the detail coefficients. The new method called Adaptive Thresholding with Mean for hybrid Denoising method of hard and soft function (ATMDe) and applied to hearing loss and it is found that it increases the signal-to-noise ratio by more than 114 % and decreases the mean-square-error (MSE). The result of new method with SNR and MSE is higher than standard denoising methods. Hence, the new method was found that has good performance and adaptive threshold value is better than other methods.This study is proposed a new adaptive threshold based on noisy speech for each sub-bands with low complex and it is suitability for range of human hearing and range of hearing test. A new method is used wavelet 1-D experimental signal for denoising. It provided the optimal adaptive threshold of three sub-band with applies to the detail coefficients. The speech enhancement is used of threshoding on the adpated wavelet coefficients, and the results are compared a variety of noisy speech and four well-known benchmark signals. The results, measured objectively by Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE), are given for additive white Gaussian noise as well as two different types of noisy environment. The new method called Adaptive Thresholding with Mean for hybrid Denoising method of hard and soft function (ATMDe) and applied to hearing loss and it is found that it increases the signal-to-noise ratio by more than 114% and decreases the mean-square-error (MSE). The result of new method with SNR and MSE is higher than standard denoising methods. Hence, the new method was found that has good performance and adaptive threshold value is better than other methods

    Speech Enhancement with Adaptive Thresholding and Kalman Filtering

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    Speech enhancement has been extensively studied for many years and various speech enhance- ment methods have been developed during the past decades. One of the objectives of speech en- hancement is to provide high-quality speech communication in the presence of background noise and concurrent interference signals. In the process of speech communication, the clean speech sig- nal is inevitably corrupted by acoustic noise from the surrounding environment, transmission media, communication equipment, electrical noise, other speakers, and other sources of interference. These disturbances can significantly degrade the quality and intelligibility of the received speech signal. Therefore, it is of great interest to develop efficient speech enhancement techniques to recover the original speech from the noisy observation. In recent years, various techniques have been developed to tackle this problem, which can be classified into single channel and multi-channel enhancement approaches. Since single channel enhancement is easy to implement, it has been a significant field of research and various approaches have been developed. For example, spectral subtraction and Wiener filtering, are among the earliest single channel methods, which are based on estimation of the power spectrum of stationary noise. However, when the noise is non-stationary, or there exists music noise and ambient speech noise, the enhancement performance would degrade considerably. To overcome this disadvantage, this thesis focuses on single channel speech enhancement under adverse noise environment, especially the non-stationary noise environment. Recently, wavelet transform based methods have been widely used to reduce the undesired background noise. On the other hand, the Kalman filter (KF) methods offer competitive denoising results, especially in non-stationary environment. It has been used as a popular and powerful tool for speech enhancement during the past decades. In this regard, a single channel wavelet thresholding based Kalman filter (KF) algorithm is proposed for speech enhancement in this thesis. The wavelet packet (WP) transform is first applied to the noise corrupted speech on a frame-by-frame basis, which decomposes each frame into a number of subbands. A voice activity detector (VAD) is then designed to detect the voiced/unvoiced frames of the subband speech. Based on the VAD result, an adaptive thresholding scheme is applied to each subband speech followed by the WP based reconstruction to obtain the pre-enhanced speech. To achieve a further level of enhancement, an iterative Kalman filter (IKF) is used to process the pre-enhanced speech. The proposed adaptive thresholding iterative Kalman filtering (AT-IKF) method is evaluated and compared with some existing methods under various noise conditions in terms of segmental SNR and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) as two well-known performance indexes. Firstly, we compare the proposed adaptive thresholding (AT) scheme with three other threshold- ing schemes: the non-linear universal thresholding (U-T), the non-linear wavelet packet transform thresholding (WPT-T) and the non-linear SURE thresholding (SURE-T). The experimental results show that the proposed AT scheme can significantly improve the segmental SNR and PESQ for all input SNRs compared with the other existing thresholding schemes. Secondly, extensive computer simulations are conducted to evaluate the proposed AT-IKF as opposed to the AT and the IKF as standalone speech enhancement methods. It is shown that the AT-IKF method still performs the best. Lastly, the proposed ATIKF method is compared with three representative and popular meth- ods: the improved spectral subtraction based speech enhancement algorithm (ISS), the improved Wiener filter based method (IWF) and the representative subband Kalman filter based algorithm (SIKF). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method as compared to some previous works both in terms of segmental SNR and PESQ