57 research outputs found

    Model-based Speech Enhancement for Intelligibility Improvement in Binaural Hearing Aids

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    Speech intelligibility is often severely degraded among hearing impaired individuals in situations such as the cocktail party scenario. The performance of the current hearing aid technology has been observed to be limited in these scenarios. In this paper, we propose a binaural speech enhancement framework that takes into consideration the speech production model. The enhancement framework proposed here is based on the Kalman filter that allows us to take the speech production dynamics into account during the enhancement process. The usage of a Kalman filter requires the estimation of clean speech and noise short term predictor (STP) parameters, and the clean speech pitch parameters. In this work, a binaural codebook-based method is proposed for estimating the STP parameters, and a directional pitch estimator based on the harmonic model and maximum likelihood principle is used to estimate the pitch parameters. The proposed method for estimating the STP and pitch parameters jointly uses the information from left and right ears, leading to a more robust estimation of the filter parameters. Objective measures such as PESQ and STOI have been used to evaluate the enhancement framework in different acoustic scenarios representative of the cocktail party scenario. We have also conducted subjective listening tests on a set of nine normal hearing subjects, to evaluate the performance in terms of intelligibility and quality improvement. The listening tests show that the proposed algorithm, even with access to only a single channel noisy observation, significantly improves the overall speech quality, and the speech intelligibility by up to 15%.Comment: after revisio

    Model-based speech enhancement for hearing aids

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    Acoustic sensor network geometry calibration and applications

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    In the modern world, we are increasingly surrounded by computation devices with communication links and one or more microphones. Such devices are, for example, smartphones, tablets, laptops or hearing aids. These devices can work together as nodes in an acoustic sensor network (ASN). Such networks are a growing platform that opens the possibility for many practical applications. ASN based speech enhancement, source localization, and event detection can be applied for teleconferencing, camera control, automation, or assisted living. For this kind of applications, the awareness of auditory objects and their spatial positioning are key properties. In order to provide these two kinds of information, novel methods have been developed in this thesis. Information on the type of auditory objects is provided by a novel real-time sound classification method. Information on the position of human speakers is provided by a novel localization and tracking method. In order to localize with respect to the ASN, the relative arrangement of the sensor nodes has to be known. Therefore, different novel geometry calibration methods were developed. Sound classification The first method addresses the task of identification of auditory objects. A novel application of the bag-of-features (BoF) paradigm on acoustic event classification and detection was introduced. It can be used for event and speech detection as well as for speaker identification. The use of both mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) and Gammatone frequency cepstral coefficient (GFCC) features improves the classification accuracy. By using soft quantization and introducing supervised training for the BoF model, superior accuracy is achieved. The method generalizes well from limited training data. It is working online and can be computed in a fraction of real-time. By a dedicated training strategy based on a hierarchy of stationarity, the detection of speech in mixtures with noise was realized. This makes the method robust against severe noises levels corrupting the speech signal. Thus it is possible to provide control information to a beamformer in order to realize blind speech enhancement. A reliable improvement is achieved in the presence of one or more stationary noise sources. Speaker localization The localization method enables each node to determine the direction of arrival (DoA) of concurrent sound sources. The author's neuro-biologically inspired speaker localization method for microphone arrays was refined for the use in ASNs. By implementing a dedicated cochlear and midbrain model, it is robust against the reverberation found in indoor rooms. In order to better model the unknown number of concurrent speakers, an application of the EM algorithm that realizes probabilistic clustering according to auditory scene analysis (ASA) principles was introduced. Based on this approach, a system for Euclidean tracking in ASNs was designed. Each node applies the node wise localization method and shares probabilistic DoA estimates together with an estimate of the spectral distribution with the network. As this information is relatively sparse, it can be transmitted with low bandwidth. The system is robust against jitter and transmission errors. The information from all nodes is integrated according to spectral similarity to correctly associate concurrent speakers. By incorporating the intersection angle in the triangulation, the precision of the Euclidean localization is improved. Tracks of concurrent speakers are computed over time, as is shown with recordings in a reverberant room. Geometry calibration The central task of geometry calibration has been solved with special focus on sensor nodes equipped with multiple microphones. Novel methods were developed for different scenarios. An audio-visual method was introduced for the calibration of ASNs in video conferencing scenarios. The DoAs estimates are fused with visual speaker tracking in order to provide sensor positions in a common coordinate system. A novel acoustic calibration method determines the relative positioning of the nodes from ambient sounds alone. Unlike previous methods that only infer the positioning of distributed microphones, the DoA is incorporated and thus it becomes possible to calibrate the orientation of the nodes with a high accuracy. This is very important for all applications using the spatial information, as the triangulation error increases dramatically with bad orientation estimates. As speech events can be used, the calibration becomes possible without the requirement of playing dedicated calibration sounds. Based on this, an online method employing a genetic algorithm with incremental measurements was introduced. By using the robust speech localization method, the calibration is computed in parallel to the tracking. The online method is be able to calibrate ASNs in real time, as is shown with recordings of natural speakers in a reverberant room. The informed acoustic sensor network All new methods are important building blocks for the use of ASNs. The online methods for localization and calibration both make use of the neuro-biologically inspired processing in the nodes which leads to state-of-the-art results, even in reverberant enclosures. The high robustness and reliability can be improved even more by including the event detection method in order to exclude non-speech events. When all methods are combined, both semantic information on what is happening in the acoustic scene as well as spatial information on the positioning of the speakers and sensor nodes is automatically acquired in real time. This realizes truly informed audio processing in ASNs. Practical applicability is shown by application to recordings in reverberant rooms. The contribution of this thesis is thus not only to advance the state-of-the-art in automatically acquiring information on the acoustic scene, but also pushing the practical applicability of such methods

    Binaural scene analysis : localization, detection and recognition of speakers in complex acoustic scenes

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    The human auditory system has the striking ability to robustly localize and recognize a specific target source in complex acoustic environments while ignoring interfering sources. Surprisingly, this remarkable capability, which is referred to as auditory scene analysis, is achieved by only analyzing the waveforms reaching the two ears. Computers, however, are presently not able to compete with the performance achieved by the human auditory system, even in the restricted paradigm of confronting a computer algorithm based on binaural signals with a highly constrained version of auditory scene analysis, such as localizing a sound source in a reverberant environment or recognizing a speaker in the presence of interfering noise. In particular, the problem of focusing on an individual speech source in the presence of competing speakers, termed the cocktail party problem, has been proven to be extremely challenging for computer algorithms. The primary objective of this thesis is the development of a binaural scene analyzer that is able to jointly localize, detect and recognize multiple speech sources in the presence of reverberation and interfering noise. The processing of the proposed system is divided into three main stages: localization stage, detection of speech sources, and recognition of speaker identities. The only information that is assumed to be known a priori is the number of target speech sources that are present in the acoustic mixture. Furthermore, the aim of this work is to reduce the performance gap between humans and machines by improving the performance of the individual building blocks of the binaural scene analyzer. First, a binaural front-end inspired by auditory processing is designed to robustly determine the azimuth of multiple, simultaneously active sound sources in the presence of reverberation. The localization model builds on the supervised learning of azimuthdependent binaural cues, namely interaural time and level differences. Multi-conditional training is performed to incorporate the uncertainty of these binaural cues resulting from reverberation and the presence of competing sound sources. Second, a speech detection module that exploits the distinct spectral characteristics of speech and noise signals is developed to automatically select azimuthal positions that are likely to correspond to speech sources. Due to the established link between the localization stage and the recognition stage, which is realized by the speech detection module, the proposed binaural scene analyzer is able to selectively focus on a predefined number of speech sources that are positioned at unknown spatial locations, while ignoring interfering noise sources emerging from other spatial directions. Third, the speaker identities of all detected speech sources are recognized in the final stage of the model. To reduce the impact of environmental noise on the speaker recognition performance, a missing data classifier is combined with the adaptation of speaker models using a universal background model. This combination is particularly beneficial in nonstationary background noise

    Non-Intrusive Speech Intelligibility Prediction

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    Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation

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    This is the author's final version of the article, first published as E. Vincent, M. G. Jafari, S. A. Abdallah, M. D. Plumbley, M. E. Davies. Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation. In W. Wang (Ed), Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems. Chapter 7, pp. 162-185. IGI Global, 2011. ISBN 978-1-61520-919-4. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-919-4.ch007file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04Most sound scenes result from the superposition of several sources, which can be separately perceived and analyzed by human listeners. Source separation aims to provide machine listeners with similar skills by extracting the sounds of individual sources from a given scene. Existing separation systems operate either by emulating the human auditory system or by inferring the parameters of probabilistic sound models. In this chapter, the authors focus on the latter approach and provide a joint overview of established and recent models, including independent component analysis, local time-frequency models and spectral template-based models. They show that most models are instances of one of the following two general paradigms: linear modeling or variance modeling. They compare the merits of either paradigm and report objective performance figures. They also,conclude by discussing promising combinations of probabilistic priors and inference algorithms that could form the basis of future state-of-the-art systems

    Studies on noise robust automatic speech recognition

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    Noise in everyday acoustic environments such as cars, traffic environments, and cafeterias remains one of the main challenges in automatic speech recognition (ASR). As a research theme, it has received wide attention in conferences and scientific journals focused on speech technology. This article collection reviews both the classic and novel approaches suggested for noise robust ASR. The articles are literature reviews written for the spring 2009 seminar course on noise robust automatic speech recognition (course code T-61.6060) held at TKK

    An Overview of Deep-Learning-Based Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement and Separation

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    Speech enhancement and speech separation are two related tasks, whose purpose is to extract either one or more target speech signals, respectively, from a mixture of sounds generated by several sources. Traditionally, these tasks have been tackled using signal processing and machine learning techniques applied to the available acoustic signals. Since the visual aspect of speech is essentially unaffected by the acoustic environment, visual information from the target speakers, such as lip movements and facial expressions, has also been used for speech enhancement and speech separation systems. In order to efficiently fuse acoustic and visual information, researchers have exploited the flexibility of data-driven approaches, specifically deep learning, achieving strong performance. The ceaseless proposal of a large number of techniques to extract features and fuse multimodal information has highlighted the need for an overview that comprehensively describes and discusses audio-visual speech enhancement and separation based on deep learning. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey of this research topic, focusing on the main elements that characterise the systems in the literature: acoustic features; visual features; deep learning methods; fusion techniques; training targets and objective functions. In addition, we review deep-learning-based methods for speech reconstruction from silent videos and audio-visual sound source separation for non-speech signals, since these methods can be more or less directly applied to audio-visual speech enhancement and separation. Finally, we survey commonly employed audio-visual speech datasets, given their central role in the development of data-driven approaches, and evaluation methods, because they are generally used to compare different systems and determine their performance

    Coding Strategies for Cochlear Implants Under Adverse Environments

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    Cochlear implants are electronic prosthetic devices that restores partial hearing in patients with severe to profound hearing loss. Although most coding strategies have significantly improved the perception of speech in quite listening conditions, there remains limitations on speech perception under adverse environments such as in background noise, reverberation and band-limited channels, and we propose strategies that improve the intelligibility of speech transmitted over the telephone networks, reverberated speech and speech in the presence of background noise. For telephone processed speech, we propose to examine the effects of adding low-frequency and high- frequency information to the band-limited telephone speech. Four listening conditions were designed to simulate the receiving frequency characteristics of telephone handsets. Results indicated improvement in cochlear implant and bimodal listening when telephone speech was augmented with high frequency information and therefore this study provides support for design of algorithms to extend the bandwidth towards higher frequencies. The results also indicated added benefit from hearing aids for bimodal listeners in all four types of listening conditions. Speech understanding in acoustically reverberant environments is always a difficult task for hearing impaired listeners. Reverberated sounds consists of direct sound, early reflections and late reflections. Late reflections are known to be detrimental to speech intelligibility. In this study, we propose a reverberation suppression strategy based on spectral subtraction to suppress the reverberant energies from late reflections. Results from listening tests for two reverberant conditions (RT60 = 0.3s and 1.0s) indicated significant improvement when stimuli was processed with SS strategy. The proposed strategy operates with little to no prior information on the signal and the room characteristics and therefore, can potentially be implemented in real-time CI speech processors. For speech in background noise, we propose a mechanism underlying the contribution of harmonics to the benefit of electroacoustic stimulations in cochlear implants. The proposed strategy is based on harmonic modeling and uses synthesis driven approach to synthesize the harmonics in voiced segments of speech. Based on objective measures, results indicated improvement in speech quality. This study warrants further work into development of algorithms to regenerate harmonics of voiced segments in the presence of noise

    Online source separation in reverberant environments exploiting known speaker locations

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    This thesis concerns blind source separation techniques using second order statistics and higher order statistics for reverberant environments. A focus of the thesis is algorithmic simplicity with a view to the algorithms being implemented in their online forms. The main challenge of blind source separation applications is to handle reverberant acoustic environments; a further complication is changes in the acoustic environment such as when human speakers physically move. A novel time-domain method which utilises a pair of finite impulse response filters is proposed. The method of principle angles is defined which exploits a singular value decomposition for their design. The pair of filters are implemented within a generalised sidelobe canceller structure, thus the method can be considered as a beamforming method which cancels one source. An adaptive filtering stage is then employed to recover the remaining source, by exploiting the output of the beamforming stage as a noise reference. A common approach to blind source separation is to use methods that use higher order statistics such as independent component analysis. When dealing with realistic convolutive audio and speech mixtures, processing in the frequency domain at each frequency bin is required. As a result this introduces the permutation problem, inherent in independent component analysis, across the frequency bins. Independent vector analysis directly addresses this issue by modeling the dependencies between frequency bins, namely making use of a source vector prior. An alternative source prior for real-time (online) natural gradient independent vector analysis is proposed. A Student's t probability density function is known to be more suited for speech sources, due to its heavier tails, and is incorporated into a real-time version of natural gradient independent vector analysis. The final algorithm is realised as a real-time embedded application on a floating point Texas Instruments digital signal processor platform. Moving sources, along with reverberant environments, cause significant problems in realistic source separation systems as mixing filters become time variant. A method which employs the pair of cancellation filters, is proposed to cancel one source coupled with an online natural gradient independent vector analysis technique to improve average separation performance in the context of step-wise moving sources. This addresses `dips' in performance when sources move. Results show the average convergence time of the performance parameters is improved. Online methods introduced in thesis are tested using impulse responses measured in reverberant environments, demonstrating their robustness and are shown to perform better than established methods in a variety of situations
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