399,063 research outputs found

    Speech Act Use in Jokowi Political Communication during The Press Conference of The State Visit in Moskow

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    Concern about global conditions due to war, famine, and disease prompted President Jokowidodo to make a state visit to Russia and Ukraine, the two largest exporters of fertilizer and wheat in the world. This study aims to analyze the speech act of Jokowidodo's press statement during a state visit to Moscow on June 30, 2022. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data was obtained by observing the video of Jokowi's press statement during a state visit to Moscow. The transcribed data were then grouped according to the order in which the press conference was delivered. The data were analyzed using Austin's speech act theory (1962) and Searle's (1979). Research shows that there are three types of speech acts in Jokowi's press statement, expressive speech acts, assertive speech acts (affirming and informing), and directive speech acts (influence, invite and convince). Although not explicitly stated, the speech act of Jokowi's press statement has a noble purpose and goal: to encourage countries that are in conflict to resolve conflicts by peaceful resolution

    Language Property in Speech Acts Language Activities in Speech Program Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) TV ONE

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    This study aims to identify, describe the use of locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts and describe the deviations from the use of politeness and cooperation principles in the three types of speech acts on the Indonesia Lawyers Club program on TV One episode Is It Necessary to Declare Total War and Badr War using a descriptive-qualitative approach, so that the speech acts used and deviations from the politeness and cooperation principles used by speakers or resource persons in the event can be identified. This study uses a descriptive-qualitative research method, namely by using content analysis techniques. This means that by using this method the data that has been obtained from the video shows is then transcribed and analyzed, described and interpreted with the stated objectives and then concluded. In analyzing the data, a series of activities were carried out, namely 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the most widely used speech act is perlocutionary speech act, and if it is associated with the use of the principles of politeness and cooperation, then most of the speakers violate the maxims of wisdom, humility and consensus. Meanwhile, when viewed from the violation of the principle of cooperation, speakers often violate the maxim of quality and method


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    This aims to reveal the ways of criticizing American government and wheedling the audients believe trough each speech act in movie. Pragmatic multimodal perspective is used to uncover both speech act and the cinematic aspect in order to know how the movie producer criticize and persuade audients to believe. This research is presented Qualitatively and the data taken from David Michôd (2016) work “War Machines”. It was found that the movie has three ways in criticizing the government and persuading the audien to believe. They are; 1. To contradict between speech and multimodality of cinematic to create an offensive criticism structure. 2. Use of mutually supportive between speech acts of and multimodality to create a common criticism structure (mutual affirmation of speech acts and multimodality). 3. The use of personification of institutions to direct criticism of policy holders. 

    A progressive mind : Louis D. Brandeis and the origins of free speech.

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    This study argues that Associate Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis played a key role in shaping the jurisprudence of free political speech in the United States. Brandeis\u27s judicial opinions on three freedom of speech cases in the post-World War I era provide the evidence for this argument. This thesis demonstrates how the Espionage and Sedition Acts of World War I allowed Brandeis the opportunity to reflect and rule on the Founding Fathers\u27 meaning of free speech in a political democracy. Chapter I offers a detailed historiography of the Progressive Era and World War I. Chapter II provides a biography of Louis D. Brandeis and a historiography of civil liberties during World War I. Chapter III analyzes Associate Justices Holmes and Brandeis\u27s shifting opinions on free speech in the 1919 cases of Schenck v. United States and Abrams v. United States. Chapter IV breaks down Brandeis\u27s dissenting opinion in Gilbert v. Minnesota (1920). Chapter V examines Brandeis\u27s solidified stance on free speech in the case of Whitney v. California (1927). In conclusion, this study finds that Brandeis\u27s opinions created the language and support to apply the federal First Amendment to the states and to apply the imminent threat standard to free political speech cases

    Illocutionary Acts Analysis in President Barack Obama's Farewell Speech

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    Abstract:This research uses qualitative research method. The objectives of study are to analyze that there are some locutionary acts and some illocutionary acts in  Barrack Obama’s farewell speech. The researcher uses qualitative method to analyze Barrack Obama’s speech. The researcher appliess Searle’s illocutionary acts to analyze that speech. Searle’s categories of illocutionary acts are representatives, directives, comissives, expressives and declaratives.Representatives include describing, stating,  boasting, affirming,  concluding, claiming, assessing, asserting, etc. While, directives include warning, commanding, ordering, requesting, inviting suggesting, , forbidding, etc. Then, commissives are promising, vowing, planning, threatening, offering, warning, refusing, etc. On the other hand, expressives are thanking, apologizing, welcoming, condoling, congratulating, regret, like, dislike, statement of joy and sorrow, etc. The last, declaratives are excommunicating, declaration of war, christening or baptizing, resigning, etc.The researcher found that President Barack Obama’s farewell speech consists of locutionary acts and illocutionary acts as well. Locutionary acts in President Obama’s farewell speech are declaratives, imperatives and interrogatives acts. Most of illocutionary acts in Obama’s farewell speech are representatives. Directives, comissives, expressives are not as many as representatives. However, the researcher did not find any declaratives acts in that speech.  Keywords: Speech act, Barack Obama’s farewell speech, Illocutionary ac

    Small Powers, Geopolitical Crisis and Hypersecuritisation : Latvia and the Effects of Russia’s Second War in Ukraine

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    Funding Information: The author is grateful to the Academy of International Affairs NRW during whose fellowship this article was completed. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 CEJISS. Article is distributed under Open Access licence: Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 Unported (cc by-nc 4.0)This article presents a case where securitisation of one state in another increased dramatically and exponentially. The scale and intensity of securitisation were unprecedented, as were the range of securitisation actors, and the tone of language of speech acts and nonverbal securitisation acts. This case in question is the securitisation of Russia in Latvia over Russia’s war in Ukraine starting in 2022. Although Russia was securitised by its smaller neighbour before the war, the sudden explosion of securitisation in 2022 differs from any securitisation in recent decades there. Securitisation of Russia is evaluated within the margins of the hypersecuritisation subconcept that purports securitisation beyond the ‘normal’ level, characterised by exaggeration of threats and excessive countermeasures. This article offers a reformulation of the subconcept, omitting the negative connotation built into the initial definition, as well as addresses the transition from securitisation to hypersecuritisation.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Turning Medals into Metal: Evaluating the Court of Arbitration for Sport as an International Tribunal

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    The history of transnational adjudication is littered with failure and disappointment. War crimes tribunals have often become farces, the ICC has exacerbated armed conflicts, and even the venerable ICJ has endured humiliating failures. This piece makes a compelling case for why one international tribunal, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (“CAS”), has managed to flourish in the otherwise depressing landscape of transnational adjudication. Specifically, the article makes a novel argument for 1) why parties are drawn to the CAS, and 2) how the CAS’ speech acts manage to have force


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    By examining securitization speech acts and the organizational behavior of the agencies tasked with controlling border security and immigration, this thesis will examine the consequences of security discourse on United States policies for the borderlands, the impact of escalating speech acts for the securitization of those key territories, and the limits placed upon political leaders and relevant organizations by institutional forces. Specifically, this thesis will examine the implementation and consequences of guest-worker programs between the United States and Mexico during World War I and World War II. In addition, this thesis will examine how organizational behavior shaped the ability of United States government agencies to implement and enforce border security and labor policy.http://archive.org/details/thesecuritizatio1094532822Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Tindak Tutur Direktif Dalam Film Lion Of The Desert 1980 (Kajian Pragmatik)

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    This study aims to describe the derivative speech act in the 1980 film Lion of Desert. This study used a pragmatic approach. This study used qualitative descriptive method. Researchers took the film Lion Of The Desert as a source of research data. All utterances contained in the Lion Of The Desert film will be the subject of research, while the object of research is all directive speech acts contained in films with the realm of pragmatic studies. The data analysis method used in this study is the equivalent method. This film tells the story of a former teacher, Umar Mukhtar, who is nicknamed the Lion of the Desert for his courage and ability to fight. In 1911 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, Italy expanded its colonial territory to Libyan territory. In 1929 a war led by Umar Mukhtar broke out. General Benito Mussolini sent General Radofo Garziani with the task of suppressing the rebellion carried out by Umar Mukhtar. From the film Lion Of The Desert (1980) which became the source of this research data obtained dialogues that showed the existence of speech acts that referred to the form and function of directive speech acts. The directive speech acts contained in the film are, orders, requests, advises, prohibitions, invitations, suggestions, begs, questions, indirectly, and directly. While the functions of speech acts contained in the film are: commanding, warning, asking, asking, inviting, and suggestions.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tindak tutur derektif dalam film Lion of Desert 1980. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pragmatik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Peneliti mengambil film Lion Of The Desert sebagai sumber data penelitian. Semua tuturan yang terdapat dalam film Lion Of The Desert akan menjadi subjek penelitian, sedangkan objek penelitiannya adalah semua tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat dalam film dengan ranah kajian pragmatik. Metode analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode padan. Film ini menceritakan seorang mantan guru yaitu, Umar Mukhtar yang dijuluki Singa Padang Pasir atas keberanian dan kemampuan dalam berperang. Pada tahun 1911 di bawah pimpinan Benito Mussolini,Italia meluaskan daerah penjajahannya sampai ke wilayah Libya. Pada tahun 1929 terjadinya peperangan yang dipimpin oleh Umar Mukhtar. Jenderal Benito Mussolini mengirimkan jenderal Radofo Garziani dengan tugas menumpas pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh Umar Mukhtar. Dari film Lion Of The Desert (1980) yang menjadi sumber data penelitian ini diperoleh dialog-dialog yang menunjukkan adanya tindak tutur yang mengacu pada bentuk dan fungsi tindak tutur direktif. Tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat di dalam film yaitu, perintah, permintaan, menasehati, larangan, ajakan, saran, memohon, pertanyaan, secara tidak langsung, dan secara langsung. Sedangkan fungsi tindak tutur yang terdapat di dalam film yakni: memerintah, peringatan, bertanya, meminta, mengajak, dan saran.Kata Kunci: tindak tutur direktif, fungsi tindak tutur, pragmati

    A practical explication of the knowledge rule of informative speech acts

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    This paper defends the knowledge rule of informative speech acts. It is argued that Edward Craig's insightful practical explication of the concept of knowledge can be extended to motivate the knowledge rule. A number of problem cases for the knowledge rule are addressed and accommodated