1,538 research outputs found

    Weighted norm inequalities, Gaussian bounds and sharp spectral multipliers

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    Let LL be a non-negative self adjoint operator acting on L2(X)L^2(X) where XX is a space of homogeneous type. Assume that LL generates a holomorphic semigroup etLe^{-tL} whose kernels pt(x,y)p_t(x,y) have Gaussian upper bounds but possess no regularity in variables xx and yy. In this article, we study weighted LpL^p-norm inequalities for spectral multipliers of LL. We show sharp weighted H\"ormander-type spectral multiplier theorems follow from Gaussian heat kernel bounds and appropriate L2L^2 estimates of the kernels of the spectral multipliers. These results are applicable to spectral multipliers for large classes of operators including Laplace operators acting on Lie groups of polynomial growth or irregular non-doubling domains of Euclidean spaces, elliptic operators on compact manifolds and Schr\"odinger operators with non-negative potentials on complete Riemannian manifolds

    Characterization of coorbit spaces with phase-space covers

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    We show that coorbit spaces can be characterized in terms of arbitrary phase-space covers, which are families of phase-space multipliers associated with partitions of unity. This generalizes previously known results for time-frequency analysis to include time-scale decompositions. As a by-product, we extend the existing results for time-frequency analysis to an irregular setting.Comment: 31 pages. Revised version (title slightly changed). Typos fixe

    Weak type operator Lipschitz and commutator estimates for commuting tuples

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    Let f:RdRf: \mathbb{R}^d \to\mathbb{R} be a Lipschitz function. If BB is a bounded self-adjoint operator and if {Ak}k=1d\{A_k\}_{k=1}^d are commuting bounded self-adjoint operators such that [Ak,B]L1(H),[A_k,B]\in L_1(H), then [f(A1,,Ad),B]1,c(d)(f)max1kd[Ak,B]1,\|[f(A_1,\cdots,A_d),B]\|_{1,\infty}\leq c(d)\|\nabla(f)\|_{\infty}\max_{1\leq k\leq d}\|[A_k,B]\|_1, where c(d)c(d) is a constant independent of ff, M\mathcal{M} and A,BA,B and 1,\|\cdot\|_{1,\infty} denotes the weak L1L_1-norm. If {Xk}k=1d\{X_k\}_{k=1}^d (respectively, {Yk}k=1d\{Y_k\}_{k=1}^d) are commuting bounded self-adjoint operators such that XkYkL1(H),X_k-Y_k\in L_1(H), then \|f(X_1,\cdots,X_d)-f(Y_1,\cdots,Y_d)\|_{1,\infty}\leq c(d)\|\nabla(f)\|_{\infty}\max_{1\leq k\leq d}\|X_k-Y_k\|_1.$

    Nonharmonic analysis of boundary value problems

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    In this paper we develop the global symbolic calculus of pseudo-differential operators generated by a boundary value problem for a given (not necessarily self-adjoint or elliptic) differential operator. For this, we also establish elements of a non-self-adjoint distribution theory and the corresponding biorthogonal Fourier analysis. We give applications of the developed analysis to obtain a-priori estimates for solutions of operators that are elliptic within the constructed calculus.Comment: 54 pages, updated version, to appear in IMR