1,382 research outputs found

    The Sociology of Sexualities: Queer and Beyond

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    We identify three trends in the recent sociology of sexuality. First, we examine how queer theory has influenced many sociologists whose empirical work observes sexuality in areas generally thought to be asexual. These sociologists also elaborate queer theory\u27s challenge to sexual dichotomizing and trace the workings of power through sexual categories. Second, we look at how sociologists bring sexuality into conversation with the black feminist notion of “intersectionality” by examining the nature and effects of sexuality among multiple and intersecting systems of identity and oppression. A third trend in the sociology of sexuality has been to explore the relationships between sexuality and political economy in light of recent market transformations. In examining these trends, we observe the influence of globalization studies and the contributions of sociologists to understanding the role of sexuality in global processes. We conclude with the contributions sociologists of sexuality make toward understanding other social processes and with the ongoing need to study sexuality itself

    The Inkwell

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    The Effects of Transaction Costs on Investor Sentiment: Evidence from the Nigerian Electricity Service Industry

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    Privatisation of the Nigerian Electricity Service Industry represents a bold first step on a multi-dimensional journey to social and economic development. Significant challenges remain to be overcome. This paper examines the reforms through the lens of New Institutional Economics in order to determine how weak institutions have so far confounded seasoned local investors and international advisors, by looking for the presence of excessive transaction costs. The reform environment is based on Williamsons 4 levels of social analysis and subjected to evaluation based on four areas deemed critical for reform success, namely property rights, market structure, conflict resolution mechanisms and policy implementation capabilities. The study is restricted to investors in electricity distribution companies, and the presence of high transaction costs used as proxy for institutions in need of further improvement. The study finds that providing quality asset performance data and changing a culture that tacitly accept electricity theft and late bill payment, will reduce the transaction costs associated with defining and protecting Investors property rights. However, the regulatory environment must mature to enjoy the confidence of government, consumers and investors, who continue to remain optimistic

    Montana Kaimin, January 10, 1979

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/7844/thumbnail.jp

    Predictive Process Monitoring for Lead-to-Contract Process Optimization

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    Äriprotsesside toetamiseks on üha laiemalt kasutusele võetud ettevõtte ressursside planeerimise (ERP) tööriistad, sealhulgas CRM süsteemid müügiprotsessi jaoks. ERP süsteemid salvestavad oma töö käigus protsesside logisid, mille oskuslik käsitlemine võimaldab efektiivistada äriprotsesse. Protsessilogide analüüsimiseks on välja töötatud protsessikaeve meetodid, mis oskavad logidest pöördprojekteerida tegelikult käivitatud protsesside mudeleid. Neid meetodeid on rakendatud koos ennustava seire meetoditega protsesside tulemuste soovitud ja soovimatute tulemuste varajaseks tuvastamiseks.\n\rKuigi ennustav seire on hiljuti rohkelt tähelepanu saanud ja leidnud rakendamist soovitusmootorites, mis pakuvad välja soovitusi äriprotsesside parendamiseks, ei ole seni palju uuritud kontekstiandmete, nt müügisüsteemi kirjetes klientide finantsandmed, mõju ennustava seire tulemustele soovituste kontekstis.\n\rKäesolevas magistritöös uuritakse kontekstiandmete mõju ennustava seire mudelite kvaliteedile müügiprotsessi optimeerimise kontekstis. Eksperimendid näitavad, et välistel kontekstiandmetel on pigem negatiivne mõju, samas kui sisemistel, protsessi käigus kogutud kontekstiandmetel on positiivne mõju mudelite kvaliteedile. Muuhulgas selgub eksperimentidest, et juba kolme esimese sündmuse baasil saab müügiprotsessis ennustada müügi õnnestumist.Business processes today are supported by enterprise systems such as Enter-\n\rprise Resource Planning systems. These systems store large amounts of process execution\n\rlog data that can be used to improve business processes across the organization. The\n\rprocess mining methods have been developed to analyze such logs, which are capable of\n\rextracting process models. These methods, in turn, have been applied in conjunctions\n\rwith predictive monitoring methods for early differentiation of desired and undesired\n\routcomes. Although predictive monitoring approach has recently caught attention and\n\rfound application in recommendation engines, which suggest cases to improve business\n\rprocess outcomes, there is no much research on how contextual data, such as clients fi-\n\rnancial indicators and other external data, may improve the quality of recommendations.\n\rThis thesis examines whether including the external data with the event data affects the\n\raccuracy of predictive monitoring for early predictions positively. More specifically, this\n\rthesis reveals usage of context data had the adverse effect on the performance of learned\n\rmodels. Furthermore, the study indicated that the usage of first three events from the\n\revent logs with internal data is sufficient to predict the label of an opportunity in the\n\rsales funnel

    The BG News October 30, 2002

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper October 30, 2002. Volume 91 - Issue 46https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/8024/thumbnail.jp

    Stability of the Demand for Real Narrow Money in Indonesia

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