555 research outputs found

    Future Prospects of Selected Intelligent Decision Technologies and their Deployment in Information Systems

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    This paper presents an overview of technological prospective studies on selected classes of decision support and intelligent information systems. Technological trends and scenarios were generated from simulation experiments with hybrid models consisting of discrete-time control and discrete-event components. These trends were then merged with the outcomes of an innovative Delphi survey. Both techniques yielded a complex information technology model, capable of describing various factors relevant to the evolution and adsorption of intelligent technologies. Specifically, we investigated the development of intelligent decision support systems, recommenders, and specialized information systems supporting e-commerce, e-science, e-learning, and crisis management. The technological evolution model features software development paradigms such as DevOps, Next Release choice, and competition among system suppliers. Additionally, the survey highlighted customers’ preferences and market prospects. The foresight results are presented in the context of overall progress in information systems, software market needs, and user behavior

    Third Annual Foreign Acquisitions Workshop: Improving Access to Foreign Gray Literature

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    The theme of the Third Annual Foreign Acquisitions Workshop was the acquisition of and access to foreign (non-U.S.) gray literature. Individual presentations addressed general topics related to the value and scope of gray literature, specialized and foreign gray-literature sources, intellectual property issues, and U.S. Federal Agency activities. Additional topics focused on electronic access and evaluation techniques and the current and potential uses of networking technology. The workshop papers are presented in their entirety or in abstract or outline form. Appendices include a listing of databases that include foreign gray literature, a bibliography, and a report on U.S.-Japan cooperation in the use of scientific and technical information

    Organization based multiagent architecture for distributed environments

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    [EN]Distributed environments represent a complex field in which applied solutions should be flexible and include significant adaptation capabilities. These environments are related to problems where multiple users and devices may interact, and where simple and local solutions could possibly generate good results, but may not be effective with regards to use and interaction. There are many techniques that can be employed to face this kind of problems, from CORBA to multi-agent systems, passing by web-services and SOA, among others. All those methodologies have their advantages and disadvantages that are properly analyzed in this documents, to finally explain the new architecture presented as a solution for distributed environment problems. The new architecture for solving complex solutions in distributed environments presented here is called OBaMADE: Organization Based Multiagent Architecture for Distributed Environments. It is a multiagent architecture based on the organizations of agents paradigm, where the agents in the architecture are structured into organizations to improve their organizational capabilities. The reasoning power of the architecture is based on the Case-Based Reasoning methology, being implemented in a internal organization that uses agents to create services to solve the external request made by the users. The OBaMADE architecture has been successfully applied to two different case studies where its prediction capabilities have been properly checked. Those case studies have showed optimistic results and, being complex systems, have demonstrated the abstraction and generalizations capabilities of the architecture. Nevertheless OBaMADE is intended to be able to solve much other kind of problems in distributed environments scenarios. It should be applied to other varieties of situations and to other knowledge fields to fully develop its potencial.[ES]Los entornos distribuidos representan un campo de conocimiento complejo en el que las soluciones a aplicar deben ser flexibles y deben contar con gran capacidad de adaptación. Este tipo de entornos está normalmente relacionado con problemas donde varios usuarios y dispositivos entran en juego. Para solucionar dichos problemas, pueden utilizarse sistemas locales que, aunque ofrezcan buenos resultados en términos de calidad de los mismos, no son tan efectivos en cuanto a la interacción y posibilidades de uso. Existen múltiples técnicas que pueden ser empleadas para resolver este tipo de problemas, desde CORBA a sistemas multiagente, pasando por servicios web y SOA, entre otros. Todas estas mitologías tienen sus ventajas e inconvenientes, que se analizan en este documento, para explicar, finalmente, la nueva arquitectura presentada como una solución para los problemas generados en entornos distribuidos. La nueva arquitectura aquí se llama OBaMADE, que es el acrónimo del inglés Organization Based Multiagent Architecture for Distributed Environments (Arquitectura Multiagente Basada en Organizaciones para Entornos Distribuidos). Se trata de una arquitectura multiagente basasa en el paradigma de las organizaciones de agente, donde los agentes que forman parte de la arquitectura se estructuran en organizaciones para mejorar sus capacidades organizativas. La capacidad de razonamiento de la arquitectura está basada en la metodología de razonamiento basado en casos, que se ha implementado en una de las organizaciones internas de la arquitectura por medio de agentes que crean servicios que responden a las solicitudes externas de los usuarios. La arquitectura OBaMADE se ha aplicado de forma exitosa a dos casos de estudio diferentes, en los que se han demostrado sus capacidades predictivas. Aplicando OBaMADE a estos casos de estudio se han obtenido resultados esperanzadores y, al ser sistemas complejos, se han demostrado las capacidades tanto de abstracción como de generalización de la arquitectura presentada. Sin embargo, esta arquitectura está diseñada para poder ser aplicada a más tipo de problemas de entornos distribuidos. Debe ser aplicada a más variadas situaciones y a otros campos de conocimiento para desarrollar completamente el potencial de esta arquitectura

    Sequencing of learning activities oriented towards reuse and auto-organization for intelligent tutoring systems

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    Three have been the main contributions of this thesis. First, a platform for the deployment of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) with a modular architecture has been designed. This platform, called SIT, focuses on the adaptation of the sequencing of learning content, not adaptation of the content itself. This separation permits specialization of pedagogical experts and encourages reuse of learning resources. Second, a tool for the adaptation of the sequencing of learning units has been presented: Sequencing Graphs. It is a specialization of the finite automata paradigm, adapted for the specific needs of learning. Sequencing graphs focus on reuse, both of learning units and of adaptive sequencings definitions. They are hierarchical to prevent scalability problems. Two ITS have developed using sequencing graphs for SIT. Experimental results support the hypothesis that sequencing adaptation has a good influence on learning and that Sequencing Graphs are a useful tool to achieve this objective. Finally, the thesis analyzes the current initiatives in the emerging field of swarm intelligence techniques in education. Apart of the theoretical overview, three results are presented: an experimental study performed on the Paraschool system, a system of pedagogical alarms based on learning pheromones on the same system, and a swarm paths information module for SIT. This module synthesizes the best results from swarm-based adaptation sequencing and collaborative filtering for providing an additional level of adaptation to the content sequencing in SI

    After Action Report

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    17 USC 105 interim-entered record; under review.Prepared by Lyla Englehorn, NPS Faculty Associate – Research for VADM David Lewis USN (ret) NWSI Director; CAPT Jeff Kline USN retired, Professor of the Practice NPS Operations Research Department; and Dr. Brian Bingham, CRUSER DirectorThe September 2021 workshop “Hybrid Force 2045” tasked participants to apply emerging technologies to shape the way we fight in a 2045 global conflict depicted in the fictional scenario “Hybrid War 2045.” Concept generation teams were given the design challenge: How might emerging technologies, new operational concepts, and alternative fleet designs contribute to a more effective naval force across the spectrum from competition to conflict? How do the alternative fleet designs enhance the effectiveness and resilience of joint, combined and coalition forces across all domains? Following panel discussions and presentations from leading technical and policy experts, the teams and their embedded facilitators had fourteen hours of scheduled concept generation time to meet that challenge and presented their best concepts on the final morning of the workshop.UNCLASSIFIED//Approved for public release: distribution unlimite

    Russia-China Relations

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    This open access book examines Russia-China relations across a variety of civilian and military areas of cooperation. Leading experts in the field present empirical case studies covering a wide range of strategic cooperation areas between Russia and China, such as technological, military, economic and political cooperation. The contributing authors shed new light on Chinese and Russian strategic goals, external push and pull factors, and mutual perception shifts, and discuss the options for Western countries to influence this development. This book analyses the evolution of the relationship since the watershed moment of the Crimean crisis in 2014, and whether or not a full-blown military alliance, as hinted in late 2020 by President Putin, is indeed a realistic scenario for which NATO will have to prepare. It will appeal to students and scholars of international relations, political decision-makers, as well as anyone interested in Eurasian politics and the potential military-strategic impact of a Russian-Chinese alliance for NATO

    Integrated learning programme 2017-2018 : term 2

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    This Integrated Learning Programme (ILP) guidebook provides details about ILP courses offered during 2017-2018 second term in Lingnan University, Hong Kong.https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ilp_guidebook/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Development of linguistic linked open data resources for collaborative data-intensive research in the language sciences

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    Making diverse data in linguistics and the language sciences open, distributed, and accessible: perspectives from language/language acquistiion researchers and technical LOD (linked open data) researchers. This volume examines the challenges inherent in making diverse data in linguistics and the language sciences open, distributed, integrated, and accessible, thus fostering wide data sharing and collaboration. It is unique in integrating the perspectives of language researchers and technical LOD (linked open data) researchers. Reporting on both active research needs in the field of language acquisition and technical advances in the development of data interoperability, the book demonstrates the advantages of an international infrastructure for scholarship in the field of language sciences. With contributions by researchers who produce complex data content and scholars involved in both the technology and the conceptual foundations of LLOD (linguistics linked open data), the book focuses on the area of language acquisition because it involves complex and diverse data sets, cross-linguistic analyses, and urgent collaborative research. The contributors discuss a variety of research methods, resources, and infrastructures. Contributors Isabelle Barrière, Nan Bernstein Ratner, Steven Bird, Maria Blume, Ted Caldwell, Christian Chiarcos, Cristina Dye, Suzanne Flynn, Claire Foley, Nancy Ide, Carissa Kang, D. Terence Langendoen, Barbara Lust, Brian MacWhinney, Jonathan Masci, Steven Moran, Antonio Pareja-Lora, Jim Reidy, Oya Y. Rieger, Gary F. Simons, Thorsten Trippel, Kara Warburton, Sue Ellen Wright, Claus Zin
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