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    New Media and the Quality of Life

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    We are currently in the middle of a revolution. This revolution, sometimes called the digital revolution, is the revolutionary transformation brought about in the information and communication structure of society by the advent of the digital computer, with most of the major transformations having taken place in the past thirty years. Digital computing technology has generated the mainframe and personal computer, the multimedia computer, and computer networks. It has also transformed the telephone system and the monetary system, it is transforming all kinds of conventional products ranging from washing machines to automobiles, and it is on its way to change television as well. More than ever, contemporary society is an Information Society, in which the importance of information and communication is much greater than in past societies, and of which technologies that facilitate information and communication processes are a central societal feature. In this paper, I want to evaluate the implications of contemporary information and communication media for the quality of life, including both the new media from the digital revolution and the older media that still remain in use. My evaluation of contemporary media will proceed in three parts. In the section to follow, the benefits of contemporary media will be discussed, with special emphasis given to their immediate functional benefits. The section thereafter is devoted to a discussion of four potential threats posed by contemporary media. In a final major section, I look at the future of digital media and the possibilities available to us in shaping that future. A short concluding section ends the paper

    Guest Editorial: Agile beyond software - In search of flexibility in a wide range of innovation projects and industries

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    The nine papers in this special section focus on new developments in agile software and reports on applications for its use. A key aspect for the extensive use of agile software is that it supports developers with coping with the growing uncertainty and turbulence in technological and market environments. Feedback and change are at the core of Agile for a dynamic, evolving, and organic, rather than static, predefined, and mechanistic development process advocated by waterfall management. To create timely, high-quality, cost-efficient, and innovative solutions, Agile developers organized in small, colocated, autonomous teams, build and test software in rapid iterative cycles, actively involving users to gather feedback, updating the project scope, and plan “on-the-fly,” using face-to-face communication as opposed to documentation. These papers contribute to the state-of-the-art of agile research by offering a rich, up-todate account of the dynamics occurring when expanding Agile into “not-just-software” contexts of the key challenges and perils related to the scaling and of the possible solutions to them

    Diez años de vida en línea: la experiencia de editar una revista electrónica en educación.

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    This article is a retrospective analysis of a decade in the publication of the Online Journal of Educational Research (redie). First, It describes the initial challenges implied by publishing an academic journal on the Internet, for an audience accustomed to reading and publishing in printed journals. Second, it outlines the path the redie has followed in order to hold onto a specific editorial stance, as a publication emanating from a public university; for example, to define itself as a publication with free access while maintaining a consistent quality of excellence. Third, it recounts the changes the Journal has undergone in terms of image and technological platform, with special emphasis on how to design an electronic publication as opposed to a printed one. A fourth section briefly describes the parallel work of research on electronic academic publications which have been produced during the redie’s 10 years of life, and which have sustained the quality of this Journal. Also described are the awards the REDIE has received, which include its listing in the index of the National Council for Science and Technology (conacyt). Finally, there is argued and demonstrated the position the Journal has reached in the field of education in Latin America and Spain. The article concludes with a general analysis of the evolution of the Journal in its purely digital life. It also projects the possibilities which the recent developments in information and communications technology offer to scientific communication

    Аналіз впливу якості електроенергії на обладнання теплоелектроцентралі потужністю 620 МВт

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    В бакалаврському проекті розраховується наступне: 1. Буде вибрана головна схема електричних з’єднань. 2. Буде вибране електричне обладнання: генератори, трансформатори зв’язку, трансформатори блоку, автотрансформатори, вимикачі, роз’єднувачі та інше. 3. В другому розділі порахуваємо струми кз за допомогою метода розрахункових кривих. 4. В третьому, спеціальному, розділі проаналізуємо вплив якості електроенергії на обладнання теплоелектроцентралі 620 МВт. На основі чого зробимо важлий висновок: яку роль и як впливає якість елктроенергії на роботу власних потреб вцілому.The bachelor's project calculates the following: 1. The main scheme of electrical connections will be selected. 2. The selected electrical equipment will be: generators, communication transformers, block transformers, autotransformers, switches, disconnectors, and others. 3. In the second section we calculate the currents of the kz using the method of the calculation curves. 4. In the third, special section, we will analyze the influence of the quality of electricity on the equipment of the 620 MW thermal power station. On the basis of which we will make an important conclusion: what role and how the quality of electric energy influences on the work of their own needs in the whole

    IEEE Access special section editorial: Artificial intelligence enabled networking

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    With today’s computer networks becoming increasingly dynamic, heterogeneous, and complex, there is great interest in deploying artificial intelligence (AI) based techniques for optimization and management of computer networks. AI techniques—that subsume multidisciplinary techniques from machine learning, optimization theory, game theory, control theory, and meta-heuristics—have long been applied to optimize computer networks in many diverse settings. Such an approach is gaining increased traction with the emergence of novel networking paradigms that promise to simplify network management (e.g., cloud computing, network functions virtualization, and software-defined networking) and provide intelligent services (e.g., future 5G mobile networks). Looking ahead, greater integration of AI into networking architectures can help develop a future vision of cognitive networks that will show network-wide intelligent behavior to solve problems of network heterogeneity, performance, and quality of service (QoS)

    The evaluation schedule for the inspection of maintained schools and academies : guidance and grade descriptors for inspecting schools in England under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 from January 2012

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    "The evaluation schedule provides outline guidance and grade descriptors for the judgements that inspectors will report on when inspecting schools under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 from January 2012" -- front cover

    The evaluation schedule for the inspection of maintained schools and academies : guidance and grade descriptors for inspecting schools in England under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 from January 2012

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    "The evaluation schedule provides outline guidance and grade descriptors for the judgements that inspectors will report on when inspecting schools under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 from January 2012" - front cover

    Inspecting independent special schools : section 162A independent school inspection guidance

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