1,746 research outputs found

    Biometric Authentication System on Mobile Personal Devices

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    We propose a secure, robust, and low-cost biometric authentication system on the mobile personal device for the personal network. The system consists of the following five key modules: 1) face detection; 2) face registration; 3) illumination normalization; 4) face verification; and 5) information fusion. For the complicated face authentication task on the devices with limited resources, the emphasis is largely on the reliability and applicability of the system. Both theoretical and practical considerations are taken. The final system is able to achieve an equal error rate of 2% under challenging testing protocols. The low hardware and software cost makes the system well adaptable to a large range of security applications

    Design of a CMOS closed-loop system with applications to bio-impedance measurements

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    This paper proposes a method for impedance measurements based on a closed-loop implementation of CMOS circuits. The proposed system has been conceived for alternate current excited systems, performing simultaneously driving and measuring functions, thanks to feedback. The system delivers magnitude and phase signals independently, which can be optimized separately, and can be applied to any kind of load (resistive and capacitive). Design specifications for CMOS circuit blocks and trade-offs for system accuracy and loop stability have been derived. Electrical simulation results obtained for several loads agree with the theory, enabling the proposed method to any impedance measurement problem, in special, to bio-setups including electrodes.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2007-6807

    A current-driven six-channel potentiostat for rapid performance characterization of microbial electrolysis cells

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    Knowledge of the performance of microbial electrolysis cells under a wide range of operating conditions is crucial to achieve high production efficiencies. Characterizing this performance in an experiment, however, is challenging due to either the long measurement times of steady-state procedures or the transient errors of dynamic procedures. Moreover, wide parallelization of the measurements is not feasible due to the high measurement equipment cost per channel. Hence, to speedup this characterization and to facilitate low-cost, yet widely parallel measurements, this paper presents a novel rapid polarization curve measurement procedure with a dynamic measurement resolution that runs on a custom six-channel potentiostat with a current-driven topology. As case study, the procedure is used to rapidly assess the impact of altering pH values on a microbial electrolysis cell that produces H-2. A ×2\times 2 - ×12\times 12 speedup could be obtained in comparison with the state-of-the-art, depending on the characterization resolution (16-128 levels). On top of this speedup, measurements can be parallelized up to 6×6\times on the presented, affordable-42-per-channel-potentiostat

    Image-Quality-Based Adaptive Face Recognition

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    The accuracy of automated face recognition systems is greatly affected by intraclass variations between enrollment and identification stages. In particular, changes in lighting conditions is a major contributor to these variations. Common approaches to address the effects of varying lighting conditions include preprocessing face images to normalize intraclass variations and the use of illumination invariant face descriptors. Histogram equalization is a widely used technique in face recognition to normalize variations in illumination. However, normalizing well-lit face images could lead to a decrease in recognition accuracy. The multiresolution property of wavelet transforms is used in face recognition to extract facial feature descriptors at different scales and frequencies. The high-frequency wavelet subbands have shown to provide illumination-invariant face descriptors. However, the approximation wavelet subbands have shown to be a better feature representation for well-lit face images. Fusion of match scores from low- and high-frequency-based face representations have shown to improve recognition accuracy under varying lighting conditions. However, the selection of fusion parameters for different lighting conditions remains unsolved. Motivated by these observations, this paper presents adaptive approaches to face recognition to overcome the adverse effects of varying lighting conditions. Image quality, which is measured in terms of luminance distortion in comparison to a known reference image, will be used as the base for adapting the application of global and region illumination normalization procedures. Image quality is also used to adaptively select fusion parameters for wavelet-based multistream face recognition

    A medical information system for monitoring respiratory function and related nonlinear dynamics

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    In this paper the nonlinear effects in the respiratory systems at low frequencies are measured and evaluated in healthy children and healthy adults. To this aim forced oscillations technique (FOT) has been used to non-invasively measure the lung tissue mechanics. FOT does not require any special effort from the patient in contrast with standardized tests where maneuvers are necessary. Hence, FOT is an ideal lung function test for extreme ages, more specifically children and elderly, given the simpleness of measurement technique. Hitherto, measurements at low frequencies (i.e. close to the breathing frequency similar to 0.3 Hz) have been invasively performed in sacrificed animals and on anesthetized humans. Here we measure in the frequency interval 0.1-2 Hz a total number of 94 volunteers (37 adults with ages between 25-35 years and 57 children with ages between 8-11 years). To evaluate the nonlinear contributions of the respiratory tissue, a novel T-index has been introduced. We have tested the hypothesis whether the nonlinear distortions are changing with growth/development of the respiratory tree and aim to quantify its dependence to biometric values. The results obtained indicate that the proposed index can differentiate between the two analyzed groups and that there is a dependence to age, height and weight. A medical information system may use this information to update predictions of respiratory function and provide aid in decision-making process of drug therapy

    Biometrics on mobile phone

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    A Survey of PPG's Application in Authentication

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    Biometric authentication prospered because of its convenient use and security. Early generations of biometric mechanisms suffer from spoofing attacks. Recently, unobservable physiological signals (e.g., Electroencephalogram, Photoplethysmogram, Electrocardiogram) as biometrics offer a potential remedy to this problem. In particular, Photoplethysmogram (PPG) measures the change in blood flow of the human body by an optical method. Clinically, researchers commonly use PPG signals to obtain patients' blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, and other information to assist in diagnosing heart-related diseases. Since PPG signals contain a wealth of individual cardiac information, researchers have begun to explore their potential in cyber security applications. The unique advantages (simple acquisition, difficult to steal, and live detection) of the PPG signal allow it to improve the security and usability of the authentication in various aspects. However, the research on PPG-based authentication is still in its infancy. The lack of systematization hinders new research in this field. We conduct a comprehensive study of PPG-based authentication and discuss these applications' limitations before pointing out future research directions.Comment: Accepted by Computer & Security (COSE

    TERASENSE: THz device technology laboratory: final summary

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    The use of THz frequencies, particularly W and G band allows reaching higher resolution and deeper penetration in emerging applications like imaging, sensing, etc. The development of those new applications lays on reliable technologies, background of expertise and know-how. The CDS2008-00068 TERASENSE CONSOLIDER project has given the opportunity to extent upwards in frequency the previous background of the microwaves research group partners. This article summarizes the developments of the TERASENSE work package “THz Device Technology Laboratory”.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 program reference CSD2008-00068 TERASENSE

    eBiometrics: an enhanced multi-biometrics authentication technique for real-time remote applications on mobile devices

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    The use of mobile communication devices with advance sensors is growing rapidly. These sensors are enabling functions such as Image capture, Location applications, and Biometric authentication such as Fingerprint verification and Face & Handwritten signature recognition. Such ubiquitous devices are essential tools in today's global economic activities enabling anywhere-anytime financial and business transactions. Cryptographic functions and biometric-based authentication can enhance the security and confidentiality of mobile transactions. Using Biometric template security techniques in real-time biometric-based authentication are key factors for successful identity verification solutions, but are venerable to determined attacks by both fraudulent software and hardware. The EU-funded SecurePhone project has designed and implemented a multimodal biometric user authentication system on a prototype mobile communication device. However, various implementations of this project have resulted in long verification times or reduced accuracy and/or security. This paper proposes to use built-in-self-test techniques to ensure no tampering has taken place on the verification process prior to performing the actual biometric authentication. These techniques utilises the user personal identification number as a seed to generate a unique signature. This signature is then used to test the integrity of the verification process. Also, this study proposes the use of a combination of biometric modalities to provide application specific authentication in a secure environment, thus achieving optimum security level with effective processing time. I.e. to ensure that the necessary authentication steps and algorithms running on the mobile device application processor can not be undermined or modified by an imposter to get unauthorized access to the secure system