822 research outputs found

    Integrated Applications of Geo-Information in Environmental Monitoring

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    This book focuses on fundamental and applied research on geo-information technology, notably optical and radar remote sensing and algorithm improvements, and their applications in environmental monitoring. This Special Issue presents ten high-quality research papers covering up-to-date research in land cover change and desertification analyses, geo-disaster risk and damage evaluation, mining area restoration assessments, the improvement and development of algorithms, and coastal environmental monitoring and object targeting. The purpose of this Special Issue is to promote exchanges, communications and share the research outcomes of scientists worldwide and to bridge the gap between scientific research and its applications for advancing and improving society

    Afforestation and Reforestation: Drivers, Dynamics, and Impacts

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    Afforestation/reforestation (or forestation) has been implemented worldwide as an effective measure towards sustainable ecosystem services and addresses global environmental problems such as climate change. The conversion of grasslands, croplands, shrublands, or bare lands to forests can dramatically alter forest water, energy, and carbon cycles and, thus, ecosystem services (e.g., carbon sequestration, soil erosion control, and water quality improvement). Large-scale afforestation/reforestation is typically driven by policies and, in turn, can also have substantial socioeconomic impacts. To enable success, forestation endeavors require novel approaches that involve a series of complex processes and interdisciplinary sciences. For example, exotic or fast-growing tree species are often used to improve soil conditions of degraded lands or maximize productivity, and it often takes a long time to understand and quantify the consequences of such practices at watershed or regional scales. Maintaining the sustainability of man-made forests is becoming increasingly challenging under a changing environment and disturbance regime changes such as wildland fires, urbanization, drought, air pollution, climate change, and socioeconomic change. Therefore, this Special Issue focuses on case studies of the drivers, dynamics, and impacts of afforestation/reforestation at regional, national, or global scales. These new studies provide an update on the scientific advances related to forestation. This information is urgently needed by land managers and policy makers to better manage forest resources in today’s rapidly changing environments

    Mangrove mapping and monitoring using remote sensing techniques towards climate change resilience

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    Mangroves are amongst the richest ecosystems in the world providing valuable goods and services to millions of people while enhancing the resilience of coastal communities against climate change induced hazards, especially island nations. However, these mangroves are severely affected by many anthropogenic activities. Therefore, understanding the spatial variability of mangroves in island nations is highly essential in the events of ongoing climatic change. Thus, this study assessed the use of remote sensing techniques and GIS to map and monitor mangrove cover change at selected sites, namely Le Morne and Ferney, on the tropical island of Mauritius. Freely available 2013 SPOT-5 and 2023 Sentinel 2A images were retrieved and processed using ArcGIS Pro tools and SNAP; mangroves were mapped based on Google Earth Pro historical imagery and ground truthing at the respective sites. Following the application of selected vegetation indices, GLCM and PCA analysis, mosaicked images were classified using the Random Trees algorithm. Kappa values of all the classified images were in the 90 s; Le Morne showed a significant increase in mangrove cover over the decadal scale with main class change from mudflat to mangroves. This study demonstrates how geo-spatial tools are crucial for monitoring mangroves as they provide spatially explicit and time sensitive information. Decision makers, researchers, and relevant stakeholders can utilize this data to bolster tailored mitigation and adaptation strategies at specific sites, thereby enhancing resilience to climate change

    Spatio-temporal variability in dune plant communities using UAV and multispectral data

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    O mapeamento da vegetação, através da identificação do tipo e distribuição das comunidades e espécies vegetais, é crucial para analisar a cobertura vegetal e os padrões espaciais. A compreensão das variabilidades espaciais e temporais das plantas dunares em ligação com a morfodinâmica permite uma maior compreensão do dinamismo e evolução dos ambientes costeiros. Tal análise pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de planos de gestão costeira que ajudam a implementar a biodiversidade costeira e estratégias de protecção. Esta dissertação apresenta uma abordagem para avaliar a utilização de imagens multiespectrais e explorar a variabilidade da vegetação dunar costeira com dados recolhidos à distância por um Veículo Aéreo Não Tripulado (UAV). Foram escolhidas quatro zonas de estudo diferentes na parte oriental da Península de Ancao, distribuídas alongshore, e cobrindo a backhore e a crista das dunas até à base do lee das dunas. Foram utilizados dados de campo e de UAV, em diferentes épocas, nomeadamente ao longo de um período de dois anos. Foi utilizada uma abordagem de classificação em duas etapas, baseada num índice de vegetação de diferença normalizada e num classificador de Floresta Aleatória. Os resultados mostram desempenhos de classificação de alta precisão ao condensar a cobertura do solo em menos classes e também em áreas menos densamente vegetativas. As classificações resultantes foram posteriormente processadas em termos de alterações transfronteiriças e alterações sazonais. Estas técnicas mostram um elevado potencial futuro para avaliar a vegetação das áreas de dunas costeiras e para apoiar a gestão costeira.The mapping of vegetation, by identifying the type and distribution of plant communities and species, is crucial for analysing vegetation coverage and spatial patterns. Understanding dune plant spatial and temporal variabilities in connection with morphodynamics gives further insight in dynamism and evolution of coastal environments. Such analysis can contribute to the development of coastal management plans that helps to implement coastal biodiversity and protection strategies. This dissertation presents an approach to assess the use of multispectral imagery and explore the variability of coastal dune vegetation with remotely sensed data collected by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Four different study zones were chosen at the eastern part of the Ancao Peninsula, distributed alongshore, and covering the backshore and the dune crest until the base of the dune lee. Field and UAV data were used, in different seasons namely over an extend of two years. A two-step classification approach, based on a normalized difference vegetation index and Random Forest classifier, was used. The Results show high accuracy classification performances when condensing the groundcover into fewer classes and also in less densely vegetated areas. Resulting classifications were further processed in terms of cross-shore changes and seasonal changes. These technics show a high future potential to assess the vegetation of coastal dune areas and to support coastal management

    A combined change detection procedure to study desertification using opensource tools

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    Abstract Background and Methods The paper presents a combination of two unsupervised techniques for change detection studies in arid and semi-arid areas. Among Remote Sensing change detection techniques, unsupervised approaches have the advantage of promptly producing a map of the change between two dates, but often the interpretation of the results is not straightforward, and requires further processing of the image. The aim of the research is to propose a new time effective and semi-automated reproducible technique in order to reduce the weakness of the unsupervised approach in change detection. Two techniques, Change Vector Analysis (CVA) and Maximum Autocorrelation Factor transform of Multivariate Alteration Detector components (MAD/MAF) are chosen to serve the purpose. Results and Conclusions The results of the research, applied to two case studies in the Middle East region, indicate that the chosen techniques complement each other, since MAD/MAF gives a detailed spatial extent while CVA gives the semantic interpretation of the output. The research brings further understanding to the use of both unsupervised procedures and the methodology can be used as a fast semi-automatic preliminary step for more accurate change detection studies. A further output is a new add-on implementing CVA for the GFOSS (Geospatial Free and Open Source Software) project Grass GIS

    Calibration of DART Radiative Transfer Model with Satellite Images for Simulating Albedo and Thermal Irradiance Images and 3D Radiative Budget of Urban Environment

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    Remote sensing is increasingly used for managing urban environment. In this context, the H2020 project URBANFLUXES aims to improve our knowledge on urban anthropogenic heat fluxes, with the specific study of three cities: London, Basel and Heraklion. Usually, one expects to derive directly 2 major urban parameters from remote sensing: the albedo and thermal irradiance. However, the determination of these two parameters is seriously hampered by complexity of urban architecture. For example, urban reflectance and brightness temperature are far from isotropic and are spatially heterogeneous. Hence, radiative transfer models that consider the complexity of urban architecture when simulating remote sensing signals are essential tools. Even for these sophisticated models, there is a major constraint for an operational use of remote sensing: the complex 3D distribution of optical properties and temperatures in urban environments. Here, the work is conducted with the DART (Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer) model. It is a comprehensive physically based 3D radiative transfer model that simulates optical signals at the entrance of imaging spectro-radiometers and LiDAR scanners on board of satellites and airplanes, as well as the 3D radiative budget, of urban and natural landscapes for any experimental (atmosphere, topography,…) and instrumental (sensor altitude, spatial resolution, UV to thermal infrared,…) configuration. Paul Sabatier University distributes free licenses for research activities. This paper presents the calibration of DART model with high spatial resolution satellite images (Landsat 8, Sentinel 2, etc.) that are acquired in the visible (VIS) / near infrared (NIR) domain and in the thermal infrared (TIR) domain. Here, the work is conducted with an atmospherically corrected Landsat 8 image and Bale city, with its urban database. The calibration approach in the VIS/IR domain encompasses 5 steps for computing the 2D distribution (image) of urban albedo at satellite spatial resolution. (1) DART simulation of satellite image at very high spatial resolution (e.g., 50cm) per satellite spectral band. Atmosphere conditions are specific to the satellite image acquisition. (2) Spatial resampling of DART image at the coarser spatial resolution of the available satellite image, per spectral band. (3) Iterative derivation of the urban surfaces (roofs, walls, streets, vegetation,…) optical properties as derived from pixel-wise comparison of DART and satellite images, independently per spectral band. (4) Computation of the band albedo image of the city, per spectral band. (5) Computation of the image of the city albedo and VIS/NIR exitance, as an integral over all satellite spectral bands. In order to get a time series of albedo and VIS/NIR exitance, even in the absence of satellite images, ECMWF information about local irradiance and atmosphere conditions are used. A similar approach is used for calculating the city thermal exitance using satellite images acquired in the thermal infrared domain. Finally, DART simulations that are conducted with the optical properties derived from remote sensing images give also the 3D radiative budget of the city at any date including the date of the satellite image acquisition

    A spatiotemporal epidemiological investigation of the impact of environmental change on the transmission dynamics of Echinococcus spp. in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China

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    Background: Human echinococcoses are zoonotic parasitic diseases of major public health importance globally. According to recent estimates, the geographical distribution of echinococcosis is expanding and becoming an emerging and re-emerging problem in several regions of the world. Echinococcosis endemicity is geographically heterogeneous and might be affected by global environmental change over time. The aims of my research were: 1) to assess and quantify the spatiotemporal variation in land cover and climate change in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR); 2) to identify highly endemic areas for human echinococcoses in NHAR, and to determine the environmental covariates that have shaped the local geographical distribution of the disease; 3) to develop spatial statistical models that explain and predict the spatiotemporal variation of human exposure to Echinococcus spp. in a highly endemic county of NHAR; and 4) to analyse associations between the environment and the spatiotemporal variation of human exposure to the parasites and dog infections with Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis in four echinococcosis-endemic counties of NHAR. Methods: Data on echinococcosis infections and human exposure to E. granulosus and E. multilocularis were obtained from different sources: 1) A hospital-based retrospective survey of human echinococcosis cases in NHAR between 1992 and 2013; 2) three cross-sectional surveys of school children conducted in Xiji County in 2002–2003, 2006–2007 and 2012–2013; and 3) A cross-sectional survey of human exposure and dog infections with E. granulosus and E. multilocularis conducted in Xiji, Haiyuan, Guyuan and Tongxin Counties. Environmental data were derived from high-resolution (30 m) imagery from Landsat 4/5-TM and 8-OLI and meteorological reports provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Image analysis techniques and a Bayesian statistical framework were used to conduct a land cover change detection analyses and to develop regression models that described and quantified climate trends and the environmental factors associated with echinococcosis risk at different spatial scales. Results: The land cover changes observed in NHAR from 1991 to 2015 concurred with the main goals of a national policy on payments for ecosystem services, implemented in the Autonomous Region, in increasing forest and herbaceous vegetation coverages and in regenerating bareland. Statistically significant positive trends were observed in annual, summer and winter temperatures in most of the region, and a small magnitude change was found in annual precipitation, in the same 25-year period. The south of NHAR was identified as a highly endemic area for cystic echinococcosis (CE; caused by E. granulosus) and alveolar echinococcosis (AE; caused by E. multilocularis). Selected environmental covariates explained most of the spatial variation in AE risk, while the risk of CE appeared to be less spatially variable at the township level. The risk of exposure to E. granulosus expanded across Xiji County from 2002–2013, while the risk of exposure to E. multilocularis became more confined in communities located in the south of this highly endemic area. In 2012–2013, the predicted seroprevalences of human exposure to E. granulosus and dog infection with this parasite were characterised by similar geographical patterns across Xiji, Haiyuan, Guyuan and Tongxin Counties. By contrast, the predicted high seroprevalence areas for human exposure and dog infection with E. multilocularis did not coincide spatially. Climate, land cover and landscape fragmentation played a key role in explaining some of the observed spatial variation in the risk of infection with Echinococcus spp. among schoolchildren and dogs in the south of NHAR at the village level. Conclusions: The findings of this research defined populations at a high risk of human exposure to E. granulosus and E. multilocularis in NHAR. The research provides evidence on the potential effects of landscape regeneration projects on the incidence of human echinococcoses due to the associations found between the infections and regenerated land. This information will be essential to track future requirements for scaling up and targeting the control strategies proposed by the National Action Plan for Echinococcosis Control in China and may facilitate the design of future ecosystem management and protection policies and a more effective response to emerging local environmental risks. The predictive models developed as part of this research can also be used to monitor echinococcosis infections and the emergence in Echinococcus spp. transmission in the most affected areas

    Remotely sensed albedo allows the identification of two ecosystem states along aridity gradients in Africa

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    Empirical verification of multiple states in drylands is scarce, impeding the design of indicators to anticipate the onset of desertification. Remote sensing‐derived indicators of ecosystem states are gaining new ground due to the possibilities they bring to be applied inexpensively over large areas. Remotely sensed albedo has been often used to monitor drylands due to its close relationship with ecosystem status and climate. Here, we used a space‐for‐time‐substitution approach to evaluate whether albedo (averaged from 2000 to 2016) can identify multiple ecosystem states in African drylands spanning from the Saharan desert to tropical Africa. By using latent class analysis, we found that albedo showed two states (low and high; the cut‐off level was 0.22 at the shortwave band). Potential analysis revealed that albedo exhibited an abrupt and discontinuous increase with increased aridity (1 − [precipitation/potential evapotranspiration]). The two albedo states co‐occurred along aridity values ranging from 0.72 to 0.78, during which vegetation cover exhibited a rapid, continuous decrease from ~90% to ~50%. At aridity values of 0.75, the low albedo state started to exhibit less attraction than the high albedo state. Low albedo areas beyond this aridity value were considered as vulnerable regions where abrupt shifts in albedo may occur if aridity increases, as forecasted by current climate change models. Our findings indicate that remotely sensed albedo can identify two ecosystem states in African drylands. They support the suitability of albedo indices to inform us about discontinuous responses to aridity experienced by drylands, which can be linked to the onset of land degradation.This work was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant XDA19030500), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant 2016YFC0503302), the European Research Council (BIODESERT project, ERC Grant Agreement 647038), the Joint PhD, Training Program of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Research Foundation of Henan University of Technology (Grant 31401178)

    Modelling Net Primary Productivity and Above-Ground Biomass for Mapping of Spatial Biomass Distribution in Kazakhstan

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    Biomass is an important ecological variable for understanding the responses of vegetation to the currently observed global change. The impact of changes in vegetation biomass on the global ecosystem is also of high relevance. The vegetation in the arid and semi-arid environments of Kazakhstan is expected to be affected particularly strongly by future climate change. Therefore, it is of great interest to observe large-scale vegetation dynamics and biomass distribution in Kazakhstan. At the beginning of this dissertation, previous research activities and remote-sensing-based methods for biomass estimation in semi-arid regions have been comprehensively reviewed for the first time. The review revealed that the biggest challenge is the transferability of methods in time and space. Empirical approaches, which are predominantly applied, proved to be hardly transferable. Remote-sensing-based Net Primary Productivity (NPP) models, on the other hand, allow for regional to continental modelling of NPP time-series and are potentially transferable to new regions. This thesis thus deals with modelling and analysis of NPP time-series for Kazakhstan and presents a methodological concept for derivation of above-ground biomass estimates based on NPP data. For validation of the results, biomass field data were collected in three study areas in Kazakhstan. For the selection of an appropriate model, two remote-sensing-based NPP models were applied to a study area in Central Kazakhstan. The first is the Regional Biomass Model (RBM). The second is the Biosphere Energy Transfer Hydrology Model (BETHY/DLR). Both models were applied to Kazakhstan for the first time in this dissertation. Differences in the modelling approaches, intermediate products, and calculated NPP, as well as their temporal characteristics were analysed and discussed. The model BETHY/DLR was then used to calculate NPP for Kazakhstan for 2003–2011. The results were analysed regarding spatial, intra-annual, and inter-annual variations. In addition, the correlation between NPP and meteorological parameters was analysed. In the last part of this dissertation, a methodological concept for derivation of above-ground biomass estimates of natural vegetation from NPP time-series has been developed. The concept is based on the NPP time-series, information about fractional cover of herbaceous and woody vegetation, and plants’ relative growth rates (RGRs). It has been the first time that these parameters are combined for biomass estimation in semi-arid regions. The developed approach was finally applied to estimate biomass for the three study areas in Kazakhstan and validated with field data. The results of this dissertation provide information about the vegetation dynamics in Kazakhstan for 2003–2011. This is valuable information for a sustainable land management and the identification of regions that are potentially affected by a changing climate. Furthermore, a methodological concept for the estimation of biomass based on NPP time-series is presented. The developed method is potentially transferable. Providing that the required information regarding vegetation distribution and fractional cover is available, the method will allow for repeated and large-area biomass estimation for natural vegetation in Kazakhstan and other semi-arid environments