2,142 research outputs found

    A Multi-cut Formulation for Joint Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Objects

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    Recently, Minimum Cost Multicut Formulations have been proposed and proven to be successful in both motion trajectory segmentation and multi-target tracking scenarios. Both tasks benefit from decomposing a graphical model into an optimal number of connected components based on attractive and repulsive pairwise terms. The two tasks are formulated on different levels of granularity and, accordingly, leverage mostly local information for motion segmentation and mostly high-level information for multi-target tracking. In this paper we argue that point trajectories and their local relationships can contribute to the high-level task of multi-target tracking and also argue that high-level cues from object detection and tracking are helpful to solve motion segmentation. We propose a joint graphical model for point trajectories and object detections whose Multicuts are solutions to motion segmentation {\it and} multi-target tracking problems at once. Results on the FBMS59 motion segmentation benchmark as well as on pedestrian tracking sequences from the 2D MOT 2015 benchmark demonstrate the promise of this joint approach

    Understanding Dynamic Social Grouping Behaviors of Pedestrians

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    Learning to Divide and Conquer for Online Multi-Target Tracking

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    Online Multiple Target Tracking (MTT) is often addressed within the tracking-by-detection paradigm. Detections are previously extracted independently in each frame and then objects trajectories are built by maximizing specifically designed coherence functions. Nevertheless, ambiguities arise in presence of occlusions or detection errors. In this paper we claim that the ambiguities in tracking could be solved by a selective use of the features, by working with more reliable features if possible and exploiting a deeper representation of the target only if necessary. To this end, we propose an online divide and conquer tracker for static camera scenes, which partitions the assignment problem in local subproblems and solves them by selectively choosing and combining the best features. The complete framework is cast as a structural learning task that unifies these phases and learns tracker parameters from examples. Experiments on two different datasets highlights a significant improvement of tracking performances (MOTA +10%) over the state of the art

    A generic framework for video understanding applied to group behavior recognition

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    This paper presents an approach to detect and track groups of people in video-surveillance applications, and to automatically recognize their behavior. This method keeps track of individuals moving together by maintaining a spacial and temporal group coherence. First, people are individually detected and tracked. Second, their trajectories are analyzed over a temporal window and clustered using the Mean-Shift algorithm. A coherence value describes how well a set of people can be described as a group. Furthermore, we propose a formal event description language. The group events recognition approach is successfully validated on 4 camera views from 3 datasets: an airport, a subway, a shopping center corridor and an entrance hall.Comment: (20/03/2012

    Multigranularity Representations for Human Inter-Actions: Pose, Motion and Intention

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    Tracking people and their body pose in videos is a central problem in computer vision. Standard tracking representations reason about temporal coherence of detected people and body parts. They have difficulty tracking targets under partial occlusions or rare body poses, where detectors often fail, since the number of training examples is often too small to deal with the exponential variability of such configurations. We propose tracking representations that track and segment people and their body pose in videos by exploiting information at multiple detection and segmentation granularities when available, whole body, parts or point trajectories. Detections and motion estimates provide contradictory information in case of false alarm detections or leaking motion affinities. We consolidate contradictory information via graph steering, an algorithm for simultaneous detection and co-clustering in a two-granularity graph of motion trajectories and detections, that corrects motion leakage between correctly detected objects, while being robust to false alarms or spatially inaccurate detections. We first present a motion segmentation framework that exploits long range motion of point trajectories and large spatial support of image regions. We show resulting video segments adapt to targets under partial occlusions and deformations. Second, we augment motion-based representations with object detection for dealing with motion leakage. We demonstrate how to combine dense optical flow trajectory affinities with repulsions from confident detections to reach a global consensus of detection and tracking in crowded scenes. Third, we study human motion and pose estimation. We segment hard to detect, fast moving body limbs from their surrounding clutter and match them against pose exemplars to detect body pose under fast motion. We employ on-the-fly human body kinematics to improve tracking of body joints under wide deformations. We use motion segmentability of body parts for re-ranking a set of body joint candidate trajectories and jointly infer multi-frame body pose and video segmentation. We show empirically that such multi-granularity tracking representation is worthwhile, obtaining significantly more accurate multi-object tracking and detailed body pose estimation in popular datasets

    Search Tracker: Human-derived object tracking in-the-wild through large-scale search and retrieval

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    Humans use context and scene knowledge to easily localize moving objects in conditions of complex illumination changes, scene clutter and occlusions. In this paper, we present a method to leverage human knowledge in the form of annotated video libraries in a novel search and retrieval based setting to track objects in unseen video sequences. For every video sequence, a document that represents motion information is generated. Documents of the unseen video are queried against the library at multiple scales to find videos with similar motion characteristics. This provides us with coarse localization of objects in the unseen video. We further adapt these retrieved object locations to the new video using an efficient warping scheme. The proposed method is validated on in-the-wild video surveillance datasets where we outperform state-of-the-art appearance-based trackers. We also introduce a new challenging dataset with complex object appearance changes.Comment: Under review with the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technolog
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