3,162 research outputs found

    Pushing the Limits of 3D Color Printing: Error Diffusion with Translucent Materials

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    Accurate color reproduction is important in many applications of 3D printing, from design prototypes to 3D color copies or portraits. Although full color is available via other technologies, multi-jet printers have greater potential for graphical 3D printing, in terms of reproducing complex appearance properties. However, to date these printers cannot produce full color, and doing so poses substantial technical challenges, from the shear amount of data to the translucency of the available color materials. In this paper, we propose an error diffusion halftoning approach to achieve full color with multi-jet printers, which operates on multiple isosurfaces or layers within the object. We propose a novel traversal algorithm for voxel surfaces, which allows the transfer of existing error diffusion algorithms from 2D printing. The resulting prints faithfully reproduce colors, color gradients and fine-scale details.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures; includes supplemental figure

    Digital Color Imaging

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    This paper surveys current technology and research in the area of digital color imaging. In order to establish the background and lay down terminology, fundamental concepts of color perception and measurement are first presented us-ing vector-space notation and terminology. Present-day color recording and reproduction systems are reviewed along with the common mathematical models used for representing these devices. Algorithms for processing color images for display and communication are surveyed, and a forecast of research trends is attempted. An extensive bibliography is provided

    Modelling, Measuring and Compensating Color Weak Vision

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    We use methods from Riemann geometry to investigate transformations between the color spaces of color-normal and color weak observers. The two main applications are the simulation of the perception of a color weak observer for a color normal observer and the compensation of color images in a way that a color weak observer has approximately the same perception as a color normal observer. The metrics in the color spaces of interest are characterized with the help of ellipsoids defined by the just-noticable-differences between color which are measured with the help of color-matching experiments. The constructed mappings are isometries of Riemann spaces that preserve the perceived color-differences for both observers. Among the two approaches to build such an isometry, we introduce normal coordinates in Riemann spaces as a tool to construct a global color-weak compensation map. Compared to previously used methods this method is free from approximation errors due to local linearizations and it avoids the problem of shifting locations of the origin of the local coordinate system. We analyse the variations of the Riemann metrics for different observers obtained from new color matching experiments and describe three variations of the basic method. The performance of the methods is evaluated with the help of semantic differential (SD) tests.Comment: Full resolution color pictures are available from the author

    Appearance-based image splitting for HDR display systems

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    High dynamic range displays that incorporate two optically-coupled image planes have recently been developed. This dual image plane design requires that a given HDR input image be split into two complementary standard dynamic range components that drive the coupled systems, therefore there existing image splitting issue. In this research, two types of HDR display systems (hardcopy and softcopy HDR display) are constructed to facilitate the study of HDR image splitting algorithm for building HDR displays. A new HDR image splitting algorithm which incorporates iCAM06 image appearance model is proposed, seeking to create displayed HDR images that can provide better image quality. The new algorithm has potential to improve image details perception, colorfulness and better gamut utilization. Finally, the performance of the new iCAM06-based HDR image splitting algorithm is evaluated and compared with widely spread luminance square root algorithm through psychophysical studies

    Evaluation of the color image and video processing chain and visual quality management for consumer systems

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    With the advent of novel digital display technologies, color processing is increasingly becoming a key aspect in consumer video applications. Today’s state-of-the-art displays require sophisticated color and image reproduction techniques in order to achieve larger screen size, higher luminance and higher resolution than ever before. However, from color science perspective, there are clearly opportunities for improvement in the color reproduction capabilities of various emerging and conventional display technologies. This research seeks to identify potential areas for improvement in color processing in a video processing chain. As part of this research, various processes involved in a typical video processing chain in consumer video applications were reviewed. Several published color and contrast enhancement algorithms were evaluated, and a novel algorithm was developed to enhance color and contrast in images and videos in an effective and coordinated manner. Further, a psychophysical technique was developed and implemented for performing visual evaluation of color image and consumer video quality. Based on the performance analysis and visual experiments involving various algorithms, guidelines were proposed for the development of an effective color and contrast enhancement method for images and video applications. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this research will help build a better understanding of color processing and color quality management methods in consumer video

    Objective and subjective assessment of perceptual factors in HDR content processing

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    The development of the display and camera technology makes high dynamic range (HDR) image become more and more popular. High dynamic range image give us pleasant image which has more details that makes high dynamic range image has good quality. This paper shows us the some important techniques in HDR images. And it also presents the work the author did. The paper is formed of three parts. The first part is an introduction of HDR image. From this part we can know why HDR image has good quality

    Human-centered display design : balancing technology & perception

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    Spectral methods for multimodal data analysis

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    Spectral methods have proven themselves as an important and versatile tool in a wide range of problems in the fields of computer graphics, machine learning, pattern recognition, and computer vision, where many important problems boil down to constructing a Laplacian operator and finding a few of its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Classical examples include the computation of diffusion distances on manifolds in computer graphics, Laplacian eigenmaps, and spectral clustering in machine learning. In many cases, one has to deal with multiple data spaces simultaneously. For example, clustering multimedia data in machine learning applications involves various modalities or ``views'' (e.g., text and images), and finding correspondence between shapes in computer graphics problems is an operation performed between two or more modalities. In this thesis, we develop a generalization of spectral methods to deal with multiple data spaces and apply them to problems from the domains of computer graphics, machine learning, and image processing. Our main construction is based on simultaneous diagonalization of Laplacian operators. We present an efficient numerical technique for computing joint approximate eigenvectors of two or more Laplacians in challenging noisy scenarios, which also appears to be the first general non-smooth manifold optimization method. Finally, we use the relation between joint approximate diagonalizability and approximate commutativity of operators to define a structural similarity measure for images. We use this measure to perform structure-preserving color manipulations of a given image
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