1,650 research outputs found

    Delay Differential Analysis of Seizures in Multichannel Electrocorticography Data

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    High-density electrocorticogram (ECoG) electrodes are capable of recording neurophysiological data with high temporal resolution with wide spatial coverage. These recordings are a window to understanding how the human brain processes information and subsequently behaves in healthy and pathologic states. Here, we describe and implement delay differential analysis (DDA) for the characterization of ECoG data obtained from human patients with intractable epilepsy. DDA is a time-domain analysis framework based on embedding theory in nonlinear dynamics that reveals the nonlinear invariant properties of an unknown dynamical system. The DDA embedding serves as a low-dimensional nonlinear dynamical basis onto which the data are mapped. This greatly reduces the risk of overfitting and improves the method's ability to fit classes of data. Since the basis is built on the dynamical structure of the data, preprocessing of the data (e.g., filtering) is not necessary. We performed a large-scale search for a DDA model that best fit ECoG recordings using a genetic algorithm to qualitatively discriminate between different cortical states and epileptic events for a set of 13 patients. A single DDA model with only three polynomial terms was identified. Singular value decomposition across the feature space of the model revealed both global and local dynamics that could differentiate electrographic and electroclinical seizures and provided insights into highly localized seizure onsets and diffuse seizure terminations. Other common ECoG features such as interictal periods, artifacts, and exogenous stimuli were also analyzed with DDA. This novel framework for signal processing of seizure information demonstrates an ability to reveal unique characteristics of the underlying dynamics of the seizure and may be useful in better understanding, detecting, and maybe even predicting seizures

    Epileptic Seizure Detection And Prediction From Electroencephalogram Using Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithms

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    This dissertation presents innovative approaches based on fuzzy logic in epileptic seizure detection and prediction from Electroencephalogram (EEG). The fuzzy rule-based algorithms were developed with the aim to improve quality of life of epilepsy patients by utilizing intelligent methods. An adaptive fuzzy logic system was developed to detect seizure onset in a patient specific way. Fuzzy if-then rules were developed to mimic the human reasoning and taking advantage of the combination in spatial-temporal domain. Fuzzy c-means clustering technique was utilized for optimizing the membership functions for varying patterns in the feature domain. In addition, application of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is presented for efficient classification of several commonly arising artifacts from EEG. Finally, we present a neuro-fuzzy approach of seizure prediction by applying the ANFIS. Patient specific ANFIS classifier was constructed to forecast a seizure followed by postprocessing methods. Three nonlinear seizure predictive features were used to characterize changes prior to seizure. The nonlinear features used in this study were similarity index, phase synchronization, and nonlinear interdependence. The ANFIS classifier was constructed based on these features as inputs. Fuzzy if-then rules were generated by the ANFIS classifier using the complex relationship of feature space provided during training. In this dissertation, the application of the neuro-fuzzy algorithms in epilepsy diagnosis and treatment was demonstrated by applying the methods on different datasets. Several performance measures such as detection delay, sensitivity and specificity were calculated and compared with results reported in literature. The proposed algorithms have potentials to be used in diagnostics and therapeutic applications as they can be implemented in an implantable medical device to detect a seizure, forecast a seizure, and initiate neurostimulation therapy for the purpose of seizure prevention or abortion

    Deep Cellular Recurrent Neural Architecture for Efficient Multidimensional Time-Series Data Processing

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    Efficient processing of time series data is a fundamental yet challenging problem in pattern recognition. Though recent developments in machine learning and deep learning have enabled remarkable improvements in processing large scale datasets in many application domains, most are designed and regulated to handle inputs that are static in time. Many real-world data, such as in biomedical, surveillance and security, financial, manufacturing and engineering applications, are rarely static in time, and demand models able to recognize patterns in both space and time. Current machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models adapted for time series processing tend to grow in complexity and size to accommodate the additional dimensionality of time. Specifically, the biologically inspired learning based models known as artificial neural networks that have shown extraordinary success in pattern recognition, tend to grow prohibitively large and cumbersome in the presence of large scale multi-dimensional time series biomedical data such as EEG. Consequently, this work aims to develop representative ML and DL models for robust and efficient large scale time series processing. First, we design a novel ML pipeline with efficient feature engineering to process a large scale multi-channel scalp EEG dataset for automated detection of epileptic seizures. With the use of a sophisticated yet computationally efficient time-frequency analysis technique known as harmonic wavelet packet transform and an efficient self-similarity computation based on fractal dimension, we achieve state-of-the-art performance for automated seizure detection in EEG data. Subsequently, we investigate the development of a novel efficient deep recurrent learning model for large scale time series processing. For this, we first study the functionality and training of a biologically inspired neural network architecture known as cellular simultaneous recurrent neural network (CSRN). We obtain a generalization of this network for multiple topological image processing tasks and investigate the learning efficacy of the complex cellular architecture using several state-of-the-art training methods. Finally, we develop a novel deep cellular recurrent neural network (CDRNN) architecture based on the biologically inspired distributed processing used in CSRN for processing time series data. The proposed DCRNN leverages the cellular recurrent architecture to promote extensive weight sharing and efficient, individualized, synchronous processing of multi-source time series data. Experiments on a large scale multi-channel scalp EEG, and a machine fault detection dataset show that the proposed DCRNN offers state-of-the-art recognition performance while using substantially fewer trainable recurrent units

    Mining Biomarkers Of Epilepsy From Large-Scale Intracranial Electroencephalography

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    Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by seizures. Affecting over 50 million people worldwide, the quality of life of a patient with uncontrolled epilepsy is degraded by medical, social, cognitive, and psychological dysfunction. Fortunately, two-thirds of these patients can achieve adequate seizure control through medications. Unfortunately, one-third cannot. Improving treatment for this patient population depends upon improving our understanding of the underlying epileptic network. Clinical therapies modulate this network to some degree of success, including surgery to remove the seizure onset zone or neuromodulation to alter the brain\u27s dynamics. High resolution intracranial EEG (iEEG) is often employed to study the dynamics of cortical networks, from interictal patterns to more complex quantitative features. These interictal patterns include epileptiform biomarkers whose detection and mapping, along with seizures and neuroimaging, form the mainstay of data for clinical decision making around drug therapy, surgery, and devices. They are also increasingly important to assess the effects of epileptic physiology on brain functions like behavior and cognition, which are not well characterized. In this work, we investigate the significance and trends of epileptiform biomarkers in animal and human models of epilepsy. We develop reliable methods to quantify interictal patterns, applying state of the art techniques from machine learning, signal processing, and EEG analysis. We then validate these tools in three major applications: 1. We study the effect of interictal spikes on human cognition, 2. We assess trends of interictal epileptiform bursts and their relationship to seizures in prolonged recordings from canines and rats, and 3. We assess the stability of long-term iEEG spanning several years. These findings have two main impacts: (1) they inform the interpretation of interictal iEEG patterns and elucidate the timescale of post-implantation changes. These findings have important implications for research and clinical care, particularly implantable devices and evaluating patients for epilepsy surgery. (2) They provide an analytical framework to enable others to mine large-scale iEEG datasets. In this way we hope to make a lasting contribution to accelerate collaborative research not only in epilepsy, but also in the study of animal and human electrophysiology in acute and chronic conditions

    Simultaneous intracranial EEG and fMRI of interictal epileptic discharges in humans

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    Simultaneous scalp EEG–fMRI measurements allow the study of epileptic networks and more generally, of the coupling between neuronal activity and haemodynamic changes in the brain. Intracranial EEG (icEEG) has greater sensitivity and spatial specificity than scalp EEG but limited spatial sampling. We performed simultaneous icEEG and functional MRI recordings in epileptic patients to study the haemodynamic correlates of intracranial interictal epileptic discharges (IED). Two patients undergoing icEEG with subdural and depth electrodes as part of the presurgical assessment of their pharmaco-resistant epilepsy participated in the study. They were scanned on a 1.5 T MR scanner following a strict safety protocol. Simultaneous recordings of fMRI and icEEG were obtained at rest. IED were subsequently visually identified on icEEG and their fMRI correlates were mapped using a general linear model (GLM). On scalp EEG–fMRI recordings performed prior to the implantation, no IED were detected. icEEG–fMRI was well tolerated and no adverse health effect was observed. intra-MR icEEG was comparable to that obtained outside the scanner. In both cases, significant haemodynamic changes were revealed in relation to IED, both close to the most active electrode contacts and at distant sites. In one case, results showed an epileptic network including regions that could not be sampled by icEEG, in agreement with findings from magneto-encephalography, offering some explanation for the persistence of seizures after surgery. Hence, icEEG–fMRI allows the study of whole-brain human epileptic networks with unprecedented sensitivity and specificity. This could help improve our understanding of epileptic networks with possible implications for epilepsy surgery

    Phase Synchronization Operator for On-Chip Brain Functional Connectivity Computation

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    This paper presents an integer-based digital processor for the calculation of phase synchronization between two neural signals. It is based on the measurement of time periods between two consecutive minima. The simplicity of the approach allows for the use of elementary digital blocks, such as registers, counters, and adders. The processor, fabricated in a 0.18- ÎŒ m CMOS process, only occupies 0.05 mm 2 and consumes 15 nW from a 0.5 V supply voltage at a signal input rate of 1024 S/s. These low-area and low-power features make the proposed processor a valuable computing element in closed-loop neural prosthesis for the treatment of neural disorders, such as epilepsy, or for assessing the patterns of correlated activity in neural assemblies through the evaluation of functional connectivity maps.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TEC2016-80923-POffice of Naval Research (USA) N00014-19-1-215
