28 research outputs found

    Image-Dependent Spatial Shape-Error Concealment

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    Existing spatial shape-error concealment techniques are broadly based upon either parametric curves that exploit geometric information concerning a shape's contour or object shape statistics using a combination of Markov random fields and maximum a posteriori estimation. Both categories are to some extent, able to mask errors caused by information loss, provided the shape is considered independently of the image/video. They palpably however, do not afford the best solution in applications where shape is used as metadata to describe image and video content. This paper presents a novel image-dependent spatial shape-error concealment (ISEC) algorithm that uses both image and shape information by employing the established rubber-band contour detecting function, with the novel enhancement of automatically determining the optimal width of the band to achieve superior error concealment. Experimental results corroborate both qualitatively and numerically, the enhanced performance of the new ISEC strategy compared with established techniques

    A Novel Half-Way Shifting Bezier Curve Model

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    Bezier curves can cause a considerable gap to occur between the approximation curve and its control polygon, due to considering only the global information of the control points. In order to reduce this error in curve representations, localised information needs to be incorporated, with the main philosophy to narrow down the gap by shifting the Bezier curve points closer to the control polygon. To integrate this idea into the theoretical framework of the classical Bezier curve model, this paper presents a novel Half-way shifting Bezier Curve (HBC) model, which automatically incorporates localised information along with the global Bezier information. Both subjective and objective performance evaluations of the HBC model using upon a number of objects having arbitrary shape confirm its considerable improvement over the classical Bezier curve model without increasing the order of computational complexity

    A generic shape descriptor using Bezier curves

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    Bezier curves are robust tool for a wide array of applications ranging from computer-aided design to calligraphic character, outlining and object shape description. In terms of the control point generation process, existing shape descriptor techniques that employ Bezier curves do not distinguish between regions where an object's shape changes rapidly and those where the change is more gradual or flat. This can lead to an erroneous shape description, particularly where there are significantly sharp changes in shape, such as at sharp corners. This paper presents a novel shape description algorithm called a generic shape descriptor using Bezier curves (SDBC), which defines a new strategy for Bezier control point generation by integrating domain specific information about the shape of an object in a particular region. The strategy also includes an improved dynamic fixed length coding scheme for control points. The SDBC framework has been rigorously tested upon a number of arbitrary shapes, and both quantitative and qualitative analyses have confirmed its superior performance in comparison with existing algorithms

    Dynamic Bezier curves for variable rate-distortion

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    Bezier curves (BC) are important tools in a wide range of diverse and challenging applications, from computer-aided design to generic object shape descriptors. A major constraint of the classical BC is that only global information concerning control points (CP) is considered, consequently there may be a sizeable gap between the BC and its control polygon (CtrlPoly), leading to a large distortion in shape representation. While BC variants like degree elevation, composite BC and refinement and subdivision narrow this gap, they increase the number of CP and thereby both the required bit-rate and computational complexity. In addition, while quasi-Bezier curves (QBC) close the gap without increasing the number of CP, they reduce the underlying distortion by only a fixed amount. This paper presents a novel contribution to BC theory, with the introduction of a dynamic Bezier curve (DBC) model, which embeds variable localised CP information into the inherently global Bezier framework, by strategically moving BC points towards the CtrlPoly. A shifting parameter (SP) is defined that enables curves lying within the region between the BC and CtrlPoly to be generated, with no commensurate increase in CP. DBC provides a flexible rate-distortion (RD) criterion for shape coding applications, with a theoretical model for determining the optimal SP value for any admissible distortion being formulated. Crucially DBC retains core properties of the classical BC, including the convex hull and affine invariance, and can be seamlessly integrated into both the vertex-based shape coding and shape descriptor frameworks to improve their RD performance. DBC has been empirically tested upon a number of natural and synthetically shaped objects, with qualitative and quantitative results confirming its consistently superior shape approximation performance, compared with the classical BC, QBC and other established BC-based shape descriptor techniques

    A Bezier curve-based generic shape encoder

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    Existing Bezier curve based shape description techniques primarily focus upon determining a set of pertinent Control Points (CP) to represent a particular shape contour. While many different approaches have been proposed, none adequately consider domain specific information about the shape contour like its gradualness and sharpness, in the CP generation process which can potentially result in large distortions in the object’s shape representation. This paper introduces a novel Bezier Curve-based Generic Shape Encoder (BCGSE) that partitions an object contour into contiguous segments based upon its cornerity, before generating the CP for each segment using relevant shape curvature information. In addition, while CP encoding has generally been ignored, BCGSE embeds an efficient vertex-based encoding strategy exploiting the latent equidistance between consecutive CP. A nonlinear optimisation technique is also presented to enable the encoder is automatically adapt to bit-rate constraints. The performance of the BCGSE framework has been rigorously tested on a variety of diverse arbitrary shapes from both a distortion and requisite bit-rate perspective, with qualitative and quantitative results corroborating its superiority over existing shape descriptors

    Quasi-Bezier curves integrating localised information

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    Bezier curves (BC) have become fundamental tools in many challenging and varied applications, ranging from computer-aided geometric design to generic object shape descriptors. A major limitation of the classical Bezier curve, however, is that only global information about its control points (CP) is considered, so there can often be a large gap between the curve and its control polygon, leading to large distortion in shape representation. While strategies such as degree elevation, composite BC, refinement and subdivision reduce this gap, they also increase the number of CP and hence bit-rate, and computational complexity. This paper presents novel contributions to BC theory, with the introduction of quasi-Bezier curves (QBC), which seamlessly integrate localised CP information into the inherent global Bezier framework, with no increase in either the number of CP or order of computational complexity. QBC crucially retains the core properties of the classical BC, such as geometric continuity and affine invariance, and can be embedded into the vertex-based shape coding and shape descriptor framework to enhance rate-distortion performance. The performance of QBC has been empirically tested upon a number of natural and synthetically shaped objects, with both qualitative and quantitative results confirming its consistently superior approximation performance in comparison with both the classical BC and other established BC-based shape descriptor methods

    Enhancement of Adaptive Forward Error Correction Mechanism for Video Transmission Over Wireless Local Area Network

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    Video transmission over the wireless network faces many challenges. The most critical challenge is related to packet loss. To overcome the problem of packet loss, Forward Error Correction is used by adding extra packets known as redundant packet or parity packet. Currently, FEC mechanisms have been adopted together with Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) mechanism to overcome packet losses and avoid network congestion in various wireless network conditions. The number of FEC packets need to be generated effectively because wireless network usually has varying network conditions. In the current Adaptive FEC mechanism, the FEC packets are decided by the average queue length and average packet retransmission times. The Adaptive FEC mechanisms have been proposed to suit the network condition by generating FEC packets adaptively in the wireless network. However, the current Adaptive FEC mechanism has some major drawbacks such as the reduction of recovery performance which injects too many excessive FEC packets into the network. This is not flexible enough to adapt with varying wireless network condition. Therefore, the enhancement of Adaptive FEC mechanism (AFEC) known as Enhanced Adaptive FEC (EnAFEC) has been proposed. The aim is to improve recovery performance on the current Adaptive FEC mechanism by injecting FEC packets dynamically based on varying wireless network conditions. The EnAFEC mechanism is implemented in the simulation environment using Network Simulator 2 (NS-2). Performance evaluations are also carried out. The EnAFEC was tested with the random uniform error model. The results from experiments and performance analyses showed that EnAFEC mechanism outperformed the other Adaptive FEC mechanism in terms of recovery efficiency. Based on the findings, the optimal amount of FEC generated by EnAFEC mechanism can recover high packet loss and produce good video quality

    Characterisation of a multispectral digital camera System for quantitatively comparing complex animal Patterns in natural environments.

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    Animal coloration can be described by complex colour patterns including elements of varying size, shape and spectral profile which commonly reflect energy outside the spectral range visible for humans. Whilst spectrometry is currently employed for the quantitative study of animal coloration, it is limited on its ability to describe the spatial characteristics of spectral differences in patterns. Digital photography has recently been used as a tool for measuring spatial and spectral properties of patterns based on quantitative analysis of linear camera responses recovered after characterising the device. However current applications of digital imaging for studying animal coloration are limited to image recording within a laboratory environment considering controlled lighting conditions. Here a refined methodology for camera characterisation is developed permitting the recording of images under different illumination conditions typical of natural environments. The characterised camera system thus allows recording images from reflected ultraviolet and visible radiation resulting in a multispectral digital camera system. Furthermore a standardised imaging processing workflow was developed based on specific characteristics of the camera thus making possible an objective comparison from images. An application of the characterised camera system is exemplified in the study of animal colour patterns adapted for camouflage using as a model two Australian, endemic lizard species. The interaction between the spectral and spatial properties of the respective lizards produces complex patterns than cannot be interpreted by spectrophotometry alone. Data obtained from analysis of images recorded with the characterised camera system in the visible and near-ultraviolet region of the spectrum reveal significative differences between sex and species and a possible interaction between sex and species, suggesting microhabitat specialisation to different backgrounds