18 research outputs found

    Downscaling SMAP Soil Moisture Data Using MODIS Data

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    Soil moisture level is an important index in studying environmental changes. High resolution soil moisture data is in high demand for agricultural and weather forecasting purpose. Current daily large-scale soil moisture projects fail to provide sufficient resolution for medium or small region research. To acquire high-resolution soil moisture data, different kinds of methods are put into practice, including multivariate statistical regression, weight aggregation and so on. In this research, SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) level 3 data with 36-km resolution are successfully downscaled by MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) 1-km LST (Land Surface Temperature) product, NDVI (Difference Vegetation Index) product, SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM (Digital Elevation Model), and TWI (Topographic Wetness Index). Three regression models are built based on these supplemental indexes correlated with the SMAP retrieval. All downscaled results are validated with SMAPVEX15 field data. The research aims to establish and validate the multivariate regression method for downscaling low-resolution remote sensing image (such as SMAP) with local field observations. Based on the validation results, the research suggests the regression models have a decent fit. The downscaled soil moisture data indicating the method is applicable to small region research

    Downscaling and Validation of SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture in CONUS

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    The SMAP (Soil Moisture Active/Passive) satellite provides global soil moisture (SM) estimates that can be used for scientific research and applications (such as the hydrological cycle, agriculture, ecology, and land atmosphere interactions). Currently, SMAP provides the enhanced radiometer-only SM product (L2SMP) at 9 km grid resolution. However, this spatial resolution is still not enough to satisfy the needs of some studies that require a finer spatial resolution SM product, particularly in agricultural and watershed applications. This study applied a downscaling algorithm to the SMAP 9 km SM product to produce a 1 km resolution over the CONUS (Contiguous United States). The downscaling algorithm is based on the relationship between temperature change and SM modulated by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of a given time period. This relationship was modeled using variables derived from NLDAS (North America Land Data Assimilation System) and NASA's LTDR (Land Long Term Data Record) between 1981-2018. The algorithm was implemented uses the 1 km MODIS Aqua LST (Land Surface Temperature) product. The downscaled SMAP 1 km SM was validated using in situ SM measurements from the ISMN (International Soil Moisture Network). The validation metrics show an improved overall accuracy of the downscaled SM

    Understanding and Improving the Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm under Space, Time and Heterogeneity

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    The spatial and temporal monitoring of soil moisture from remote sensing platforms plays a pivotal role in predicting the future food and water security. That is, improving soil moisture estimation at remote sensing platforms has remarkable impacts in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, agriculture, and global climate change. However, remote sensing of soil moisture for long is hindered by spatial heterogeneity in land surface variables (soil, biomass, topography, and temperature) which cause systematic and random errors in soil moisture retrievals. Most soil moisture improvement methods to date focused on the downscaling of either coarse resolution soil moisture or brightness temperature based on fine scale ancillary information of land surface variables. Comparatively little work has been done on improving the parameterization of most sensitive variables to radiative transfer model that impact soil moisture retrieval accuracy. In addition, the classic radiative transfer model assumes the vegetation and surface roughness parameters, as constant with space and time which undermines the retrieval accuracy. Also, it is largely elusive so far the discussion on the non-linearity of microwave radiative transfer model and its relationship with energy and water fluxes. In order to address the above mentioned limitations, this dissertation aims to develop and validate a soil moisture modeling framework with associated improved parameterizations for surface roughness and vegetation optical depth (VOD) in the homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. To this end, the following research work is specifically conducted: (a) conduct comprehensive sensitivity analysis on radiative transfer model with space, time and hydroclimates; (b) develop multi-scale surface roughness model which incorporates small (soil) and large (topography) surface undulations to improve soil moisture retrievals; (c) improve the parameterization of vegetation topical depth (VOD) using within-pixel biomass heterogeneity to improved soil moisture accuracy; (d) investigate the non-linearity in microwave radiative transfer model, and its association with thermal energy fluxes. The results of this study showed that: (a) the total (linear + non-linear) sensitivity of soil, temperature and biomass variables varied with spatial scale (support), time, and hydro climates, with higher non-linearity observed for dense biomass regions. This non-linearity is also governed by soil moisture availability and temperature. Among these variables, surface roughness and vegetation optical depth are most sensitive variables to radiative transfer model (RTM); (b) considering the spatial and temporal variability in parameterization of surface roughness and VOD has improved soil moisture retrieval accuracy, importantly in cropland and forest environments; and (c) the soil moisture estimated through evaporative fraction (EF) correlates higher with VOD corrected soil moisture

    Global evaluation of SMAP/Sentinel-1 soil moisture products

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    MAP/Sentinel-1 soil moisture is the latest SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) product derived from synergistic utilization of the radiometry observations of SMAP and radar backscattering data of Sentinel-1. This product is the first and only global soil moisture (SM) map at 1 km and 3 km spatial resolutions. In this paper, we evaluated the SMAP/Sentinel-1 SM product from different viewpoints to better understand its quality, advantages, and likely limitations. A comparative analysis of this product and in situ measurements, for the time period March 2015 to January 2022, from 35 dense and sparse SM networks and 561 stations distributed around the world was carried out. We examined the effects of land cover, vegetation fraction, water bodies, urban areas, soil characteristics, and seasonal climatic conditions on the performance of active–passive SMAP/Sentinel-1 in estimating the SM. We also compared the performance metrics of enhanced SMAP (9 km) and SMAP/Sentinel-1 products (3 km) to analyze the effects of the active–passive disaggregation algorithm on various features of the SMAP SM maps. Results showed satisfactory agreement between SMAP/Sentinel-1 and in situ SM measurements for most sites (r values between 0.19 and 0.95 and ub-RMSE between 0.03 and 0.17), especially for dense sites without representativeness errors. Thanks to the vegetation effect correction applied in the active–passive algorithm, the SMAP/Sentinel-1 product had the highest correlation with the reference data in grasslands and croplands. Results also showed that the accuracy of the SMAP/Sentinel-1 SM product in different networks is independent of the presence of water bodies, urban areas, and soil types.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimation de l'humidité du sol à haute résolution spatio-temporelle : une nouvelle approche basée sur la synergie des observations micro-ondes actives/passives et optiques/thermiques

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    Les capteurs micro-ondes passifs SMOS et SMAP fournissent des données d'humidité du sol (SM) à une résolution d'environ 40 km avec un intervalle de 2 à 3 jours à l' échelle mondiale et une profondeur de détection de 0 à 5 cm. Ces données sont très pertinentes pour les applications cli- matiques et météorologiques. Cependant, pour les applications à échelle régionales (l'hydrologie) ou locales (l'agriculture), des données de SM à une haute résolution spatiale (typiquement 100 m ou plus fine) seraient nécessaires. Les données collectées par les capteurs optiques/thermiques et les radars peuvent fournir des indicateurs de SM à haute résolution spatiale, mais ces deux approches alternatives ont des limites. En particulier, les données optiques/thermiques ne sont pas disponibles sous les nuages et sous les couverts végétaux. Quant aux données radar, elles sont sensibles à la rugosité du sol et à la structure de la végétation, qui sont tous deux difficiles à caractériser depuis l'espace. De plus, la résolution temporelle de ces données est d'environ 6 jours. Dans ce contexte, la ligne directrice de la thèse est de proposer une nouvelle approche qui combine pour la première fois des capteurs passifs micro-ondes, optiques/thermiques et actifs micro-ondes (radar) pour estimer SM sur de grandes étendues à une résolution de 100 m chaque jour. Notre hypothèse est d'abord de nous appuyer sur une méthode de désagrégation existante (DISPATCH) des données SMOS/SMAP pour atteindre la résolution cible obtenue par les radars. A l'origine, DISPATCH est basé sur l'efficacité d' évaporation du sol (SEE) estimée sur des pixels partiellement végétalisés à partir de données optiques/thermiques (généralement MODIS) de température de surface et de couverture végétale à résolution de 1 km. Les données désagrégées de SM sont ensuite combinées avec une méthode d'inversion de SM basée sur les données radar afin d'exploiter les capacités de détection des radars Sentinel-1. Enfin, les capacités de l'assimilation des donnés satellitaires de SM dans un modèle de bilan hydrique du sol sont évaluées en termes de prédiction de SM à une résolution de 100 m et à une échelle temporelle quotidienne.Dans une première étape, l'algorithme DISPATCH est amélioré par rapport à sa version actuelle, principalement 1) en étendant son applicabilité aux pixels optiques entièrement végétalisés en utilisant l'indice de sécheresse de la végétation basé sur la température et un produit de couverture végétale amélioré, et 2) en augmentant la résolution de désagrégation de 1 km à 100 m en utilisant les données optiques/thermiques de Landsat (en plus de MODIS). Le produit de SM désagrégé à la résolution de 100 m est validé avec des mesures in situ collectées sur des zones irriguées au Maroc, indiquant une corrélation spatiale quotidienne variant de 0,5 à 0,9. Dans un deuxième étape, un nouvel algorithme est construit en développant une synergie entre les données DISPATCH et radar à 100 m de résolution. En pratique, le produit SM issu de DISPATCH les jours de ciel clair est d'abord utilisé pour calibrer un modèle de transfert radiatif radar en mode direct. Ensuite, le modèle de transfert radiatif radar ainsi calibré est utilisé en mode inverse pour estimer SM à la résolution spatio-temporelle de Sentinel-1. Sur les sites de validation, les résultats indiquent une corrélation entre les mesures satellitaires et in situ, de l'ordre de 0,66 à 0,81 pour un indice de végétation inférieur à 0,6. Dans une troisième et dernière étape, une méthode d'assimilation optimale est utilisée pour interpoler dans le temps les données de SM à la résolution de 100 m. La dynamique du produit SM dérivé de l'assimilation de SM DISPATCH à 100 m de résolution est cohérente avec les événements d'irrigation. Cette approche peut être facilement appliquée sur de grandes zones, en considérant que toutes les données (télédétection et météorologique) requises en entrée sont disponibles à l' échelle globale.SMOS and SMAP passive microwave sensors provide soil moisture (SM) data at 40 km resolution every 2-3 days globally, with a 0-5 cm sensing depth relevant for climatic and meteorological applications. However, SM data would be required at a higher (typically 100 m or finer) spatial resolution for many other regional (hydrology) or local (agriculture) applications. Optical/thermal and radar sensors can be used for retrieving SM proxies at such high spatial resolution, but both techniques have limitations. In particular, optical/thermal data are not available under clouds and under plant canopies. Moreover, radar data are sensitive to soil roughness and vegetation structure, which are challenging to characterize from outer space, and have a repeat cycle of at least six days, limiting the observations' temporal frequency. In this context, the leading principle of the thesis is to propose a new approach that combines passive microwave, optical/thermal, and active microwave (radar) sensors for the first time to retrieve SM data at 100 m resolution on a daily temporal scale. Our assumption is first to rely on an existing disaggregation method (DISPATCH) of SMOS/SMAP SM data to meet the target resolution achieved by radars. DISPATCH is originally based on the soil evaporative efficiency (SEE) retrieved over partially vegetated pixels from 1 km resolution optical/thermal (typically MODIS) surface temperature and vegetation cover data. The disaggregated SM data is then combined with a radar-based SM retrieval method to exploit the sensing capabilities of the Sentinel-1 radars. Finally, the efficacy of the assimilation of satellite-based SM data in a soil water balance model is assessed in terms of SM predictions at the 100 m resolution and daily temporal scale. As a first step, the DISPATCH algorithm is improved from its current version by mainly 1) extending its applicability to fully vegetated optical pixels using the temperature vegetation dryness index and an enhanced vegetation cover product, and 2) increasing the targeted downscaling resolution from 1 km to 100 m using Landsat (in addition to MODIS) optical/thermal data. The 100 m resolution disaggregated SM product is validated with in situ measurements collected over irrigated areas in Morocco, showing a daily spatial correlation in the range of 0.5-0.9. As a second step, a new algorithm is built on a synergy between DISPATCH and radar 100 m resolution data. In practice, the DISPATCH SM product available on clear sky days is first used to calibrate a radar radiative transfer model in the direct mode. Then the calibrated radar radia- tive transfer model is used in the inverse mode to estimate SM at the spatio-temporal resolution of Sentinel-1. Results indicate a positive correlation between satellite and in situ measurements in the range of 0.66 to 0.81 for a vegetation index lower than 0.6. As a third and final step, an optimal assimilation method is used to interpolate 100 m resolution SM data in time. The assimilation exercise is undertaken over irrigated crop fields in Spain. The analyzed SM product derived from the assimilation of 100 m resolution DISPATCH SM is consistent with irrigation events. This approach can be readily applied over large areas, given that all the required input (remote sensing and meteorological) data are available globally

    Global downscaling of remotely sensed soil moisture using neural networks

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    Characterizing soil moisture at spatiotemporal scales relevant to land surface processes (i.e., of the order of 1&thinsp;km) is necessary in order to quantify its role in regional feedbacks between the land surface and the atmospheric boundary layer. Moreover, several applications such as agricultural management can benefit from soil moisture information at fine spatial scales. Soil moisture estimates from current satellite missions have a reasonably good temporal revisit over the globe (2–3-day repeat time); however, their finest spatial resolution is 9&thinsp;km. NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite has estimated soil moisture at two different spatial scales of 36 and 9&thinsp;km since April 2015. In this study, we develop a neural-network-based downscaling algorithm using SMAP observations and disaggregate soil moisture to 2.25&thinsp;km spatial resolution. Our approach uses the mean monthly Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) as ancillary data to quantify the subpixel heterogeneity of soil moisture. Evaluation of the downscaled soil moisture estimates against in situ observations shows that their accuracy is better than or equal to the SMAP 9&thinsp;km soil moisture estimates.</p


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    Hazard analyses of rainfall-induced landslides have typically been observed to experience a lack of inclusion of measurements of soil moisture within a given soil layer at a site of interest. Soil moisture is a hydromechanical variable capable of both strength gains and reductions within soil systems. However, in situ monitoring of soil moisture at every site of interest is an unfeasible goal. Therefore, spatiotemporal estimates of soil moisture that are representative of in-situ conditions are required for use in subsequent landslide hazard analyses. This study brings together various techniques for the acquisition, modeling, and forecasting of spatiotemporal retrievals of soil moisture across areas of Eastern Kentucky for use in hazard analyses. These techniques include: A novel approach for determination of satellite-based soil moisture retrieval correction factors for use in acquisition of low orbit-based soil moisture retrievals in site-specific analyses, unique spatiotemporal modeling of soil moisture at various depths within the soil layer through assimilation of satellite-based and land surface modeled soil moisture estimates, and the development of a novel workflow to effectively provide 7-day forecasts of soil moisture for use in subsequent forecasting of landslide hazards. Soil moisture retrieved through the previous approaches was implemented within landslide hazard and susceptibility analyses across known rainfall-induced landslides within Eastern Kentucky. Investigated analyses were conducted through a coupling of spatial soil moisture retrievals with that of site-specific geomorphologic data. These analyses proved capable in the detection of incipient failure conditions indicative of landslide occurrence over these known investigated slides. These soil moisture-based analyses show that inclusion of soil moisture, as hydromechanical variable, yields a more capable hazard analysis approach. Additionally, these analyses serve as a means to gain a better understanding of the coupled hydro-mechanical behavior associated with the initiation of rainfall-induced landslides

    DSCALE_mod16: A Model for Disaggregating Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture with Land Surface Evapotranspiration Products and Gridded Meteorological Data

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    Improving the spatial resolution of microwave satellite soil moisture (SM) products is important for various applications. Most of the downscaling methods that fuse optical/thermal and microwave data rely on remotely sensed land surface temperature (LST) or LST-derived SM indexes (SMIs). However, these methods suffer from the problems of “cloud contamination”, “decomposing uncertainty”, and “decoupling effect”. This study presents a new downscaling method, referred to as DSCALE_mod16, without using LST and LST-derived SMIs. This model combines MODIS ET products and a gridded meteorological data set to obtain Land surface Evaporative Efficiency (LEE) as the main downscaling factor. A cosine-square form of downscaling function was adopted to represent the quantitative relationship between LEE and SM. Taking the central part of the United States as the case study area, we downscaled SMAP (Soil Moisture Active and Passive) SM products with an original resolution of 36km to a resolution of 500m. The study period spans more than three years from 2015 to 2018. In situ SM measurements from three sparse networks and three core validation sites (CVS) were used to evaluate the downscaling model. The evaluation results indicate that the downscaled SM values maintain the spatial dynamic range of original SM data while providing more spatial details. Moreover, the moisture mass is conserved during the downscaling process. The downscaled SM values have a good agreement with in situ SM measurements. The unbiased root-mean-square errors (ubRMSEs) of downscaled SM values is 0.035 m3/m3 at Fort Cobb, 0.026 m3/m3 at Little Washita, and 0.055 m3/m3 at South Fork, which are comparable to ubRMSEs of original SM estimates at these three CVS

    Mapping Soil Moisture from Remotely Sensed and In-situ Data with Statistical Methods

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    Soil moisture is an important factor for accurate prediction of agricultural productivity and rainfall runoff with hydrological models. Remote sensing satellites such as Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) offer synoptic views of soil moisture distribution at a regional-to-global scale. To use the soil moisture product from these satellites, however, requires a downscaling of the data from an usually large instantaneous field of view (i.e. 36 km) to the watershed analysis scales ranging from 30 m to 1 km. In addition, validation of the soil moisture products using the ground station observations without an upscaling treatment would lead to cross-level fallacy. In the literature of geographical analysis, scale is one of the top research concens because of the needs for multi-source geospatial data fusion. This dissertation research introduced a multi-level soil moisture data assimilation and processing methodology framework based on spatial information theories. The research contains three sections: downscaling using machine learning and geographically weighted regression, upscaling ground network observation to calibrate satellite data, and spatial and temporal multi-scale data assimilation using spatio-temporal interpolation. (1) Soil moisture downscaling In the first section, a downscaling method is designed using 1-km geospatial data to obtain subpixel soil moisture from the 9-km soil moisture product of the SMAP satellite. The geospatial data includes normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), land surface temperature (LST), gross primary productivity (GPP), topographical moisture index (TMI), with all resampled to 1-km resolution. The machine learning algorithm – random forest was used to create a prediction model of the soil moisture at a 1-km resolution. The 1-km soil moisture product was compared with the ground samples from the West Texas Mesonet (WTM) station data. The residual was then interpolated to compensate the unpredicted variability of the model. The entire process was based on the concept of regression kriging- where the regression was done by the random forest model. Results show that the downscaling approach was able to achieve better accuracy than the current statistical downscaling methods. (2) Station network data upscaling The Texas Soil Observation Network (TxSON) network was designed to test the feasibility of upscaling the in-situ data to match the scale of the SMAP data. I advanced the upscaling method by using the Voronoi polygons and block kriging with a Gaussian kernel aggregation. The upscaling algorithm was calibrated using different spatial aggregation parameters, such as the fishnet cell size and Gaussian kernel standard deviation. The use of the kriging can significantly reduce the spatial autocorrelation among the TxSON stations because of its declustering ability. The result proved the new upscaling method was better than the traditional ones. (3) Multi-scale data fusion in a spatio-temporal framework None of the current works for soil moisture statistical downscaling honors time and space equally. It is important, however, that the soil moisture products are consistent in both domains. In this section, the space-time kriging model for soil moisture downscaling and upscaling computation framework designed in the last two sections is implemented to create a spatio-temporal integrated solution to soil moisture multi-scale mapping. The present work has its novelty in using spatial statistics to reconcile the scale difference from satellite data and ground observations, and therefore proposes new theories and solutions for dealing with the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) incurred in soil moisture mapping from satellite and ground stations

    An Initial Assessment of a SMAP Soil Moisture Disaggregation Scheme Using TIR Surface Evaporation Data over the Continental United States

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    The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission is dedicated toward global soil moisture mapping. Typically, an L-band microwave radiometer has spatial resolution on the order of 36-40 km, which is too coarse for many specific hydro-meteorological and agricultural applications. With the failure of the SMAP active radar within three months of becoming operational, an intermediate (9-km) and finer (3-km) scale soil moisture product solely from the SMAP mission is no longer possible. Therefore, the focus of this study is a disaggregation of the 36-km resolution SMAP passive-only surface soil moisture (SSM) using the Soil Evaporative Efficiency (SEE) approach to spatial scales of 3-km and 9-km. The SEE was computed using thermal-infrared (TIR) estimation of surface evaporation over Continental U.S. (CONUS). The disaggregation results were compared with the 3 months of SMAP-Active (SMAP-A) and Active/Passive (AP) products, while comparisons with SMAP-Enhanced (SMAP-E), SMAP-Passive (SMAP-P), as well as with more than 180 Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) stations across CONUS were performed for a 19 month period. At the 9-km spatial scale, the TIR-Downscaled data correlated strongly with the SMAP-E SSM both spatially (r = 0.90) and temporally (r = 0.87). In comparison with SCAN observations, overall correlations of 0.49 and 0.47; bias of 0.022 and 0.019 and unbiased RMSD of 0.105 and 0.100 were found for SMAP-E and TIR-Downscaled SSM across the Continental U.S., respectively. At 3-km scale, TIR-Downscaled and SMAP-A had a mean temporal correlation of only 0.27. In terms of gain statistics, the highest percentage of SCAN sites with positive gains (>55%) was observed with the TIR-Downscaled SSM at 9-km. Overall, the TIR-based downscaled SSM showed strong correspondence with SMAP-E; compared to SCAN, and overall both SMAP-E and TIR-Downscaled performed similarly, however, gain statistics show that TIR-Downscaled SSM slightly outperformed SMAP-E