7 research outputs found

    On the Difference Between the Information Bottleneck and the Deep Information Bottleneck

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    Combining the Information Bottleneck model with deep learning by replacing mutual information terms with deep neural nets has proved successful in areas ranging from generative modelling to interpreting deep neural networks. In this paper, we revisit the Deep Variational Information Bottleneck and the assumptions needed for its derivation. The two assumed properties of the data XX, YY and their latent representation TT take the form of two Markov chains T−X−YT-X-Y and X−T−YX-T-Y. Requiring both to hold during the optimisation process can be limiting for the set of potential joint distributions P(X,Y,T)P(X,Y,T). We therefore show how to circumvent this limitation by optimising a lower bound for I(T;Y)I(T;Y) for which only the latter Markov chain has to be satisfied. The actual mutual information consists of the lower bound which is optimised in DVIB and cognate models in practice and of two terms measuring how much the former requirement T−X−YT-X-Y is violated. Finally, we propose to interpret the family of information bottleneck models as directed graphical models and show that in this framework the original and deep information bottlenecks are special cases of a fundamental IB model

    Learning Sparse Latent Representations with the Deep Copula Information Bottleneck

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    Deep latent variable models are powerful tools for representation learning. In this paper, we adopt the deep information bottleneck model, identify its shortcomings and propose a model that circumvents them. To this end, we apply a copula transformation which, by restoring the invariance properties of the information bottleneck method, leads to disentanglement of the features in the latent space. Building on that, we show how this transformation translates to sparsity of the latent space in the new model. We evaluate our method on artificial and real data.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018. Aleksander Wieczorek and Mario Wieser contributed equally to this wor

    Interpretable Machine Learning for Electro-encephalography

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    While behavioral, genetic and psychological markers can provide important information about brain health, research in that area over the last decades has much focused on imaging devices such as magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) to provide non-invasive information about cognitive processes. Unfortunately, MRI based approaches, able to capture the slow changes in blood oxygenation levels, cannot capture electrical brain activity which plays out on a time scale up to three orders of magnitude faster. Electroencephalography (EEG), which has been available in clinical settings for over 60 years, is able to measure brain activity based on rapidly changing electrical potentials measured non-invasively on the scalp. Compared to MRI based research into neurodegeneration, EEG based research has, over the last decade, received much less interest from the machine learning community. But generally, EEG in combination with sophisticated machine learning offers great potential such that neglecting this source of information, compared to MRI or genetics, is not warranted. In collaborating with clinical experts, the ability to link any results provided by machine learning to the existing body of research is especially important as it ultimately provides an intuitive or interpretable understanding. Here, interpretable means the possibility for medical experts to translate the insights provided by a statistical model into a working hypothesis relating to brain function. To this end, we propose in our first contribution a method allowing for ultra-sparse regression which is applied on EEG data in order to identify a small subset of important diagnostic markers highlighting the main differences between healthy brains and brains affected by Parkinson's disease. Our second contribution builds on the idea that in Parkinson's disease impaired functioning of the thalamus causes changes in the complexity of the EEG waveforms. The thalamus is a small region in the center of the brain affected early in the course of the disease. Furthermore, it is believed that the thalamus functions as a pacemaker - akin to a conductor of an orchestra - such that changes in complexity are expressed and quantifiable based on EEG. We use these changes in complexity to show their association with future cognitive decline. In our third contribution we propose an extension of archetypal analysis embedded into a deep neural network. This generative version of archetypal analysis allows to learn an appropriate representation where every sample of a data set can be decomposed into a weighted sum of extreme representatives, the so-called archetypes. This opens up an interesting possibility of interpreting a data set relative to its most extreme representatives. In contrast, clustering algorithms describe a data set relative to its most average representatives. For Parkinson's disease, we show based on deep archetypal analysis, that healthy brains produce archetypes which are different from those produced by brains affected by neurodegeneration

    Learning Invariant Representations for Deep Latent Variable Models

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    Deep latent variable models introduce a new class of generative models which are able to handle unstructured data and encode non-linear dependencies. Despite their known flexibility, these models are frequently not invariant against target-specific transformations. Therefore, they suffer from model mismatches and are challenging to interpret or control. We employ the concept of symmetry transformations from physics to formally describe these invariances. In this thesis, we investigate how we can model invariances when a symmetry transformation is either known or unknown. As a consequence, we make contributions in the domain of variable compression under side information and generative modelling. In our first contribution, we investigate the problem where a symmetry transformation is known yet not implicitly learned by the model. Specifically, we consider the task of estimating mutual information in the context of the deep information bottleneck which is not invariant against monotone transformations. To address this limitation, we extend the deep information bottleneck with a copula construction. In our second contribution, we address the problem of learning target-invariant subspaces for generative models. In this case, the symmetry transformation is unknown and has to be learned from data. We achieve this by formulating a deep information bottleneck with a target and a target-invariant subspace. To ensure invariance, we provide a continuous mutual information regulariser based on adversarial training. In our last contribution, we introduce an improved method for learning unknown symmetry transformations with cycle-consistency. To do so, we employ the equivalent deep information bottleneck method with a partitioned latent space. However, we ensure target-invariance by utilizing a cycle-consistency loss in the latent space. As a result, we overcome potential convergence issues introduced by adversarial training and are able to deal with mixed data. In summary, each of our presented models provide an attempt to better control and understand deep latent variables models by learning symmetry transformations. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our contributions with an extensive evaluation on both artificial and real-world experiments

    Copula models in machine learning

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    The introduction of copulas, which allow separating the dependence structure of a multivariate distribution from its marginal behaviour, was a major advance in dependence modelling. Copulas brought new theoretical insights to the concept of dependence and enabled the construction of a variety of new multivariate distributions. Despite their popularity in statistics and financial modelling, copulas have remained largely unknown in the machine learning community until recently. This thesis investigates the use of copula models, in particular Gaussian copulas, for solving various machine learning problems and makes contributions in the domains of dependence detection between datasets, compression based on side information, and variable selection. Our first contribution is the introduction of a copula mixture model to perform dependency-seeking clustering for co-occurring samples from different data sources. The model takes advantage of the great flexibility offered by the copula framework to extend mixtures of Canonical Correlation Analyzers to multivariate data with arbitrary continuous marginal densities. We formulate our model as a non-parametric Bayesian mixture and provide an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo inference algorithm for it. Experiments on real and synthetic data demonstrate that the increased flexibility of the copula mixture significantly improves the quality of the clustering and the interpretability of the results. The second contribution is a reformulation of the information bottleneck (IB) problem in terms of a copula, using the equivalence between mutual information and negative copula entropy. Focusing on the Gaussian copula, we extend the analytical IB solution available for the multivariate Gaussian case to meta-Gaussian distributions which retain a Gaussian dependence structure but allow arbitrary marginal densities. The resulting approach extends the range of applicability of IB to non-Gaussian continuous data and is less sensitive to outliers than the original IB formulation. Our third and final contribution is the development of a novel sparse compression technique based on the information bottleneck (IB) principle, which takes into account side information. We achieve this by introducing a sparse variant of IB that compresses the data by preserving the information in only a few selected input dimensions. By assuming a Gaussian copula we can capture arbitrary non-Gaussian marginals, continuous or discrete. We use our model to select a subset of biomarkers relevant to the evolution of malignant melanoma and show that our sparse selection provides reliable predictors

    Sparse meta-Gaussian information bottleneck

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    We present a new sparse compression technique based on the information bottleneck (IB) principle, which takes into account side information. This is achieved by introducing a sparse variant of IB which preserves the information in only a few selected dimensions of the original data through compression. By assuming a Gaussian copula we can capture arbitrary non-Gaussian margins, continuous or discrete. We apply our model to select a sparse number of biomarkers relevant to the evolution of malignant melanoma and show that our sparse selection provides reliable predictors