4 research outputs found

    Fiber Orientation Estimation Guided by a Deep Network

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    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is currently the only tool for noninvasively imaging the brain's white matter tracts. The fiber orientation (FO) is a key feature computed from dMRI for fiber tract reconstruction. Because the number of FOs in a voxel is usually small, dictionary-based sparse reconstruction has been used to estimate FOs with a relatively small number of diffusion gradients. However, accurate FO estimation in regions with complex FO configurations in the presence of noise can still be challenging. In this work we explore the use of a deep network for FO estimation in a dictionary-based framework and propose an algorithm named Fiber Orientation Reconstruction guided by a Deep Network (FORDN). FORDN consists of two steps. First, we use a smaller dictionary encoding coarse basis FOs to represent the diffusion signals. To estimate the mixture fractions of the dictionary atoms (and thus coarse FOs), a deep network is designed specifically for solving the sparse reconstruction problem. Here, the smaller dictionary is used to reduce the computational cost of training. Second, the coarse FOs inform the final FO estimation, where a larger dictionary encoding dense basis FOs is used and a weighted l1-norm regularized least squares problem is solved to encourage FOs that are consistent with the network output. FORDN was evaluated and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms that estimate FOs using sparse reconstruction on simulated and real dMRI data, and the results demonstrate the benefit of using a deep network for FO estimation.Comment: A shorter version is accepted by MICCAI 201

    A robust deconvolution method to disentangle multiple water pools in diffusion MRI

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    The diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) signal measured in vivo arises from multiple diffusion domains, including hindered and restricted water pools, free water and blood pseudo-diffusion. Not accounting for the correct number of components can bias metrics obtained from model fitting because of partial volume effects that are present in, for instance, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI). Approaches that aim to overcome this shortcoming generally make assumptions about the number of considered components, which are not likely to hold for all voxels. The spectral analysis of the dMRI signal has been proposed to relax assumptions on the number of components. However, it currently requires a clinically challenging signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and accounts only for two diffusion processes defined by hard thresholds. In this work, we developed a method to automatically identify the number of components in the spectral analysis, and enforced its robustness to noise, including outlier rejection and a data-driven regularization term. Furthermore, we showed how this method can be used to take into account partial volume effects in DTI and DKI fitting. The proof of concept and performance of the method were evaluated through numerical simulations and in vivo MRI data acquired at 3 T. With simulations our method reliably decomposed three diffusion components from SNR = 30. Biases in metrics derived from DTI and DKI were considerably reduced when components beyond hindered diffusion were taken into account. With the in vivo data our method determined three macro-compartments, which were consistent with hindered diffusion, free water and pseudo-diffusion. Taking free water and pseudo-diffusion into account in DKI resulted in lower mean diffusivity and higher fractional anisotropy values in both gray and white matter. In conclusion, the proposed method allows one to determine co-existing diffusion compartments without prior assumptions on their number, and to account for undesired signal contaminations within clinically achievable SNR levels

    Joint Spatial-Angular Sparse Coding, Compressed Sensing, and Dictionary Learning for Diffusion MRI

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    Neuroimaging provides a window into the inner workings of the human brain to diagnose and prevent neurological diseases and understand biological brain function, anatomy, and psychology. Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is an emerging medical imaging modality used to study the anatomical network of neurons in the brain, which form cohesive bundles, or fiber tracts, that connect various parts of the brain. Since about 73% of the brain is water, measuring the flow, or diffusion of water molecules in the presence of fiber bundles, allows researchers to estimate the orientation of fiber tracts and reconstruct the internal wiring of the brain, in vivo. Diffusion MRI signals can be modeled within two domains: the spatial domain consisting of voxels in a brain volume and the diffusion or angular domain, where fiber orientation is estimated in each voxel. Researchers aim to estimate the probability distribution of fiber orientation in every voxel of a brain volume in order to trace paths of fiber tracts from voxel to voxel over the entire brain. Therefore, the traditional framework for dMRI processing and analysis has been from a voxel-wise vantage point with added spatial regularization considered post-hoc. In contrast, we propose a new joint spatial-angular representation of dMRI data which pairs signals in each voxel with the global spatial environment, jointly. This has the ability to improve many aspects of dMRI processing and analysis and re-envision the core representation of dMRI data from a local perspective to a global one. In this thesis, we propose three main contributions which take advantage of such joint spatial-angular representations to improve major machine learning tasks applied to dMRI: sparse coding, compressed sensing, and dictionary learning. First, we will show that we can achieve sparser representations of dMRI by utilizing a global spatial-angular dictionary instead of a purely voxel-wise angular dictionary. As dMRI data is very large in size, we provide a number of novel extensions to popular spare coding algorithms that perform efficient optimization on a global-scale by exploiting the separability of our dictionaries over the spatial and angular domains. Next, compressed sensing is used to accelerate signal acquisition based on an underlying sparse representation of the data. We will show that our proposed representation has the potential to push the limits of the current state of scanner acceleration within a new compressed sensing model for dMRI. Finally, sparsity can be further increased by learning dictionaries directly from datasets of interest. Prior dictionary learning for dMRI learn angular dictionaries alone. Our third contribution is to learn spatial-angular dictionaries jointly from dMRI data directly to better represent the global structure. Traditionally, the problem of dictionary learning is non-convex with no guarantees of finding a globally optimal solution. We derive the first theoretical results of global optimality for this class of dictionary learning problems. We hope the core foundation of a joint spatial-angular representation will open a new perspective on dMRI with respect to many other processing tasks and analyses. In addition, our contributions are applicable to any general signal types that can benefit from separable dictionaries. We hope the contributions in this thesis may be adopted in the larger signal processing, computer vision, and machine learning communities. dMRI signals can be modeled within two domains: the spatial domain consisting of voxels in a brain volume and the diffusion or angular domain, where fiber orientation is estimated in each voxel. Computationally speaking, researchers aim to estimate the probability distribution of fiber orientation in every voxel of a brain volume in order to trace paths of fiber tracts from voxel to voxel over the entire brain. Therefore, the traditional framework for dMRI processing and analysis is from a voxel-wise, or angular, vantage point with post-hoc consideration of their local spatial neighborhoods. In contrast, we propose a new global spatial-angular representation of dMRI data which pairs signals in each voxel with the global spatial environment, jointly, to improve many aspects of dMRI processing and analysis, including the important need for accelerating the otherwise time-consuming acquisition of advanced dMRI protocols. In this thesis, we propose three main contributions which utilize our joint spatial-angular representation to improve major machine learning tasks applied to dMRI: sparse coding, compressed sensing, and dictionary learning. We will show that sparser codes are possible by utilizing a global dictionary instead of a voxel-wise angular dictionary. This allows for a reduction of the number of measurements needed to reconstruct a dMRI signal to increase acceleration using compressed sensing. Finally, instead of learning angular dictionaries alone, we learn spatial-angular dictionaries jointly from dMRI data directly to better represent the global structure. In addition, this problem is non-convex and so we derive the first theories to guarantee convergence to a global minimum. As dMRI data is very large in size, we provide a number of novel extensions to popular algorithms that perform efficient optimization on a global-scale by exploiting the separability of our global dictionaries over the spatial and angular domains. We hope the core foundation of a joint spatial-angular representation will open a new perspective on dMRI with respect to many other processing tasks and analyses. In addition, our contributions are applicable to any separable dictionary setting which we hope may be adopted in the larger image processing, computer vision, and machine learning communities