1,501 research outputs found

    Variational Multiscale Stabilization and the Exponential Decay of Fine-scale Correctors

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    This paper addresses the variational multiscale stabilization of standard finite element methods for linear partial differential equations that exhibit multiscale features. The stabilization is of Petrov-Galerkin type with a standard finite element trial space and a problem-dependent test space based on pre-computed fine-scale correctors. The exponential decay of these correctors and their localisation to local cell problems is rigorously justified. The stabilization eliminates scale-dependent pre-asymptotic effects as they appear for standard finite element discretizations of highly oscillatory problems, e.g., the poor L2L^2 approximation in homogenization problems or the pollution effect in high-frequency acoustic scattering

    Adaptive multiscale model reduction with Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Methods

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    In this paper, we discuss a general multiscale model reduction framework based on multiscale finite element methods. We give a brief overview of related multiscale methods. Due to page limitations, the overview focuses on a few related methods and is not intended to be comprehensive. We present a general adaptive multiscale model reduction framework, the Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method. Besides the method's basic outline, we discuss some important ingredients needed for the method's success. We also discuss several applications. The proposed method allows performing local model reduction in the presence of high contrast and no scale separation

    Energy-based comparison between the Fourier--Galerkin method and the finite element method

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    The Fourier-Galerkin method (in short FFTH) has gained popularity in numerical homogenisation because it can treat problems with a huge number of degrees of freedom. Because the method incorporates the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in the linear solver, it is believed to provide an improvement in computational and memory requirements compared to the conventional finite element method (FEM). Here, we systematically compare these two methods using the energetic norm of local fields, which has the clear physical interpretation as being the error in the homogenised properties. This enables the comparison of memory and computational requirements at the same level of approximation accuracy. We show that the methods' effectiveness relies on the smoothness (regularity) of the solution and thus on the material coefficients. Thanks to its approximation properties, FEM outperforms FFTH for problems with jumps in material coefficients, while ambivalent results are observed for the case that the material coefficients vary continuously in space. FFTH profits from a good conditioning of the linear system, independent of the number of degrees of freedom, but generally needs more degrees of freedom to reach the same approximation accuracy. More studies are needed for other FFT-based schemes, non-linear problems, and dual problems (which require special treatment in FEM but not in FFTH).Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Polyharmonic homogenization, rough polyharmonic splines and sparse super-localization

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    We introduce a new variational method for the numerical homogenization of divergence form elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations with arbitrary rough (LL^\infty) coefficients. Our method does not rely on concepts of ergodicity or scale-separation but on compactness properties of the solution space and a new variational approach to homogenization. The approximation space is generated by an interpolation basis (over scattered points forming a mesh of resolution HH) minimizing the L2L^2 norm of the source terms; its (pre-)computation involves minimizing O(Hd)\mathcal{O}(H^{-d}) quadratic (cell) problems on (super-)localized sub-domains of size O(Hln(1/H))\mathcal{O}(H \ln (1/ H)). The resulting localized linear systems remain sparse and banded. The resulting interpolation basis functions are biharmonic for d3d\leq 3, and polyharmonic for d4d\geq 4, for the operator -\diiv(a\nabla \cdot) and can be seen as a generalization of polyharmonic splines to differential operators with arbitrary rough coefficients. The accuracy of the method (O(H)\mathcal{O}(H) in energy norm and independent from aspect ratios of the mesh formed by the scattered points) is established via the introduction of a new class of higher-order Poincar\'{e} inequalities. The method bypasses (pre-)computations on the full domain and naturally generalizes to time dependent problems, it also provides a natural solution to the inverse problem of recovering the solution of a divergence form elliptic equation from a finite number of point measurements.Comment: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. Special issue (2013