201,972 research outputs found

    Polar Polytopes and Recovery of Sparse Representations

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    Suppose we have a signal y which we wish to represent using a linear combination of a number of basis atoms a_i, y=sum_i x_i a_i = Ax. The problem of finding the minimum L0 norm representation for y is a hard problem. The Basis Pursuit (BP) approach proposes to find the minimum L1 norm representation instead, which corresponds to a linear program (LP) that can be solved using modern LP techniques, and several recent authors have given conditions for the BP (minimum L1 norm) and sparse (minimum L0 solutions) representations to be identical. In this paper, we explore this sparse representation problem} using the geometry of convex polytopes, as recently introduced into the field by Donoho. By considering the dual LP we find that the so-called polar polytope P of the centrally-symmetric polytope P whose vertices are the atom pairs +-a_i is particularly helpful in providing us with geometrical insight into optimality conditions given by Fuchs and Tropp for non-unit-norm atom sets. In exploring this geometry we are able to tighten some of these earlier results, showing for example that the Fuchs condition is both necessary and sufficient for L1-unique-optimality, and that there are situations where Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) can eventually find all L1-unique-optimal solutions with m nonzeros even if ERC fails for m, if allowed to run for more than m steps

    Oriented Spanners

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    Given a point set PP in the Euclidean plane and a parameter tt, we define an \emph{oriented tt-spanner} as an oriented subgraph of the complete bi-directed graph such that for every pair of points, the shortest cycle in GG through those points is at most a factor tt longer than the shortest oriented cycle in the complete bi-directed graph. We investigate the problem of computing sparse graphs with small oriented dilation. As we can show that minimising oriented dilation for a given number of edges is NP-hard in the plane, we first consider one-dimensional point sets. While obtaining a 11-spanner in this setting is straightforward, already for five points such a spanner has no plane embedding with the leftmost and rightmost point on the outer face. This leads to restricting to oriented graphs with a one-page book embedding on the one-dimensional point set. For this case we present a dynamic program to compute the graph of minimum oriented dilation that runs in O(n8)O(n^8) time for nn points, and a greedy algorithm that computes a 55-spanner in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time. Expanding these results finally gives us a result for two-dimensional point sets: we prove that for convex point sets the greedy triangulation results in an oriented O(1)O(1)-spanner.Comment: conference version: ESA '2

    Oriented Spanners

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    Given a point set P in the Euclidean plane and a parameter t, we define an oriented t-spanner as an oriented subgraph of the complete bi-directed graph such that for every pair of points, the shortest cycle in G through those points is at most a factor t longer than the shortest oriented cycle in the complete bi-directed graph. We investigate the problem of computing sparse graphs with small oriented dilation. As we can show that minimising oriented dilation for a given number of edges is NP-hard in the plane, we first consider one-dimensional point sets. While obtaining a 1-spanner in this setting is straightforward, already for five points such a spanner has no plane embedding with the leftmost and rightmost point on the outer face. This leads to restricting to oriented graphs with a one-page book embedding on the one-dimensional point set. For this case we present a dynamic program to compute the graph of minimum oriented dilation that runs in ?(n?) time for n points, and a greedy algorithm that computes a 5-spanner in ?(nlog n) time. Expanding these results finally gives us a result for two-dimensional point sets: we prove that for convex point sets the greedy triangulation results in an oriented ?(1)-spanner

    Projection Methods in Sparse and Low Rank Feasibility

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    In this thesis, we give an analysis of fixed point algorithms involving projections onto closed, not necessarily convex, subsets of finite dimensional vector spaces. These methods are used in applications such as imaging science, signal processing, and inverse problems. The tools used in the analysis place this work at the intersection of optimization and variational analysis. Based on the underlying optimization problems, this work is devided into two main parts. The first one is the compressed sensing problem. Because the problem is NP-hard, we relax it to a feasibility problem with two sets, namely, the set of vectors with at most s nonzero entries and, for a linear mapping M the affine subspace B of vectors satisfying Mx=p for p given. This problem will be referred to as the sparse-affine-feasibility problem. For the Douglas-Rachford algorithm, we give the proof of linear convergence to a fixed point in the case of a feasibility problem of two affine subspaces. It allows us to conclude a result of local linear convergence of the Douglas-Rachford algorithm in the sparse affine feasibility problem. Proceeding, we name sufficient conditions for the alternating projections algorithm to converge to the intersection of an affine subspace with lower level sets of point symmetric, lower semicontinuous, subadditive functions. This implies convergence of alternating projections to a solution of the sparse affine feasibility problem. Together with a result of local linear convergence of the alternating projections algorithm, this allows us to deduce linear convergence after finitely many steps for any initial point of a sequence of points generated by the alternating projections algorithm. The second part of this dissertation deals with the minimization of the rank of matrices satisfying a set of linear equations. This problem will be called rank-constrained-affine-feasibility problem. The motivation for the analysis of the rank minimization problem comes from the physical application of phase retrieval and a reformulation of the same as a rank minimization problem. We show that, locally, the method of alternating projections must converge at linear rate to a solution of the rank constrained affine feasibility problem

    An Atypical Survey of Typical-Case Heuristic Algorithms

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    Heuristic approaches often do so well that they seem to pretty much always give the right answer. How close can heuristic algorithms get to always giving the right answer, without inducing seismic complexity-theoretic consequences? This article first discusses how a series of results by Berman, Buhrman, Hartmanis, Homer, Longpr\'{e}, Ogiwara, Sch\"{o}ening, and Watanabe, from the early 1970s through the early 1990s, explicitly or implicitly limited how well heuristic algorithms can do on NP-hard problems. In particular, many desirable levels of heuristic success cannot be obtained unless severe, highly unlikely complexity class collapses occur. Second, we survey work initiated by Goldreich and Wigderson, who showed how under plausible assumptions deterministic heuristics for randomized computation can achieve a very high frequency of correctness. Finally, we consider formal ways in which theory can help explain the effectiveness of heuristics that solve NP-hard problems in practice.Comment: This article is currently scheduled to appear in the December 2012 issue of SIGACT New

    Counting Value Sets: Algorithm and Complexity

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    Let pp be a prime. Given a polynomial in \F_{p^m}[x] of degree dd over the finite field \F_{p^m}, one can view it as a map from \F_{p^m} to \F_{p^m}, and examine the image of this map, also known as the value set. In this paper, we present the first non-trivial algorithm and the first complexity result on computing the cardinality of this value set. We show an elementary connection between this cardinality and the number of points on a family of varieties in affine space. We then apply Lauder and Wan's pp-adic point-counting algorithm to count these points, resulting in a non-trivial algorithm for calculating the cardinality of the value set. The running time of our algorithm is (pmd)O(d)(pmd)^{O(d)}. In particular, this is a polynomial time algorithm for fixed dd if pp is reasonably small. We also show that the problem is #P-hard when the polynomial is given in a sparse representation, p=2p=2, and mm is allowed to vary, or when the polynomial is given as a straight-line program, m=1m=1 and pp is allowed to vary. Additionally, we prove that it is NP-hard to decide whether a polynomial represented by a straight-line program has a root in a prime-order finite field, thus resolving an open problem proposed by Kaltofen and Koiran in \cite{Kaltofen03,KaltofenKo05}