1,203 research outputs found

    Sparse Signal Recovery Based on Compressive Sensing and Exploration Using Multiple Mobile Sensors

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    The work in this dissertation is focused on two areas within the general discipline of statistical signal processing. First, several new algorithms are developed and exhaustively tested for solving the inverse problem of compressive sensing (CS). CS is a recently developed sub-sampling technique for signal acquisition and reconstruction which is more efficient than the traditional Nyquist sampling method. It provides the possibility of compressed data acquisition approaches to directly acquire just the important information of the signal of interest. Many natural signals are sparse or compressible in some domain such as pixel domain of images, time, frequency and so forth. The notion of compressibility or sparsity here means that many coefficients of the signal of interest are either zero or of low amplitude, in some domain, whereas some are dominating coefficients. Therefore, we may not need to take many direct or indirect samples from the signal or phenomenon to be able to capture the important information of the signal. As a simple example, one can think of a system of linear equations with N unknowns. Traditional methods suggest solving N linearly independent equations to solve for the unknowns. However, if many of the variables are known to be zero or of low amplitude, then intuitively speaking, there will be no need to have N equations. Unfortunately, in many real-world problems, the number of non-zero (effective) variables are unknown. In these cases, CS is capable of solving for the unknowns in an efficient way. In other words, it enables us to collect the important information of the sparse signal with low number of measurements. Then, considering the fact that the signal is sparse, extracting the important information of the signal is the challenge that needs to be addressed. Since most of the existing recovery algorithms in this area need some prior knowledge or parameter tuning, their application to real-world problems to achieve a good performance is difficult. In this dissertation, several new CS algorithms are proposed for the recovery of sparse signals. The proposed algorithms mostly do not require any prior knowledge on the signal or its structure. In fact, these algorithms can learn the underlying structure of the signal based on the collected measurements and successfully reconstruct the signal, with high probability. The other merit of the proposed algorithms is that they are generally flexible in incorporating any prior knowledge on the noise, sparisty level, and so on. The second part of this study is devoted to deployment of mobile sensors in circumstances that the number of sensors to sample the entire region is inadequate. Therefore, where to deploy the sensors, to both explore new regions while refining knowledge in aleady visited areas is of high importance. Here, a new framework is proposed to decide on the trajectories of sensors as they collect the measurements. The proposed framework has two main stages. The first stage performs interpolation/extrapolation to estimate the phenomenon of interest at unseen loactions, and the second stage decides on the informative trajectory based on the collected and estimated data. This framework can be applied to various problems such as tuning the constellation of sensor-bearing satellites, robotics, or any type of adaptive sensor placement/configuration problem. Depending on the problem, some modifications on the constraints in the framework may be needed. As an application side of this work, the proposed framework is applied to a surrogate problem related to the constellation adjustment of sensor-bearing satellites

    Facial Expression Analysis under Partial Occlusion: A Survey

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    Automatic machine-based Facial Expression Analysis (FEA) has made substantial progress in the past few decades driven by its importance for applications in psychology, security, health, entertainment and human computer interaction. The vast majority of completed FEA studies are based on non-occluded faces collected in a controlled laboratory environment. Automatic expression recognition tolerant to partial occlusion remains less understood, particularly in real-world scenarios. In recent years, efforts investigating techniques to handle partial occlusion for FEA have seen an increase. The context is right for a comprehensive perspective of these developments and the state of the art from this perspective. This survey provides such a comprehensive review of recent advances in dataset creation, algorithm development, and investigations of the effects of occlusion critical for robust performance in FEA systems. It outlines existing challenges in overcoming partial occlusion and discusses possible opportunities in advancing the technology. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first FEA survey dedicated to occlusion and aimed at promoting better informed and benchmarked future work.Comment: Authors pre-print of the article accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys (accepted on 02-Nov-2017

    Automatic visual detection of human behavior: a review from 2000 to 2014

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    Due to advances in information technology (e.g., digital video cameras, ubiquitous sensors), the automatic detection of human behaviors from video is a very recent research topic. In this paper, we perform a systematic and recent literature review on this topic, from 2000 to 2014, covering a selection of 193 papers that were searched from six major scientific publishers. The selected papers were classified into three main subjects: detection techniques, datasets and applications. The detection techniques were divided into four categories (initialization, tracking, pose estimation and recognition). The list of datasets includes eight examples (e.g., Hollywood action). Finally, several application areas were identified, including human detection, abnormal activity detection, action recognition, player modeling and pedestrian detection. Our analysis provides a road map to guide future research for designing automatic visual human behavior detection systems.This work is funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) under research Grant SFRH/BD/84939/2012

    Temporal Dynamics of Decision-Making during Motion Perception in the Visual Cortex

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    How does the brain make decisions? Speed and accuracy of perceptual decisions covary with certainty in the input, and correlate with the rate of evidence accumulation in parietal and frontal cortical "decision neurons." A biophysically realistic model of interactions within and between Retina/LGN and cortical areas V1, MT, MST, and LIP, gated by basal ganglia, simulates dynamic properties of decision-making in response to ambiguous visual motion stimuli used by Newsome, Shadlen, and colleagues in their neurophysiological experiments. The model clarifies how brain circuits that solve the aperture problem interact with a recurrent competitive network with self-normalizing choice properties to carry out probablistic decisions in real time. Some scientists claim that perception and decision-making can be described using Bayesian inference or related general statistical ideas, that estimate the optimal interpretation of the stimulus given priors and likelihoods. However, such concepts do not propose the neocortical mechanisms that enable perception, and make decisions. The present model explains behavioral and neurophysiological decision-making data without an appeal to Bayesian concepts and, unlike other existing models of these data, generates perceptual representations and choice dynamics in response to the experimental visual stimuli. Quantitative model simulations include the time course of LIP neuronal dynamics, as well as behavioral accuracy and reaction time properties, during both correct and error trials at different levels of input ambiguity in both fixed duration and reaction time tasks. Model MT/MST interactions compute the global direction of random dot motion stimuli, while model LIP computes the stochastic perceptual decision that leads to a saccadic eye movement.National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378, IIS-02-05271); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624); National Institutes of Health (R01-DC-02852

    Conceptual spatial representations for indoor mobile robots

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    We present an approach for creating conceptual representations of human-made indoor environments using mobile robots. The concepts refer to spatial and functional properties of typical indoor environments. Following ļ¬ndings in cognitive psychology, our model is composed of layers representing maps at diļ¬€erent levels of abstraction. The complete system is integrated in a mobile robot endowed with laser and vision sensors for place and object recognition. The system also incorporates a linguistic framework that actively supports the map acquisition process, and which is used for situated dialogue. Finally, we discuss the capabilities of the integrated system

    GAM(e) changer or not? An evaluation of interpretable machine learning models based on additive model constraints

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    The number of information systems (IS) studies dealing with explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is currently exploding as the field demands more transparency about the internal decision logic of machine learning (ML) models. However, most techniques subsumed under XAI provide post-hoc-analytical explanations, which have to be considered with caution as they only use approximations of the underlying ML model. Therefore, our paper investigates a series of intrinsically interpretable ML models and discusses their suitability for the IS community. More specifically, our focus is on advanced extensions of generalized additive models (GAM) in which predictors are modeled independently in a non-linear way to generate shape functions that can capture arbitrary patterns but remain fully interpretable. In our study, we evaluate the prediction qualities of five GAMs as compared to six traditional ML models and assess their visual outputs for model interpretability. On this basis, we investigate their merits and limitations and derive design implications for further improvements

    A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Deformable Face Tracking "In-the-Wild"

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    Recently, technologies such as face detection, facial landmark localisation and face recognition and verification have matured enough to provide effective and efficient solutions for imagery captured under arbitrary conditions (referred to as "in-the-wild"). This is partially attributed to the fact that comprehensive "in-the-wild" benchmarks have been developed for face detection, landmark localisation and recognition/verification. A very important technology that has not been thoroughly evaluated yet is deformable face tracking "in-the-wild". Until now, the performance has mainly been assessed qualitatively by visually assessing the result of a deformable face tracking technology on short videos. In this paper, we perform the first, to the best of our knowledge, thorough evaluation of state-of-the-art deformable face tracking pipelines using the recently introduced 300VW benchmark. We evaluate many different architectures focusing mainly on the task of on-line deformable face tracking. In particular, we compare the following general strategies: (a) generic face detection plus generic facial landmark localisation, (b) generic model free tracking plus generic facial landmark localisation, as well as (c) hybrid approaches using state-of-the-art face detection, model free tracking and facial landmark localisation technologies. Our evaluation reveals future avenues for further research on the topic.Comment: E. Antonakos and P. Snape contributed equally and have joint second authorshi

    Artificial intelligence (AI) in rare diseases: is the future brighter?

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    The amount of data collected and managed in (bio)medicine is ever-increasing. Thus, there is a need to rapidly and efficiently collect, analyze, and characterize all this information. Artificial intelligence (AI), with an emphasis on deep learning, holds great promise in this area and is already being successfully applied to basic research, diagnosis, drug discovery, and clinical trials. Rare diseases (RDs), which are severely underrepresented in basic and clinical research, can particularly benefit from AI technologies. Of the more than 7000 RDs described worldwide, only 5% have a treatment. The ability of AI technologies to integrate and analyze data from different sources (e.g., multi-omics, patient registries, and so on) can be used to overcome RDs' challenges (e.g., low diagnostic rates, reduced number of patients, geographical dispersion, and so on). Ultimately, RDs' AI-mediated knowledge could significantly boost therapy development. Presently, there are AI approaches being used in RDs and this review aims to collect and summarize these advances. A section dedicated to congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG), a particular group of orphan RDs that can serve as a potential study model for other common diseases and RDs, has also been included.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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