7 research outputs found

    Sparse Array Design for Wideband Beamforming with Reduced Complexity in Tapped Delay-lines

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    Sparse wideband array design for sensor location optimization is highly nonlinear and it is traditionally solved by genetic algorithms (GAs) or other similar optimization methods. This is an extremely time-consuming process and an optimum solution is not always guaranteed. In this work, this problem is studied from the viewpoint of compressive sensing (CS). Although there have been CS-based methods proposed for the design of sparse narrowband arrays, its extension to the wideband case is not straightforward, as there are multiple coefficients associated with each sensor and they have to be simultaneously minimized in order to discard the corresponding sensor locations. At first, sensor location optimization for both general wideband beamforming and frequency invariant beamforming is considered. Then, sparsity in the tapped delay-line (TDL) coefficients associated with each sensor is considered in order to reduce the implementation complexity of each TDL. Finally, design of robust wideband arrays against norm-bounded steering vector errors is addressed. Design examples are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods, with comparisons drawn with a GA-based design method

    Twenty-five years of sensor array and multichannel signal processing: a review of progress to date and potential research directions

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    In this article, a general introduction to the area of sensor array and multichannel signal processing is provided, including associated activities of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) Technical Committee (TC). The main technological advances in five SAM subareas made in the past 25 years are then presented in detail, including beamforming, direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, sensor location optimization, target/source localization based on sensor arrays, and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) arrays. Six recent developments are also provided at the end to indicate possible promising directions for future SAM research, which are graph signal processing (GSP) for sensor networks; tensor-based array signal processing, quaternion-valued array signal processing, 1-bit and noncoherent sensor array signal processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) for sensor arrays; and array signal processing for next-generation communication systems


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    The Arctic environment has undergone significant change in recent years. Multi-year ice is no longer prevalent in the Arctic. Instead, Arctic ice melts during summer months and re-freezes each winter. First-year ice, in comparison to multi-year ice, is different in terms of its acoustic properties. Therefore, acoustic propagation models of the Arctic may no longer be valid. The open water in the Arctic for longer time periods during the year invites anthropogenic traffic such as civilian tourism, industrial shipping, natural resource exploration, and military exercises. It is important to understand sound propagation in the first-year ice environment, especially in near-shore and shallow-water regions, where anthropogenic sources may be prevalent. It is also important to understand how to detect, identify, and track the anthropogenic sources in these environments in the absence of large acoustic sensory arrays. The goals of this dissertation are twofold: 1) Provide experimental transmission loss (TL) data for the Arctic environment as it now exists, that it may be used to validate new propagation models, and 2) Develop improved understanding of acoustic vector sensor (AVS) performance in real-world applications such as the first-year Arctic environment. Underwater and atmospheric acoustic TL have been measured in the Arctic environment. Ray tracing and parabolic equation simulations have been used for comparison to the TL data. Generally good agreement is observed between the experimental data and simulations, with some discrepancies. These discrepancies may be eliminated in the future with the development of improved models. Experiments have been conducted with underwater pa and atmospheric pp AVS to track mechanical noise sources in real-world environments with various frequency content and signal to noise ratio (SNR). A moving standard deviation (MSD) processing routine has been developed for use with AVS. The MSD processing routine is shown to be superior to direct integration or averaging of intensity spectra for direction of arrival (DOA) estimation. DOA error has been shown to be dependent on ground-reflected paths for pp AVS with analytical models. Underwater AVS have been shown to be feasible to track on-ice sources and atmospheric AVS have been shown feasible to track ground vehicle sources