2,030 research outputs found


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    This paper proposes a general framework to study conflict resolution for multiple intersecting flows of aircraft in a planar airspace.The conflict resolution problem is decomposed into a sequence of sub-problems each involving only two intersecting flows of aircraft.The strategy for achieving the decomposition is to displace the aircraft flows so that they intersect in pairs, instead of all at once, and so that the resulting conflict zones have no overlap.A conflict zone is defined as a circular area centered at the intersection of a pair of flows which allows aircraft approaching the intersection to resolve conflict completely within the conflict zone, without straying outside.An optimization problem is then formulated to displace the aircraft flows in a way that keeps airspace demand as low as possible.Although this optimization problem is difficult to solve in general due to its non-convex nature, a closed-form solution can be obtained for three intersecting flows.The metric used for the airspace demand is the radius of the smallest circular region (control space) encompassing all of the non-overlapping conflict zones.This radius can also be used as an indication of traffic complexity for multiple intersecting flows of aircraft.It is shown that the growth of the demand for control-space radius is of the fourth order against the number of intersecting flows of aircraft in a symmetric configuration

    Safety and Convergence Analysis of Intersecting Aircraft Flows under Decentralized Collision Avoidance

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    Safety is an essential requirement for air traffic management and control systems. Aircraft are not allowed to get closer to each other than a specified safety distance, to avoid any conflicts and collisions between aircraft. Forecast analysis predicts a tremendous increase in the number of flights. Subsequently, automated tools are needed to help air traffic controllers resolve air born conflicts. In this dissertation, we consider the problem of conflict resolution of aircraft flows with the assumption that aircraft are flowing through a fixed specified control volume at a constant speed. In this regard, several centralized and decentralized resolution rules have been proposed for path planning and conflict avoidance. For the case of two intersecting flows, we introduce the concept of conflict touches, and a collaborative decentralized conflict resolution rule is then proposed and analyzed for two intersecting flows. The proposed rule is also able to resolved airborn conflicts that resulted from resolving another conflict via the domino effect. We study the safety conditions under the proposed conflict resolution and collision avoidance rule. Then, we use Lyapunov analysis to analytically prove the convergence of conflict resolution dynamics under the proposed rule. The analysis show that, under the proposed conflict resolution rule, the system of intersecting aircraft flows is guaranteed to converge to safe, conflict free, trajectories within a bounded time. Simulations are provided to verify the analytically derived conclusions and study the convergence of the conflict resolution dynamics at different encounter angles. Simulation results show that lateral deviations taken by aircraft in each flow, to resolve conflicts, are bounded, and aircraft converged to safe and conflict free trajectories, within a finite time. The proposed rule is powerful when the pilots of the collaborating aircraft, resolving a potential conflict, are either humans or robots. However, when a human pilot is collaborating with a robot pilot for the first time, the robot control should optimize its control criteria to collaborate well with the human. Basically, the robot must adapt its output as it learns from the human. We study the situation of the Human-in-the-Loop, assuming that human will follow lateral maneuvers for conflict resolution. We model the human as an optimal controller that minimizes the risk of collision. Based on that model, we use differential game analysis to get an accurate estimate for the human control criteria. We propose a new algorithm, based on least square minimization, to estimate the Kalman gain of the human's model, and therefore accurately estimate his optimal control criteria. Simulations of this learned rule show that robot pilot can successfully learn from the human pilot actions, and both can cooperate successfully to resolve any conflicts between their aircraft

    Federated Robust Embedded Systems: Concepts and Challenges

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    The development within the area of embedded systems (ESs) is moving rapidly, not least due to falling costs of computation and communication equipment. It is believed that increased communication opportunities will lead to the future ESs no longer being parts of isolated products, but rather parts of larger communities or federations of ESs, within which information is exchanged for the benefit of all participants. This vision is asserted by a number of interrelated research topics, such as the internet of things, cyber-physical systems, systems of systems, and multi-agent systems. In this work, the focus is primarily on ESs, with their specific real-time and safety requirements. While the vision of interconnected ESs is quite promising, it also brings great challenges to the development of future systems in an efficient, safe, and reliable way. In this work, a pre-study has been carried out in order to gain a better understanding about common concepts and challenges that naturally arise in federations of ESs. The work was organized around a series of workshops, with contributions from both academic participants and industrial partners with a strong experience in ES development. During the workshops, a portfolio of possible ES federation scenarios was collected, and a number of application examples were discussed more thoroughly on different abstraction levels, starting from screening the nature of interactions on the federation level and proceeding down to the implementation details within each ES. These discussions led to a better understanding of what can be expected in the future federated ESs. In this report, the discussed applications are summarized, together with their characteristics, challenges, and necessary solution elements, providing a ground for the future research within the area of communicating ESs

    Efficient, collision-free multi-robot navigation in an environment abstraction framework

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    Industrial automation deploys a continuously increasing amount of mobile robots in favor of classical linear conveyor systems for material flow handling in manufacturing and intralogistics. This increases flexibility by handling a larger variety of goods, improves scalability by adapting the fleet size to varying system loads, and enhances fault tolerance by avoiding single points of failure. However, it also raises the need for efficient, collision-free multi-robot navigation. This core problem is first precisely modeled in a form that differs from existing approaches specifically in terms of application relevance and structured algorithmic treatability. Collision-free trajectories for the mobile robots between given start and goal locations are sought so that the number of goals reached per time is as high as possible. Based on this, a decoupled solution called the Collaborative Local Planning Framework (CLPF), is designed and implemented, which, in contrast to existing solutions, aims at avoiding deadlocks with the greatest possible concurrency. Moreover, this solution includes the handling of dynamic inputs consisting of both moving and non-moving robots. For testing, performance analysis, and optimization, due to the complexity of multi-robot systems, the use of simulation is common. However, this also creates a gap between real and simulated robots. These issues can be reduced by using several different simulators---albeit with the disadvantage of further increasing complexity. For this purpose, the Robot Experimentation Framework (REF) is introduced to write robotic experiments with a unified interface that can be run on multiple simulators and also on real hardware. It facilitates the creation of experiments for performance assessment, (parameter) optimization and runtime analysis. The framework has proven its effectiveness throughout this thesis. Lastly, experimental proof of the viability of the solution is provided based on a case study of a complete (simulated) assembly system of decentralized autonomous agents for the production of highly individualized automobiles. This integrates all developed concepts into a holistic application of industrial automation. Detailed evaluations of more than 800 000 solved scenarios with more than 5 700 000 processed goals have experimentally proven the robustness and reliability of the developed concepts. Robots have never crashed into each other in any of the conducted experiments, empirically proving the claimed safety guarantees. A fault-tolerance analysis of the decentralized assembly system has experimentally proven its resilience to failures at workstations and, thus, specifically revealed an advantage over linear conveyor systems

    Design for manufacturability : a feature-based agent-driven approach

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    A large-scale multi-objective flights conflict avoidance approach supporting 4D trajectory operation

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    Recently, the long-term conflict avoidance approaches based on large-scale flights scheduling have attracted much attention due to their ability to provide solutions from a global point of view. However, the current approaches which focus only on a single objective with the aim of minimizing the total delay and the number of conflicts, cannot provide the controllers with variety of optional solutions, representing different trade-offs. Furthermore, the flight track error is often overlooked in the current research. Therefore, in order to make the model more realistic, in this paper, we formulate the long-term conflict avoidance problem as a multi-objective optimization problem which minimizes the total delay and reduces the number of conflicts simultaneously. As a complex air route networks needs to accommodate thousands of flights, the problem is a large-scale combinatorial optimization problem with tightly coupled variables, which make the problem difficult to deal with. Hence, in order to further improve the searching capability of the solution algorithm, a cooperative co-evolution (CC) algorithm is also introduced to divide the complex problem into several low dimensional sub-problems which are easier to solve. Moreover, a dynamic grouping strategy based on the conflict detection is proposed to improve the optimization efficiency and to avoid premature convergence. The well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) is then employed to tackle each sub-problem. Computational results using real traffic data from the Chinese air route network demonstrate that the proposed approach obtained better non-dominated solutions in a more effective manner than the existing approaches, including the multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA), NSGAII, and MOEA/D. The results also show that our approach provided satisfactory solutions for controllers from a practical point of view

    Crowd simulation and visualization

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    Large-scale simulation and visualization are essential topics in areas as different as sociology, physics, urbanism, training, entertainment among others. This kind of systems requires a vast computational power and memory resources commonly available in High Performance Computing HPC platforms. Currently, the most potent clusters have heterogeneous architectures with hundreds of thousands and even millions of cores. The industry trends inferred that exascale clusters would have thousands of millions. The technical challenges for simulation and visualization process in the exascale era are intertwined with difficulties in other areas of research, including storage, communication, programming models and hardware. For this reason, it is necessary prototyping, testing, and deployment a variety of approaches to address the technical challenges identified and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution. The focus of this research is interactive large-scale crowd simulation and visualization. To exploit to the maximum the capacity of the current HPC infrastructure and be prepared to take advantage of the next generation. The project develops a new approach to scale crowd simulation and visualization on heterogeneous computing cluster using a task-based technique. Its main characteristic is hardware agnostic. It abstracts the difficulties that imply the use of heterogeneous architectures like memory management, scheduling, communications, and synchronization — facilitating development, maintenance, and scalability. With the goal of flexibility and take advantage of computing resources as best as possible, the project explores different configurations to connect the simulation with the visualization engine. This kind of system has an essential use in emergencies. Therefore, urban scenes were implemented as realistic as possible; in this way, users will be ready to face real events. Path planning for large-scale crowds is a challenge to solve, due to the inherent dynamism in the scenes and vast search space. A new path-finding algorithm was developed. It has a hierarchical approach which offers different advantages: it divides the search space reducing the problem complexity, it can obtain a partial path instead of wait for the complete one, which allows a character to start moving and compute the rest asynchronously. It can reprocess only a part if necessary with different levels of abstraction. A case study is presented for a crowd simulation in urban scenarios. Geolocated data are used, they were produced by mobile devices to predict individual and crowd behavior and detect abnormal situations in the presence of specific events. It was also address the challenge of combining all these individual’s location with a 3D rendering of the urban environment. The data processing and simulation approach are computationally expensive and time-critical, it relies thus on a hybrid Cloud-HPC architecture to produce an efficient solution. Within the project, new models of behavior based on data analytics were developed. It was developed the infrastructure to be able to consult various data sources such as social networks, government agencies or transport companies such as Uber. Every time there is more geolocation data available and better computation resources which allow performing analysis of greater depth, this lays the foundations to improve the simulation models of current crowds. The use of simulations and their visualization allows to observe and organize the crowds in real time. The analysis before, during and after daily mass events can reduce the risks and associated logistics costs.La simulación y visualización a gran escala son temas esenciales en áreas tan diferentes como la sociología, la física, el urbanismo, la capacitación, el entretenimiento, entre otros. Este tipo de sistemas requiere una gran capacidad de cómputo y recursos de memoria comúnmente disponibles en las plataformas de computo de alto rendimiento. Actualmente, los equipos más potentes tienen arquitecturas heterogéneas con cientos de miles e incluso millones de núcleos. Las tendencias de la industria infieren que los equipos en la era exascale tendran miles de millones. Los desafíos técnicos en el proceso de simulación y visualización en la era exascale se entrelazan con dificultades en otras áreas de investigación, incluidos almacenamiento, comunicación, modelos de programación y hardware. Por esta razón, es necesario crear prototipos, probar y desplegar una variedad de enfoques para abordar los desafíos técnicos identificados y evaluar las ventajas y desventajas de cada solución propuesta. El foco de esta investigación es la visualización y simulación interactiva de multitudes a gran escala. Aprovechar al máximo la capacidad de la infraestructura actual y estar preparado para aprovechar la próxima generación. El proyecto desarrolla un nuevo enfoque para escalar la simulación y visualización de multitudes en un clúster de computo heterogéneo utilizando una técnica basada en tareas. Su principal característica es que es hardware agnóstico. Abstrae las dificultades que implican el uso de arquitecturas heterogéneas como la administración de memoria, las comunicaciones y la sincronización, lo que facilita el desarrollo, el mantenimiento y la escalabilidad. Con el objetivo de flexibilizar y aprovechar los recursos informáticos lo mejor posible, el proyecto explora diferentes configuraciones para conectar la simulación con el motor de visualización. Este tipo de sistemas tienen un uso esencial en emergencias. Por lo tanto, se implementaron escenas urbanas lo más realistas posible, de esta manera los usuarios estarán listos para enfrentar eventos reales. La planificación de caminos para multitudes a gran escala es un desafío a resolver, debido al dinamismo inherente en las escenas y el vasto espacio de búsqueda. Se desarrolló un nuevo algoritmo de búsqueda de caminos. Tiene un enfoque jerárquico que ofrece diferentes ventajas: divide el espacio de búsqueda reduciendo la complejidad del problema, puede obtener una ruta parcial en lugar de esperar a la completa, lo que permite que un personaje comience a moverse y calcule el resto de forma asíncrona, puede reprocesar solo una parte si es necesario con diferentes niveles de abstracción. Se presenta un caso de estudio para una simulación de multitud en escenarios urbanos. Se utilizan datos geolocalizados producidos por dispositivos móviles para predecir el comportamiento individual y público y detectar situaciones anormales en presencia de eventos específicos. También se aborda el desafío de combinar la ubicación de todos estos individuos con una representación 3D del entorno urbano. Dentro del proyecto, se desarrollaron nuevos modelos de comportamiento basados ¿¿en el análisis de datos. Se creo la infraestructura para poder consultar varias fuentes de datos como redes sociales, agencias gubernamentales o empresas de transporte como Uber. Cada vez hay más datos de geolocalización disponibles y mejores recursos de cómputo que permiten realizar un análisis de mayor profundidad, esto sienta las bases para mejorar los modelos de simulación de las multitudes actuales. El uso de simulaciones y su visualización permite observar y organizar las multitudes en tiempo real. El análisis antes, durante y después de eventos multitudinarios diarios puede reducir los riesgos y los costos logísticos asociadosPostprint (published version

    Of Hubs and Hinterlands: Cyprus as an Insular Space of Overlapping Diasporas

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    This paper uses the metaphor of diasporic hubs and hinterlands to document and analyse the various diasporic formations that overlap and encounter each other on the divided island of Cyprus. After a review of the various ways that islands interface with migration processes and some essential historical and statistical background on Cyprus and its population, the paper considers a number of migrations/diasporas that are based on or affect the island. They include the emigration from the diasporic hub of Cyprus during the 1950s-1970s; return migration, both of the original emigrants and their descendants; the British military/colonial settlement of Cyprus; retirees and ‘lifestyle migrants’; and various categories of recent immigrants, for whom Cyprus is a diasporic hinterland. We draw both similarities and differences between migratory dynamics in the northern, Turkish Cypriot part of the island and the southern, Greek Cypriot part. In the final part of the paper we describe recent fieldwork on various spaces of inter-diasporic encounter in Cyprus
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