16 research outputs found

    Technological collaboration : bridging the innovation gap between small and large firms

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    This paper analyzes how technological collaboration acts as an input to the innovation process and allows small and medium-sized entetprises to bridge the innovation gap with their bigger counterparts. Based on a large longitudinal sample of Spanish manufacturing firms, the results show that though technological collaboration is a useful mechanism for firms of all sizes to improve innovativeness, it is a critical factor for the smallest firms. The impact on this collaboration varies depending on innovation output and type of partner. Specifically, the impact of collaboration in small and medium-sized firms is more significant for product than process innovations. Regarding type of partner, vertical collaboration-with suppliers and clients-has the greatest impact on firm innovativeness, though (his effect is clearer lor medium-sized entetprises than for the smallest firmsThis study has been finaneially supported by projeets SEC]2007-67582-C02-02/ECON and CCG08-UC3M/HUM-4152Publicad

    Talent Management And Financial Performance: Does Organization Learning Mediate That Relationship?

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    This research has a purpose to identify the impact of the talent management through organization learning towards the financial performance of the listed consumer goods sector in Indonesia. Indonesia costumer goods sector has faced significant growth during the recent year, the companies are enforced to establish competitive strategy to maintain their position in the market. Talent management should be paid attention more since it helps the company to attract, acquire, and retain the best employees that may help maintaining their position in the market as well as enhancing the performance. Based on the hypothesis test, it is true that talent management influences organization learning and financial performance. The results also reveal that some companies still need to improve the attraction activities and system to capture learning which are the first indicator of talent management and forth indicator of organization learning. In addition, it was found that organization learning as a mediator can strengthen the relationship between talent management and financial performanc


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    This study empirically delineates the nature of explorative and exploitative alliances, examines how they affect product and process innovations, and investigates how such effects vary in different contexts. Using a sample of 220 Chinese firms in the glass industry, we find that explorative alliances have a stronger effect on both product and process innovations than exploitative alliances. Product and process innovations are positively related to both market and efficiency performance and environmental turbulence enhances the effect of product and process innovations. Our findings provide implications on how to choose between explorative and exploitative alliances relative to the alliance objectives and firm resources and environmental contexts


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    This study empirically delineates the nature of explorative and exploitative alliances, examines how they affect product and process innovations, and investigates how such effects vary in different contexts. Using a sample of 220 Chinese firms in the glass industry, we find that explorative alliances have a stronger effect on both product and process innovations than exploitative alliances. Product and process innovations are positively related to both market and efficiency performance and environmental turbulence enhances the effect of product and process innovations. Our findings provide implications on how to choose between explorative and exploitative alliances relative to the alliance objectives and firm resources and environmental contexts

    Assessing the influence of supply chain collaboration value innovation, supply chain capability and competitive advantage in Taiwan's networking communication industry

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    [[abstract]]Taiwan's networking communication industry has had a clustering scale and a good position for collaboration in the global networking communication manufacturing network. This study considers whether Taiwan's networking communication industry can enhance its competitive advantage through supply chain management activities. In order to examine the relationships of supply chain collaboration value innovation, supply chain capability and competitive advantage, this research selects 74 firms and 465 questionnaires from the upstream, middle and downstream manufactures of Taiwan networking communication industry for research subjects, and uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the theoretical model. Results show that the relationships among supply chain collaboration value innovation, supply chain capacity and competitive advantage can have a positive impact, and that supply chain capability is a full mediator. Moreover, supply chain echelons (upper, middle and downstream) have some moderating effects in these relationships.[[notice]]補正完

    Embracing supply chain agility : an investigation in the electronics industry

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    Purpose – This paper aims to identify the antecedents of firm’s supply chain agility (SC agility) and how SC agility impacts on firm’s performance. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a comprehensive literature review, a conceptual model was proposed, in which the interrelated hypotheses were tested by structural equation modelling methodology using a dataset collected from 266 Chinese electronics firms. Findings – Initially, it was found that SC integration and external learning positively influenced SC agility. Second, the results indicated that firm’s performance is positively impacted by SC agility. Moreover, SC agility also fully mediated the effect of SC integration on firm’s performance and the effect of external learning on firm’s performance. Research limitations/implications – The generalizability of this research sample might be the major limitation of this study. Therefore, future research can adopt other industry sectors samples, such as automobile manufacturing, or other country samples to validate the research model. Practical implications – This research outlines strategies for better preparedness to achieve SCs to be agile which is a core competency of electronic firms in emerging market. Findings reveal that the external coordination practices – external learning and SC integration – are important factors of SC agility. In addition, the findings contribute to understanding the important role of SC agility in improving firm’s performance. Originality/value – This research examines the impact of two antecedents (i.e. SC integration and external learning) on SC agility and is the first empirical research to analyze the mediation effect of SC agility on the relationship between SC integration and firm performance and the relationship between external learning and firm performance

    O Efeito das Estratégias de Conhecimento no Desempenho das Empresas

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    Nos últimos anos, a gestão do conhecimento (GC) tem vindo a ganhar uma maior importância como campo de estudo, passando de uma teoria para uma componente essencial para qualquer organização. Este estudo propõe um modelo de investigação, desenvolvido com base na intensidade do conhecimento e na maturidade dos sistemas de informação (SI), de modo a entender-se quais os efeitos das estratégias de GC no desempenho das empresas. Tendo como base a visão baseada no conhecimento, foram identificados os tipos e origem do conhecimento, e posteriormente definidas quatro estratégias de GC: codificação externa, codificação interna, personalização externa e personalização interna. O estudo empírico comporta dados primários, recolhidos por questionário, a uma amostra de 112 inquiridos em Portugal Continental. Os resultados do estudo revelam que apenas duas estratégias de GC, codificação externa e interna, estão associadas ao desempenho da GC, tendo como base o grau de intensidade do conhecimento, e o grau de maturidade dos SI. Para as estratégias de personalização (interna e externa) os resultados não mostraram um efeito significativo no desempenho. Este estudo para além de contribuir para a identificação das estratégias de GC e respetivos dos efeitos no desempenho das organizações, pode auxiliar empresários, gestores e outros cargos de gestão de topo a formular uma estratégia de GC mais adequada, tendo como base as contingências existentes entre ambas as combinações externas e internas.In recent years, knowledge management (KM) has gained greater importance as a field of study, going from a theory to an essential component for any organization. This study proposes a research model, developed based on the intensity of knowledge and the maturity of information systems (IS) to understand the effects of KM strategies on company performance. Based on the knowledge-based view, the types and origin of knowledge were identified, and then four KM strategies were defined: external codification, internal codification, external personalization and internal personalization. The empirical study comprises primary data, collected by questionnaire, from a sample of 112 respondents in mainland Portugal.The results of the study reveal that only two KM strategies, external and internal codification, are associated with KM performance, based on the level of knowledge intensity and the level of maturity of the IS. For personalization strategies (internal and external) the results did not show a significant effect on performance. This study, in addition to contributing to the identification of KM strategies and their effects on the performance of organizations, can help entrepreneurs, managers and other top management positions to formulate a more appropriate KM strategy, based on the existing contingencies between both external and internal combinations

    The Effect of Firm-specific Factors on Firms' Decisions to Invest in Exploration and Exploitation

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    Prior theoretical and empirical research emphasizes the importance of allocating investment between exploratory and exploitative R&D (March, 1991; Mudambi & Swift, 2014). However, the firm-specific factors that determine exploratory and exploitative R&D investment have remained largely unexplored. We attempt to address this research gap by examining the effects of inter-organizational relationships (innovation collaboration and external information sourcing), R&D personnel educational level and internationalization statuses (exporting and geographic scope) on firm investment in exploratory and exploitative R&D. Building on the organizational learning theory, we argue that different firm-specific factors generate different effects on firm investment in exploratory and exploitative R&D because they stimulate different learning mechanisms. We empirically test the model by using panel data on more than 4000 firms from Technological Innovation Panel, which is a Community Innovation Survey-based data, for the period 2006-2011. Our findings show that the influence of a determinant on exploratory R&D investment may be different from its influence on exploitative R&D investment, and the determinants of exploratory R&D investment may differ from the determinants of exploitative R&D investment. These findings stress on the need for future research to be careful in extrapolating conclusions from analysis that studies a specific type of R&D investment into studies that analyze on another type of R&D investment or into studies that analyze on the overall R&D investment. The study contributes to organizational learning theory by identifying direct factors and moderators that facilitate firm investment in activities of organizational learning

    Dynamic capability of value net management in technology-based international SMEs

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