18 research outputs found

    Source tree composition

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    Dividing software systems in components improves software reusability as well as software maintainability. Components live at several levels, we concentrate on the implementation level where components are formed by source files, divided over directory structures. Such source code components are usually strongly coupled in the directory structure of a software system. Their compilation is usually controlled by a single global build process. This entangling of source trees and build processes often makes reuse of source code components in different software systems difficult. It also makes software systems inflexible because integration of additional source code components in source trees and build processes is difficult. This paper's subject is to increase software reuse by decreasing coupling of source code components. It is achieved by automized assembly of software systems from reusable source code components and involves integration of source trees, build processes, and configuration processes. Application domains include generative programming, product-line architectures, and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software engineering

    The Linux kernel as flexible product-line architecture

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    The Linux kernel source tree is huge (>> 125 MB) and inflexible (because it is difficult to add new kernel components). We propose to make this architecture more flexible by assembling kernel source trees dynamically from individual kernel components. Users then, can select what component they really need. Hardware vendors can easily support the Linux platform by providing additional separately developed kernel components. We demonstrate how the kernel's build process can be setup for this approach and how individual build processes look like. We use a technique called source tree composition to assemble source trees of components. We demonstrate how it is automated by the tool autobundle. We also propose a kernel component base as central repository of kernel components. It forms a central meeting point for kernel developers and users

    Composing configurable Java components

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    This paper presents techniques to reason about the composition of configurable components and to automatically derive consistent compositions. The reasoning is achieved by describing components in a formal component description language, that allows the description of component variability, dependencies and configuration actions. It also enables the automatic, configuration-driven, derivation of product instances. To illustrate the approach we instantiate the abstract component model for Java components (packages

    Lightweight incremental application upgrade

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    I present a lightweight approach to incremental application upgrade in the context of component-based software development. The approach can be used to efficiently implement an automated update feature in a platform and programming language agnostic way. A formal release model is presented which ensures consistency and allows the computation of incremental updates. Finally I show how this model can be implemented on top of Subversio

    Developing Product Lines with Third-Party Components

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    AbstractThe trends toward product line development and toward adopting more third-party software are hard to combine. The reason is that product lines demand fine control over the software (e.g., for diversity management), while third-party software (almost by definition) provides only little or no control.A growing use of third-party software may therefore lead to less control over the product development process or, vice-versa, requiring large control over the software may limit the ability to use third-party components. Since both are means to reduce costs and to shorten time to market, the question is whether they can be combined effectively.In this paper, we describe our solution to this problem which combines the Koala component model developed within Philips with the concept of build-level components. We show that by lifting component granularity of Koala components from individual C files to build-level components, both trends can be united. The Koala architectural description language is used to orchestrate product composition and to manage diversity, while build-level components form the unit of third-party component composition

    Domain-specific language design requires feature descriptions

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    A domain-specific language (DSL) provides a notation tailored towards an application domain and is based on the relevant concepts and features of that domain. As such, a DSL is a means to describe and generate members of a family of programs in the domain. A prerequisite for the design of a DSL is a detailed analysis and structuring of the application domain.Graphical feature diagrams have been proposed to organize the dependencies between such features, and to indicate which ones are common to all family members and which ones vary. In this paper, we study feature diagrams in more details, as well as their relationship to domain-specific languages. We propose the Feature Description Language (FDL), a textual language to describe features.We explore automated manipulation of feature descriptions such as normalization, expansion to disjunctive normal form, variability computation and constraint satisfaction. Feature descriptions can be directly mapped to UML diagrams which in their turn can be used for Java code generation. The value of FDL is assessed via a case study in the use and expressiveness of feature descriptions for the area of documentation generators

    Domain-specific language design requires feature descriptions

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    A domain-specific language (DSL) provides a notation tailored towards an application domain and is based on the relevant concepts and features of that domain. As such, a DSL is a means to describe and generate members of a family of programs in the domain. A prerequisite for the design of a DSL is a detailed analysis and structuring of the application domain.Graphical feature diagrams have been proposed to organize the dependencies between such features, and to indicate which ones are common to all family members and which ones vary. In this paper, we study feature diagrams in more details, as well as their relationship to domain-specific languages. We propose the Feature Description Language (FDL), a textual language to describe features.We explore automated manipulation of feature descriptions such as normalization, expansion to disjunctive normal form, variability computation and constraint satisfaction. Feature descriptions can be directly mapped to UML diagrams which in their turn can be used for Java code generation. The value of FDL is assessed via a case study in the use and expressiveness of feature descriptions for the area of documentation generators