24 research outputs found

    Sorting Jordan sequences in linear time

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    For a Jordan curve C in the plane, let x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{n} be the abscissas of the intersection points of C with the x-axis, listed in the order the points occur on C. We call x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{n} a Jordan sequence. In this paper we describe an O(n)-time algorithm for recognizing and sorting Jordan sequences. The problem of sorting such sequences arises in computational geometry and computational geography. Our algorithm is based on a reduction of the recognition and sorting problem to a list-splitting problem. To solve the list-splitting problem we use level linked search trees

    Meanders: Exact Asymptotics

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    We conjecture that meanders are governed by the gravitational version of a c=-4 two-dimensional conformal field theory, allowing for exact predictions for the meander configuration exponent \alpha=\sqrt{29}(\sqrt{29}+\sqrt{5})/12, and the semi-meander exponent {\bar\alpha}=1+\sqrt{11}(\sqrt{29}+\sqrt{5})/24. This result follows from an interpretation of meanders as pairs of fully packed loops on a random surface, described by two c=-2 free fields. The above values agree with recent numerical estimates. We generalize these results to a score of meandric numbers with various geometries and arbitrary loop fugacities.Comment: new version with note added in proo

    Meanders: A Direct Enumeration Approach

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    We study the statistics of semi-meanders, i.e. configurations of a set of roads crossing a river through n bridges, and possibly winding around its source, as a toy model for compact folding of polymers. By analyzing the results of a direct enumeration up to n=29, we perform on the one hand a large n extrapolation and on the other hand we reformulate the available data into a large q expansion, where q is a weight attached to each road. We predict a transition at q=2 between a low-q regime with irrelevant winding, and a large-q regime with relevant winding.Comment: uses harvmac (l), epsf, 16 figs included, uuencoded, tar compresse

    A linear time algorithm to remove winding of a simple polygon

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a linear time algorithm to remove winding of a simple polygon P with respect to a given point q inside P. The algorithm removes winding by locating a subset of Jordan sequence that is in the proper order and uses only one stack

    Exact Meander Asymptotics: a Numerical Check

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    This note addresses the meander enumeration problem: "Count all topologically inequivalent configurations of a closed planar non self-intersecting curve crossing a line through a given number of points". We review a description of meanders introduced recently in terms of the coupling to gravity of a two-flavored fully-packed loop model. The subsequent analytic predictions for various meandric configuration exponents are checked against exact enumeration, using a transfer matrix method, with an excellent agreement.Comment: 48 pages, 24 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    SU(N) Meander Determinants

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    We propose a generalization of meanders, i.e., configurations of non-selfintersecting loops crossing a line through a given number of points, to SU(N). This uses the reformulation of meanders as pairs of reduced elements of the Temperley-Lieb algebra, a SU(2)-related quotient of the Hecke algebra, with a natural generalization to SU(N). We also derive explicit formulas for SU(N) meander determinants, defined as the Gram determinants of the corresponding bases of the Hecke algebra.Comment: TeX using harvmac.tex and epsf.tex, 60 pages (l-mode), 5 figure

    Meanders and the Temperley-Lieb algebra

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    The statistics of meanders is studied in connection with the Temperley-Lieb algebra. Each (multi-component) meander corresponds to a pair of reduced elements of the algebra. The assignment of a weight qq per connected component of meander translates into a bilinear form on the algebra, with a Gram matrix encoding the fine structure of meander numbers. Here, we calculate the associated Gram determinant as a function of qq, and make use of the orthogonalization process to derive alternative expressions for meander numbers as sums over correlated random walks.Comment: 85p, uuencoded, uses harvmac (l mode) and epsf, 88 figure