8 research outputs found

    On Hamilton decompositions of infinite circulant graphs

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    The natural infinite analogue of a (finite) Hamilton cycle is a two-way-infinite Hamilton path (connected spanning 2-valent subgraph). Although it is known that every connected 2k-valent infinite circulant graph has a two-way-infinite Hamilton path, there exist many such graphs that do not have a decomposition into k edge-disjoint two-way-infinite Hamilton paths. This contrasts with the finite case where it is conjectured that every 2k-valent connected circulant graph has a decomposition into k edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles. We settle the problem of decomposing 2k-valent infinite circulant graphs into k edge-disjoint two-way-infinite Hamilton paths for k=2, in many cases when k=3, and in many other cases including where the connection set is Β±{1,2,...,k} or Β±{1,2,...,k - 1, 1,2,...,k + 1}

    Perfect 1-factorisations of circulants with small degree

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    A 1-factorisation of a graph G is a decomposition of G into edge-disjoint 1-factors (perfect matchings), and a perfect 1-factorisation is a 1-factorisation in which the union of any two of the 1-factors is a Hamilton cycle. We consider the problem of the existence of perfect 1-factorisations of even order circulant graphs with small degree. In particular, we characterise the 3-regular circulant graphs that admit a perfect 1-factorisation and we solve the existence problem for a large family of 4-regular circulants. Results of computer searches for perfect 1-factorisations of 4-regular circulant graphs of orders up to 30 are provided and some problems are posed

    On factorisations of complete graphs into circulant graphs and the Oberwolfach problem

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    Various results on factorisations of complete graphs into circulant graphs and on 2-factorisations of these circulant graphs are proved. As a consequence, a number of new results on the Oberwolfach Problem are obtained. For example, a complete solution to the Oberwolfach Problem is given for every 2-regular graph of order 2p where p ≑ 5 (mod 8) is prime

    Some results on decompositions of low degree circulant graphs

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    The circulant graph of order n with connection set S is denoted by Circ(n, S). Several results on decompositions of Circ(n, {1, 2}) and Circ(n, {1, 2, 3}) are proved here. The existence problems for decompositions into paths of arbitrary specified lengths and for decompositions into cycles of arbitrary specified lengths are completely solved for Circ(n, {1, 2}). For all m 3 and m + m + β€’ β€’ β€’ + m = 3n. This settles the problem of decomposing Circ(n, {1, 2, 3}) into specified numbers of 3-cycles, 4-cycles and 5-cycles

    Decompositions of complete graphs into cycles of arbitrary lengths

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    We show that the complete graph on nn vertices can be decomposed into tt cycles of specified lengths m1,…,mtm_1,\ldots,m_t if and only if nn is odd, 3≀mi≀n3\leq m_i\leq n for i=1,…,ti=1,\ldots,t, and m1+β‹―+mt=(n2)m_1+\cdots+m_t=\binom n2. We also show that the complete graph on nn vertices can be decomposed into a perfect matching and tt cycles of specified lengths m1,…,mtm_1,\ldots,m_t if and only if nn is even, 3≀mi≀n3\leq m_i\leq n for i=1,…,ti=1,\ldots,t, and m1+…+mt=(n2)βˆ’n2m_1+\ldots+m_t=\binom n2-\frac n2.Comment: 182 pages, 0 figures, A condensed version of this paper was published as "Cycle decompositions V: Complete graphs into cycles of arbitrary lengths" (see reference [24]). Here, we include supplementary data and some proofs which were omitted from that pape

    Computational Graph Theory

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