378,682 research outputs found

    The X-CLASS - redMaPPer galaxy cluster comparison: I. Identification procedures

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    We performed a detailed and, for a large part interactive, analysis of the matching output between the X-CLASS and redMaPPer cluster catalogues. The overlap between the two catalogues has been accurately determined and possible cluster positional errors were manually recovered. The final samples comprise 270 and 355 redMaPPer and X-CLASS clusters respectively. X-ray cluster matching rates were analysed as a function of optical richness. In a second step, the redMaPPer clusters were correlated with the entire X-ray catalogue, containing point and uncharacterised sources (down to a few 10^{-15} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} in the [0.5-2] keV band). A stacking analysis was performed for the remaining undetected optical clusters. Main results show that neither of the wavebands misses any massive cluster (as coded by X-ray luminosity or optical richness). After correcting for obvious pipeline short-comings (about 10% of the cases both in optical and X-ray), ~50% of the redMaPPer (down to a richness of 20) are found to coincide with an X-CLASS cluster; when considering X-ray sources of any type, this fraction increases to ~ 80%; for the remaining objects, the stacking analysis finds a weak signal within 0.5 Mpc around the cluster optical centers. The fraction of clusters totally dominated by AGN-type emission appears to be of the order of a few percent. Conversely ~ 40% of the X-CLASS clusters are identified with a redMaPPer (down to a richness of 20) - part of the non-matches being due to the fact that the X-CLASS sample extends further out than redMaPPer (z<1 vs z<0.6); extending the correlation down to a richness of 5, raises the matching rate to ~ 65%.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, 2 table

    The Red Sequence Luminosity Function in Massive Intermediate Redshift Galaxy Clusters

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    We measure the rest-frame B-band luminosity function of red-sequence galaxies (RSLF) of five intermediate-redshift (0.5 950 km/s) clusters. Cluster galaxies are identified through photometric redshifts based on imaging in seven bands (five broad, and two narrow) using the WIYN 3.5m telescope. The luminosity functions are well-fit down to M_B^*+3 for all of the clusters out to a radius of R_200. For comparison, the luminosity functions for a sample of 59 low redshift clusters selected from the SDSS are measured as well. There is a brightening trend (M_B^* increases by 0.7 mags by z=0.75) with redshift comparable to what is seen in the field for similarly defined galaxies, although there is a hint that the cluster red-sequence brightening is more rapid in the past (z>0.5), and relatively shallow at more recent times. Contrary to other claims, we find little evidence for evolution of the faint end slope. Previous indications of evolution may be due to limitations in measurement technique, bias in the sample selection, and cluster to cluster variation. As seen in both the low and high redshift sample, a significant amount of variation in luminosity functions parameters alpha and M^* exists between individual clusters.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Compact Binaries in Star Clusters II - Escapers and Detection Rates

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    We use a self-consistent Monte Carlo treatment of stellar dynamics to investigate black hole binaries that are dynamically ejected from globular clusters to determine if they will be gravitational wave sources. We find that many of the ejected binaries have initially short periods and will merge within a Hubble time due to gravitational wave radiation. Thus they are potential sources for ground-based gravitational wave detectors. We estimate the yearly detection rate for current and advanced ground-based detectors and find a modest enhancement over the rate predicted for binaries produced by pure stellar evolution in galactic fields. We also find that many of the ejected binaries will pass through the longer wavelength Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) band and may be individually resolvable. We find a low probability that the Galaxy will contain a binary in the LISA band during its three-year mission. Some such binaries may, however, be detectable at Mpc distances implying that there may be resolvable stellar-mass LISA sources beyond our Galaxy. We conclude that globular clusters have a significant effect on the detection rate of ground-based detectors and may produce interesting LISA sources in local group galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRA

    The extended ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray Galaxy Cluster Survey (REFLEX II)\\ II. Construction and Properties of the Survey

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    Galaxy clusters provide unique laboratories to study astrophysical processes on large scales and are important probes for cosmology. X-ray observations are currently the best means of detecting and characterizing galaxy clusters. In this paper we describe the construction of the REFLEX II galaxy cluster survey based on the southern part of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. REFLEX II extends the REFLEX I survey by a factor of about two down to a flux limit of 1.8×10−121.8 \times 10^{-12} erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2} (0.1 - 2.4 keV). We describe the determination of the X-ray parameters, the process of X-ray source identification, and the construction of the survey selection function. The REFLEX II cluster sample comprises currently 915 objects. A standard selection function is derived for a lower source count limit of 20 photons in addition to the flux limit. The median redshift of the sample is z=0.102z = 0.102. Internal consistency checks and the comparison to several other galaxy cluster surveys imply that REFLEX II is better than 90\% complete with a contamination less than 10\%.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 555, A30 - 15 pages, 20 figure

    The Northern Sky Optical Cluster Survey II: An Objective Cluster Catalog for 5800 Square Degrees

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    We present a new, objectively defined catalog of candidate galaxy clusters based on the galaxy catalogs from the Digitized Second Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (DPOSS). This cluster catalog, derived from the best calibrated plates in the high latitude (|b|>30) Northern Galactic Cap region, covers 5,800 square degrees, and contains 8,155 candidate clusters. A simple adaptive kernel density mapping technique, combined with the SExtractor object detection algorithm, is used to detect galaxy overdensities, which we identify as clusters. Simulations of the background galaxy distribution and clusters of varying richnesses and redshifts allow us to optimize detection parameters, and measure the completeness and contamination rates for our catalog. Cluster richnesses and photometric redshifts are measured, using integrated colors and magnitudes for each cluster. An extensive spectroscopic survey is used to confirm the photometric results. This catalog, with well-characterized sample properties, provides a sound basis for future studies of cluster physics and large scale structure.Comment: 49 pages, 16 figures. Accepted to AJ; appearing in April. Version with full resolution figures, and full length tables available at http://dposs.caltech.edu:8080/NoSOCS.htm

    Halo Model Analysis of Cluster Statistics

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    We use the halo model formalism to provide expressions for cluster abundances and bias, as well as estimates for the correlation matrix between these observables. Off-diagonal elements due to scatter in the mass tracer scaling with mass are included, as are observational effects such as biases/scatter in the data, detection rates (completeness), and false detections (purity). We apply the formalism to a hypothetical volume limited optical survey where the cluster mass tracer is chosen to be the number of member galaxies assigned to a cluster. Such a survey can strongly constrain σ8\sigma_8 (Δσ8≈0.05\Delta\sigma_8\approx 0.05), the power law index α\alpha where =1+(m/M1)α= 1+(m/M_1)^\alpha (Δα≈0.03\Delta\alpha\approx0.03), and perhaps even the Hubble parameter (Δh≈0.07\Delta h\approx 0.07). We find cluster abundances and bias not well suited for constraining Ωm\Omega_m or the amplitude M1M_1. We also find that without bias information σ8\sigma_8 and α\alpha are degenerate, implying constraints on the former are strongly dependent on priors used for the latter and vice-versa. The degeneracy stems from an intrinsic scaling relation of the halo mass function, and hence it should be present regardless of the mass tracer used in the survey.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, references adde
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