15 research outputs found

    Some Remarks on the TKIP Key Mixing Function of IEEE 802.11i

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    Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) is a sub-protocol of IEEE 802.11i. TKIP remedies some security flaws in Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Protocol. TKIP adds four new algorithms to WEP: a Message Integrity Code (MIC) called Michael, an Initialization Vector (IV) sequencing discipline, a key mixing function and a re-keying mechanism. The key mixing function, also called temporal key hash, de-correlates the IVs from weak keys. Some cryptographic properties of the S-box used in the key mixing function are investigated in this paper, such as regularity, avalanche effect, differ uniform and linear structure. V.Moen, H.Raddum and K.J.Hole point out that there exists a temporal key recovery attack in TKIP key mixing function. In this paper a method is proposed to defend against the attack, and the resulting effect on performance is also discussed

    IEEE 802.11 i Security and Vulnerabilities

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    Despite using a variety of comprehensive preventive security measures, the Robust Secure Networks (RSNs) remain vulnerable to a number of attacks. Failure of preventive measures to address all RSN vulnerabilities dictates the need for enhancing the performance of Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems (WIDSs) to detect all attacks on RSNs with less false positive and false negative rates

    Energy Efficient Security Framework for Wireless Local Area Networks

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    Wireless networks are susceptible to network attacks due to their inherentvulnerabilities. The radio signal used in wireless transmission canarbitrarily propagate through walls and windows; thus a wireless networkperimeter is not exactly known. This leads them to be more vulnerable toattacks such as eavesdropping, message interception and modifications comparedto wired-line networks. Security services have been used as countermeasures toprevent such attacks, but they are used at the expense of resources that arescarce especially, where wireless devices have a very limited power budget.Hence, there is a need to provide security services that are energy efficient.In this dissertation, we propose an energy efficient security framework. Theframework aims at providing security services that take into account energyconsumption. We suggest three approaches to reduce the energy consumption ofsecurity protocols: replacement of standard security protocol primitives thatconsume high energy while maintaining the same security level, modification ofstandard security protocols appropriately, and a totally new design ofsecurity protocol where energy efficiency is the main focus. From ourobservation and study, we hypothesize that a higher level of energy savings isachievable if security services are provided in an adjustable manner. Wepropose an example tunable security or TuneSec system, which allows areasonably fine-grained security tuning to provide security services at thewireless link level in an adjustable manner.We apply the framework to several standard security protocols in wirelesslocal area networks and also evaluate their energy consumption performance.The first and second methods show improvements of up to 70% and 57% inenergy consumption compared to plain standard security protocols,respectively. The standard protocols can only offer fixed-level securityservices, and the methods applied do not change the security level. The thirdmethod shows further improvement compared to fixed-level security by reducing(about 6% to 40%) the energy consumed. This amount of energy saving can bevaried depending on the configuration and security requirements

    A Novel Seed Based Random Interleaving for OFDM System and Its PHY Layer Security Implications

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    Wireless channels are characterized by multipath and fading that can often cause long burst of errors. Even though, to date, many very sophisticated error correcting codes have been designed, yet none can handle long burst of errors efficiently. An interleaver, a device that distributes a burst of errors, possibly caused by a deep fade, and makes them appear as simple random errors, therefore, proves to a very useful technique when used in conjunction with an efficient error correcting code. In this work, a novel near optimal seed based random interleaver is designed. An optimal interleaver scatters a given burst of errors uniformly over a fixed block of data - a property that is measured by so called ‘spread’. The design makes use of a unique seed based pseudo-random sequence generator or logistic map based chaotic sequence generator to scramble the given block of data. Since the proposed design is based on a seed based scrambler, the nature of input is irrelevant. Therefore, the proposed interleaver can interleave either the bits or the symbols or the packets or even the frames. Accordingly, in this work, we analyze the suitability of interleaver when introduced before or after the modulation in single carrier communication systems and show that interleaving the bits before modulation or interleaving the symbols after modulation has same advantage. We further show that, in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, the position of interleaver, whether before or after constellation mapper, has no significance, and is interchangeable. However, scrambling symbols is computationally less expensive than scrambling bits. For the purpose of analyzing the performance of the proposed seed based random interleaver, simulations are carried out in MATLAB®. Results show that our proposed seed based random interleaver has near optimal properties of ‘spread’ and ‘dispersion’. Furthermore, the proposed interleaver is evaluated in terms of bit error rate (BER) versus length of burst error in a single carrier system both before and after modulation. The proposed interleaver out-performs the built in RANDINTLV in MATLAB® when used in the same system. It shows that proposed interleaver can convert greater amount of burst errors into simple random errors than that of MATLAB® interleaver. The proposed interleaver is also tested in IEEE 802.16e based WiMAX system with Stanford University Interim (SUI) channels to compare the performance of average BER versus SNR for both pre modulation and post modulation interleaver. Results show that pre modulation interleaver and post modulation has same performance. There is also a side advantage of this seed based interleaver, in that it generates a variety of unique random-looking interleaving sequences. Only a receiver that has the knowledge of the input seed can generate this sequence and no one else. If the interleaving patterns are kept secure then it can possibly be used to introduce an extra layer of security at physical (PHY) layer. In that way, at PHY layer, one builds an additional entry barrier to break through and it comes with no extra cost. This property has been investigated by carrying out key sensitivity analysis to show that the attacks to guess key can be very futile, as difference at 4th decimal place in the initial condition can lead to entirely different scrambling

    A Survey on Wireless Security: Technical Challenges, Recent Advances and Future Trends

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    This paper examines the security vulnerabilities and threats imposed by the inherent open nature of wireless communications and to devise efficient defense mechanisms for improving the wireless network security. We first summarize the security requirements of wireless networks, including their authenticity, confidentiality, integrity and availability issues. Next, a comprehensive overview of security attacks encountered in wireless networks is presented in view of the network protocol architecture, where the potential security threats are discussed at each protocol layer. We also provide a survey of the existing security protocols and algorithms that are adopted in the existing wireless network standards, such as the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and the long-term evolution (LTE) systems. Then, we discuss the state-of-the-art in physical-layer security, which is an emerging technique of securing the open communications environment against eavesdropping attacks at the physical layer. We also introduce the family of various jamming attacks and their counter-measures, including the constant jammer, intermittent jammer, reactive jammer, adaptive jammer and intelligent jammer. Additionally, we discuss the integration of physical-layer security into existing authentication and cryptography mechanisms for further securing wireless networks. Finally, some technical challenges which remain unresolved at the time of writing are summarized and the future trends in wireless security are discussed.Comment: 36 pages. Accepted to Appear in Proceedings of the IEEE, 201

    A Novel Seed Based Random Interleaving for OFDM System and Its PHY Layer Security Implications

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    Wireless channels are characterized by multipath and fading that can often cause long burst of errors. Even though, to date, many very sophisticated error correcting codes have been designed, yet none can handle long burst of errors efficiently. An interleaver, a device that distributes a burst of errors, possibly caused by a deep fade, and makes them appear as simple random errors, therefore, proves to a very useful technique when used in conjunction with an efficient error correcting code. In this work, a novel near optimal seed based random interleaver is designed. An optimal interleaver scatters a given burst of errors uniformly over a fixed block of data - a property that is measured by so called ‘spread’. The design makes use of a unique seed based pseudo-random sequence generator or logistic map based chaotic sequence generator to scramble the given block of data. Since the proposed design is based on a seed based scrambler, the nature of input is irrelevant. Therefore, the proposed interleaver can interleave either the bits or the symbols or the packets or even the frames. Accordingly, in this work, we analyze the suitability of interleaver when introduced before or after the modulation in single carrier communication systems and show that interleaving the bits before modulation or interleaving the symbols after modulation has same advantage. We further show that, in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, the position of interleaver, whether before or after constellation mapper, has no significance, and is interchangeable. However, scrambling symbols is computationally less expensive than scrambling bits. For the purpose of analyzing the performance of the proposed seed based random interleaver, simulations are carried out in MATLAB®. Results show that our proposed seed based random interleaver has near optimal properties of ‘spread’ and ‘dispersion’. Furthermore, the proposed interleaver is evaluated in terms of bit error rate (BER) versus length of burst error in a single carrier system both before and after modulation. The proposed interleaver out-performs the built in RANDINTLV in MATLAB® when used in the same system. It shows that proposed interleaver can convert greater amount of burst errors into simple random errors than that of MATLAB® interleaver. The proposed interleaver is also tested in IEEE 802.16e based WiMAX system with Stanford University Interim (SUI) channels to compare the performance of average BER versus SNR for both pre modulation and post modulation interleaver. Results show that pre modulation interleaver and post modulation has same performance. There is also a side advantage of this seed based interleaver, in that it generates a variety of unique random-looking interleaving sequences. Only a receiver that has the knowledge of the input seed can generate this sequence and no one else. If the interleaving patterns are kept secure then it can possibly be used to introduce an extra layer of security at physical (PHY) layer. In that way, at PHY layer, one builds an additional entry barrier to break through and it comes with no extra cost. This property has been investigated by carrying out key sensitivity analysis to show that the attacks to guess key can be very futile, as difference at 4th decimal place in the initial condition can lead to entirely different scrambling

    Security protocols for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are generating much interest both in academia and the telecommunication industries. The principal attractions of MANETs are related to the ease with which they can be deployed due to their infrastructure-less and decentralized nature. For example, unlike other wireless networks, MANETs do not require centralized infrastructures such as base stations, and they are arguably more robust due to their avoidance of single point of failures. Interestingly, the attributes that make MANETs attractive as a network paradigm are the same phenomena that compound the challenge of designing adequate security schemes for these innovative networks.One of the challenging security problems is the issue of certificate revocation in MANETs where there are no on-line access to trusted authorities. In wired network environments, when certificates are to be revoked, certificate authorities (CAs) add the information regarding the certificates in question to certificate revocation lists (CRLs) and post the CRLs on accessible repositories or distribute them to relevant entities. In purely ad hoc networks, there are typically no access to centralized repositories or trusted authorities; therefore the conventional method of certificate revocation is not applicable.Another challenging MANET security problem is the issue of secure routing in the presence of selfish or adversarial entities which selectively drop packets they agreed to forward; and in so doing these selfish or adversarial entities can disrupt the network traffic and cause various communication problems.In this thesis, we present two security protocols we developed for addressing the above-mentioned MANET security needs. The first protocol is a decentralized certificate revocation scheme which allows the nodes within a MANET to have full control over the process of certificate revocation. The scheme is fully contained and it does not rely on any input from centralized or external entities such as trusted CAs. The second protocol is a secure MANET routing scheme we named Robust Source Routing (RSR). In addition to providing data origin authentication services and integrity checks, RSR is able to mitigate against intelligent, colluding malicious agents which selectively drop or modify packets they are required to forward

    Integrated Architecture for Configuration and Service Management in MANET Environments

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    Esta tesis nos ha permitido trasladar algunos conceptos teóricos de la computación ubicua a escenarios reales, identificando las necesidades específicas de diferentes tipos de aplicaciones. Con el fin de alcanzar este objetivo, proponemos dos prototipos que proporcionan servicios sensibles al contexto en diferentes entornos, tales como conferencias o salas de recuperación en hospitales. Estos prototipos experimentales explotan la tecnología Bluetooth para ofrecer información basada en las preferencias del usuario. En ambos casos, hemos llevado a cabo algunos experimentos con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento de los sistemas y su rendimento. También abordamos en esta tesis el problema de la autoconfiguración de redes MANET basadas en el estándar 802.11 a través de dos soluciones novedosas. La primera es una solución centralizada que se basa en la tecnología Bluetooth, mientras la segunda es una solución distribuida que no necesita recurrir a ninguna tecnología adicional, ya que se basa en el uso del parámetro SSID. Ambos métodos se han diseñado para permitir que usuarios no expertos puedan unirse a una red MANET de forma transparente, proporcionando una configuración automática, rápida, y fiable de los terminales. Los resultados experimentales en implementaciones reales nos han permitido evaluar el rendimiento de las soluciones propuestas y demostrar que las estaciones cercanas se pueden configurar en pocos segundos. Además, hemos comparado ambas soluciones entre sí para poner de manifiesto las diferentes ventajas y desventajas en cuanto a rendimento. La principal contribución de esta tesis es EasyMANET, una plataforma ampliable y configurable cuyo objetivo es automatizar lo máximo posible las tareas que afectan a la configuración y puesta en marcha de redes MANET, de modo que su uso sea más simple y accesible.Cano Reyes, J. (2012). Integrated Architecture for Configuration and Service Management in MANET Environments [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14675Palanci

    LIZARD – A Lightweight Stream Cipher for Power-constrained Devices

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    Time-memory-data (TMD) tradeoff attacks limit the security level of many classical stream ciphers (like E0, A5/1, Trivium, Grain) to 1/2n, where n denotes the inner state length of the underlying keystream generator. In this paper, we present Lizard, a lightweight stream cipher for power-constrained devices like passive RFID tags. Its hardware efficiency results from combining a Grain-like design with the FP(1)-mode, a recently suggested construction principle for the state initialization of stream ciphers, which offers provable 2/3n-security against TMD tradeoff attacks aiming at key recovery. Lizard uses 120-bit keys, 64-bit IVs and has an inner state length of 121 bit. It is supposed to provide 80-bit security against key recovery attacks. Lizard allows to generate up to 218 keystream bits per key/IV pair, which would be sufficient for many existing communication scenarios like Bluetooth, WLAN or HTTPS

    MITM Attack Automation Using Single-Board Solution

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    Práca je zameraná na návrh MiTM útokov s využitím moderných prístupov pri návrhu IT infraštruktúri. Špecificky sa zameriava na možnosti využitia jednodoskových počítačov a na možnosti ako zjednodušiť ich kofiguráciu pre účely penetračného testovania. Navrhnuté a implementované riešenie umožnuje použitie komplikovaných útokov personálom, ktorý je len zaškolený, pričom neobmedzuje použitie skúseným personálom. Zatiaľ čo dnešné prístupy by sa dali považovať sa monolitické a centrické, navrhnuté riešenie berie samotný MiTM útok len ako časť riešenia pričom sa zameriava aj na ostatné aspekty ako napríklad exfiltrácia dát, alebo crackovanie hesiel.Thesis is focused on design of MiTM attack with use of modern approaches in IT infrastructure. Especially it's focused on how to simplify configuration of single-board computer for penetration testing purposes by creating scalable infrastructure for device configuration and control. Proposed solution allows the usage of complicated attacks by trained staff while not limiting users with experience in network security. While today, applications capable of MiTM attacks are monolithic and device-centric, proposed solution considers the device providing MiTM just as one part of the solution and also focuses on other problems like data exfiltration or hash cracking.