4,342 research outputs found

    Improving the accuracy while preserving the interpretability of fuzzy function approximators by means of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    AbstractThe identification of a model is one of the key issues in the field of fuzzy system modeling and function approximation theory. An important characteristic that distinguishes fuzzy systems from other techniques in this area is their transparency and interpretability. Especially in the construction of a fuzzy system from a set of given training examples, little attention has been paid to the analysis of the trade-off between complexity and accuracy maintaining the interpretability of the final fuzzy system. In this paper a multi-objective evolutionary approach is proposed to determine a Pareto-optimum set of fuzzy systems with different compromises between their accuracy and complexity. In particular, two fundamental and competing objectives concerning fuzzy system modeling are addressed: fuzzy rule parameter optimization and the identification of system structure (i.e. the number of membership functions and fuzzy rules), taking always in mind the transparency of the obtained system. Another key aspect of the algorithm presented in this work is the use of some new expert evolutionary operators, specifically designed for the problem of fuzzy function approximation, that try to avoid the generation of worse solutions in order to accelerate the convergence of the algorithm

    On the interpretation and identification of dynamic Takagi-Sugenofuzzy models

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    Dynamic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models are not always easy to interpret, in particular when they are identified from experimental data. It is shown that there exists a close relationship between dynamic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models and dynamic linearization when using affine local model structures, which suggests that a solution to the multiobjective identification problem exists. However, it is also shown that the affine local model structure is a highly sensitive parametrization when applied in transient operating regimes. Due to the multiobjective nature of the identification problem studied here, special considerations must be made during model structure selection, experiment design, and identification in order to meet both objectives. Some guidelines for experiment design are suggested and some robust nonlinear identification algorithms are studied. These include constrained and regularized identification and locally weighted identification. Their usefulness in the present context is illustrated by examples

    Autoregressive time series prediction by means of fuzzy inference systems using nonparametric residual variance estimation

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    We propose an automatic methodology framework for short- and long-term prediction of time series by means of fuzzy inference systems. In this methodology, fuzzy techniques and statistical techniques for nonparametric residual variance estimation are combined in order to build autoregressive predictive models implemented as fuzzy inference systems. Nonparametric residual variance estimation plays a key role in driving the identification and learning procedures. Concrete criteria and procedures within the proposed methodology framework are applied to a number of time series prediction problems. The learn from examples method introduced by Wang and Mendel (W&M) is used for identification. The Levenberg–Marquardt (L–M) optimization method is then applied for tuning. The W&M method produces compact and potentially accurate inference systems when applied after a proper variable selection stage. The L–M method yields the best compromise between accuracy and interpretability of results, among a set of alternatives. Delta test based residual variance estimations are used in order to select the best subset of inputs to the fuzzy inference systems as well as the number of linguistic labels for the inputs. Experiments on a diverse set of time series prediction benchmarks are compared against least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVM), optimally pruned extreme learning machine (OP-ELM), and k-NN based autoregressors. The advantages of the proposed methodology are shown in terms of linguistic interpretability, generalization capability and computational cost. Furthermore, fuzzy models are shown to be consistently more accurate for prediction in the case of time series coming from real-world applications.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2008-04920Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-03674, IAC07-I-0205:33080, IAC08-II-3347:5626

    Adaptive inferential sensors based on evolving fuzzy models

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    A new technique to the design and use of inferential sensors in the process industry is proposed in this paper, which is based on the recently introduced concept of evolving fuzzy models (EFMs). They address the challenge that the modern process industry faces today, namely, to develop such adaptive and self-calibrating online inferential sensors that reduce the maintenance costs while keeping the high precision and interpretability/transparency. The proposed new methodology makes possible inferential sensors to recalibrate automatically, which reduces significantly the life-cycle efforts for their maintenance. This is achieved by the adaptive and flexible open-structure EFM used. The novelty of this paper lies in the following: (1) the overall concept of inferential sensors with evolving and self-developing structure from the data streams; (2) the new methodology for online automatic selection of input variables that are most relevant for the prediction; (3) the technique to detect automatically a shift in the data pattern using the age of the clusters (and fuzzy rules); (4) the online standardization technique used by the learning procedure of the evolving model; and (5) the application of this innovative approach to several real-life industrial processes from the chemical industry (evolving inferential sensors, namely, eSensors, were used for predicting the chemical properties of different products in The Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, TX). It should be noted, however, that the methodology and conclusions of this paper are valid for the broader area of chemical and process industries in general. The results demonstrate that well-interpretable and with-simple-structure inferential sensors can automatically be designed from the data stream in real time, which predict various process variables of interest. The proposed approach can be used as a basis for the development of a new generation of adaptive and evolving inferential sensors that can a- ddress the challenges of the modern advanced process industry

    A Review on the Development of Fuzzy Classifiers with Improved Interpretability and Accuracy Parameters

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    This review paper of fuzzy classifiers with improved interpretability and accuracy param-eter discussed the most fundamental aspect of very effective and powerful tools in form of probabilistic reasoning, The fuzzy logic concept allows the effective realization of ap-proximate, vague, uncertain, dynamic, and more realistic conditions, which is closer to the actual physical world and human thinking. The fuzzy theory has the competency to catch the lack of preciseness of linguistic terms in a speech of natural language. The fuzzy theory provides a more significant competency to model humans like com-mon-sense reasoning and conclusion making to fuzzy set and rules as good membership function. Also, in this paper reviews discussed the evaluation of the fuzzy set, type-1, type-2, and interval type-2 fuzzy system from traditional Boolean crisp set logic along with interpretability and accuracy issues in the fuzzy system

    Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems for Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Why, When, What for, and Where to?

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    Evolutionary fuzzy systems are one of the greatest advances within the area of computational intelligence. They consist of evolutionary algorithms applied to the design of fuzzy systems. Thanks to this hybridization, superb abilities are provided to fuzzy modeling in many different data science scenarios. This contribution is intended to comprise a position paper developing a comprehensive analysis of the evolutionary fuzzy systems research field. To this end, the "4 W" questions are posed and addressed with the aim of understanding the current context of this topic and its significance. Specifically, it will be pointed out why evolutionary fuzzy systems are important from an explainable point of view, when they began, what they are used for, and where the attention of researchers should be directed to in the near future in this area. They must play an important role for the emerging area of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) learning from data

    Hierarchical Fuzzy Systems: Interpretability and Complexity

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    Hierarchical fuzzy systems (HFSs) have been regarded as a useful solution for overcoming the major issues in fuzzy logic systems (FLSs), i.e., rule explosion due to the increase in the number of input variables. In HFS, the standard FLS are reformed into a low-dimensional FLS subsystem network. Moreover, the rules in HFS usually have antecedents with fewer variables than the rules in standard FLS with equivalent functions, because the number of input variables in each subsystem is less. Consequently, HFSs manage to decrease rule explosion, which minimises complexity and improves model interpretability. Nevertheless, the issues related to the question of “Does the complexity reduction of HFSs that have multiple subsystems, layers and different topologies really improve their interpretability?” are not clear and persist. In this paper, a comparison focusing on interpretability and complexity is made between two HFS’ topologies: parallel and serial. A detailed measurement of the interpretability and complexity with different configurations for both topologies is provided. This comparative study aims to examine the correlation between interpretability and complexity in HFS

    Literature Review of the Recent Trends and Applications in various Fuzzy Rule based systems

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    Fuzzy rule based systems (FRBSs) is a rule-based system which uses linguistic fuzzy variables as antecedents and consequent to represent human understandable knowledge. They have been applied to various applications and areas throughout the soft computing literature. However, FRBSs suffers from many drawbacks such as uncertainty representation, high number of rules, interpretability loss, high computational time for learning etc. To overcome these issues with FRBSs, there exists many extensions of FRBSs. This paper presents an overview and literature review of recent trends on various types and prominent areas of fuzzy systems (FRBSs) namely genetic fuzzy system (GFS), hierarchical fuzzy system (HFS), neuro fuzzy system (NFS), evolving fuzzy system (eFS), FRBSs for big data, FRBSs for imbalanced data, interpretability in FRBSs and FRBSs which use cluster centroids as fuzzy rules. The review is for years 2010-2021. This paper also highlights important contributions, publication statistics and current trends in the field. The paper also addresses several open research areas which need further attention from the FRBSs research community.Comment: 49 pages, Accepted for publication in ijf
