7,884 research outputs found

    Adaptive Mesh Fluid Simulations on GPU

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    We describe an implementation of compressible inviscid fluid solvers with block-structured adaptive mesh refinement on Graphics Processing Units using NVIDIA's CUDA. We show that a class of high resolution shock capturing schemes can be mapped naturally on this architecture. Using the method of lines approach with the second order total variation diminishing Runge-Kutta time integration scheme, piecewise linear reconstruction, and a Harten-Lax-van Leer Riemann solver, we achieve an overall speedup of approximately 10 times faster execution on one graphics card as compared to a single core on the host computer. We attain this speedup in uniform grid runs as well as in problems with deep AMR hierarchies. Our framework can readily be applied to more general systems of conservation laws and extended to higher order shock capturing schemes. This is shown directly by an implementation of a magneto-hydrodynamic solver and comparing its performance to the pure hydrodynamic case. Finally, we also combined our CUDA parallel scheme with MPI to make the code run on GPU clusters. Close to ideal speedup is observed on up to four GPUs.Comment: Submitted to New Astronom

    Remote access for NAS: Supercomputing in a university environment

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    The experiment was designed to assist the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Project Office in the testing and evaluation of long haul communications for remote users. The objectives of this work were to: (1) use foreign workstations to remotely access the NAS system; (2) provide NAS with a link to a large university-based computing facility which can serve as a model for a regional node of the Long-Haul Communications Subsystem (LHCS); and (3) provide a tail circuit to the University of Colorado a Boulder thereby simulating the complete communications path from NAS through a regional node to an end-user

    Thermodynamic Conditions in Quenching Chamber of Low Voltage Circuit Breaker

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    Práce se zabývá studiem procesů probíhajících při zhášení silnoproudého oblouku ve zhášecí komoře jističe. Je zaměřena na výpočet dynamiky tekutin a teplotního pole v okolí elektrického oblouku. V práci je dále popsán vliv vzdálenosti plechů v komoře a vliv tvarů plechů z hlediska aerodynamických podmínek uvnitř komory. Dalším cílem dosaženým touto prací je poskytnutí informací o vlivu polohy elektrického oblouku na termodynamické vlastnosti uvnitř komory. Toto je důležité, zejména pokud je oblouk do komory vtahován jinými silami, např. elektromagnetickými a během tohoto vtahovacího procesu mění svůj tvar i polohu. Za účelem co nejjednoduššího, ale zároveň co nejefektivnějšího řešení úkolu, byl vyvinut software určen speciálně pro výpočet dynamiky tekutin numerickou metodou konečných objemů (FVM). Tato metoda je, v porovnání s rozšířenější metodou konečných prvků (FEM), vhodnější pro výpočet dynamiky tekutin (CFD) zejména proto, že režie na výpočet jedné iterace jsou menší v porovnání s ostatními numerickými metodami. Další výhodou tohoto softwarového řešení je jeho modularita a rozšiřitelnost. Cely koncept softwaru je postaven na tzv. zásuvných modulech. Díky tomuto řešení můžeme využít výpočtové jádro pro další numerické analýzy, např. strukturální, elektromagnetickou apod. Jediná potřeba pro úspěšné používání těchto analýz je napsáni solveru pro konečné prvky (FEM). Jelikož je software koncipován jako multi–thread aplikace, využívá výkon současných vícejádrových procesorů naplno. Tato vlastnost se ještě více projeví, pokud se výpočet přesune z CPU na GPU. Jelikož současné grafické karty vyšších tříd mají několik desítek až stovek výpočetních jader a pracují s mnohem rychlejšími pamětmi, než CPU, je výpočetní výkon několikanásobně vyšší.Work deals with the study of processes that attend the electric arc extinction inside the quenching chamber of a circuit breaker. It is focused on several areas. The first one is concerned to fluid dynamics calculations (CFD) and the second one is aimed at thermal field calculations. In this work effects of metal plates distance together with metal plates shapes are described from aerodynamical point of view. Another objective solved by this work is to give information about influence of an electric arc position in a quenching chamber, which changed its shape due to forces acting on it during extinction process. For purpose of this work a new software solution for CFD was developed. Whole software concept is based on plug-ins. Due to this solution, the software§s calculation core can be used for other numerical analyses, like structural, electromagnetic, etc. The only requirement is to write a plug-in for these analyses. Because the software is designed as multi-threaded application, it can use the fully performance of current multi-core processors. Above mentioned property can be especially shown off, when a calculation is moved from CPU to GPU (Graphics Processing Units). Current high-end graphic cards have tens to hundreds cores and work with faster memories than CPU. Due to this fact, the simulation performance can raised manifold.

    Fast recursive filters for simulating nonlinear dynamic systems

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    A fast and accurate computational scheme for simulating nonlinear dynamic systems is presented. The scheme assumes that the system can be represented by a combination of components of only two different types: first-order low-pass filters and static nonlinearities. The parameters of these filters and nonlinearities may depend on system variables, and the topology of the system may be complex, including feedback. Several examples taken from neuroscience are given: phototransduction, photopigment bleaching, and spike generation according to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The scheme uses two slightly different forms of autoregressive filters, with an implicit delay of zero for feedforward control and an implicit delay of half a sample distance for feedback control. On a fairly complex model of the macaque retinal horizontal cell it computes, for a given level of accuracy, 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than 4th-order Runge-Kutta. The computational scheme has minimal memory requirements, and is also suited for computation on a stream processor, such as a GPU (Graphical Processing Unit).Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. A comparison with 4th-order Runge-Kutta integration shows that the new algorithm is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster. The paper is in press now at Neural Computatio