2,879 research outputs found

    Approaches to integrated strategic/tactical forest planning

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    Traditionally forest planning is divided into a hierarchy of planning phases. Strategic planning is conducted to make decisions about sustainable harvest levels while taking into account legislation and policy issues. Within the frame of the strategic plan, the purpose of tactical planning is to schedule harvest operations to specific areas in the immediate few years and on a finer time scale than in the strategic plan. The operative phase focuses on scheduling harvest crews on a monthly or weekly basis, truck scheduling and choosing bucking instructions. Decisions at each level are to a varying degree supported by computerized tools. A problem that may arise when planning is divided into levels and that is noted in the literature focusing on decision support tools is that solutions at one level may be inconsistent with the results of another level. When moving from the strategic plan to the tactical plan, three sources of inconsistencies are often present; spatial discrepancies, temporal discrepancies and discrepancies due to different levels of constraint. The models used in the papers presented in this thesis approaches two of these discrepancies. To address the spatial discrepancies, the same spatial resolution has been used at both levels, i.e., stands. Temporal discrepancies are addressed by modelling the tactical and strategic issues simultaneously. Integrated approaches can yield large models. One way of circumventing this is to aggregate time and/or space. The first paper addresses the consequences of temporal aggregation in the strategic part of a mixed integer programming integrated strategic/tactical model. For reference, linear programming based strategic models are also used. The results of the first paper provide information on what temporal resolutions could be used and indicate that outputs from strategic and integrated plans are not particularly affected by the number of equal length strategic periods when more than five periods, i.e. about 20 year period length, are used. The approach used in the first paper could produce models that are very large, and the second paper provides a two-stage procedure that can reduce the number of variables and preserve the allocation of stands to the first 10 years provided by a linear programming based strategic plan, while concentrating tactical harvest activities using a penalty concept in a mixed integer programming formulation. Results show that it is possible to use the approach to concentrate harvest activities at the tactical level in a full scale forest management scenario. In the case study, the effects of concentration on strategic outputs were small, and the number of harvest tracts declined towards a minimum level. Furthermore, the discrepancies between the two planning levels were small

    An iterative solution approach for truck routing and scheduling in the forest industry

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    Log transportation in forest industry is a resource-intensive operation and represents a great challenge for logistic planners. Several trips must be generated in order to satisfy plants demand; in addition, trucks arrivals at each plant must be considered in order to avoid unproductive waiting times. In the Argentine context, specifically in the Argentinean Northeast (NEA) region, these activities represent the main sustenance of the regional economies, so enhancing efficiency in the transport operation would represent a considerable improvement for these economies. In this work, an iterative solution approach for the truck routing and scheduling problems is presented. The proposed strategy involves two stages which are iteratively solved: product allocation, trip composition and truck routing problems are first solved through a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming model (MILP), while in the second stage, fixing the route for each truck according to the results of the previous step, a MILP model for the scheduling of truck arrivals at plants is considered. If no feasible solution for the scheduling problem is obtained, then an integer cut is applied in order to exclude from the search space truck routes already explored in previous iterations. The solution approach is tested in a case study representative of the Argentine context and conclusions are detailed.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    An iterative solution approach for truck routing and scheduling in the forest industry

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    Log transportation in forest industry is a resource-intensive operation and represents a great challenge for logistic planners. Several trips must be generated in order to satisfy plants demand; in addition, trucks arrivals at each plant must be considered in order to avoid unproductive waiting times. In the Argentine context, specifically in the Argentinean Northeast (NEA) region, these activities represent the main sustenance of the regional economies, so enhancing efficiency in the transport operation would represent a considerable improvement for these economies. In this work, an iterative solution approach for the truck routing and scheduling problems is presented. The proposed strategy involves two stages which are iteratively solved: product allocation, trip composition and truck routing problems are first solved through a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming model (MILP), while in the second stage, fixing the route for each truck according to the results of the previous step, a MILP model for the scheduling of truck arrivals at plants is considered. If no feasible solution for the scheduling problem is obtained, then an integer cut is applied in order to exclude from the search space truck routes already explored in previous iterations. The solution approach is tested in a case study representative of the Argentine context and conclusions are detailed.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    An iterative solution approach for truck routing and scheduling in the forest industry

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    Log transportation in forest industry is a resource-intensive operation and represents a great challenge for logistic planners. Several trips must be generated in order to satisfy plants demand; in addition, trucks arrivals at each plant must be considered in order to avoid unproductive waiting times. In the Argentine context, specifically in the Argentinean Northeast (NEA) region, these activities represent the main sustenance of the regional economies, so enhancing efficiency in the transport operation would represent a considerable improvement for these economies. In this work, an iterative solution approach for the truck routing and scheduling problems is presented. The proposed strategy involves two stages which are iteratively solved: product allocation, trip composition and truck routing problems are first solved through a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming model (MILP), while in the second stage, fixing the route for each truck according to the results of the previous step, a MILP model for the scheduling of truck arrivals at plants is considered. If no feasible solution for the scheduling problem is obtained, then an integer cut is applied in order to exclude from the search space truck routes already explored in previous iterations. The solution approach is tested in a case study representative of the Argentine context and conclusions are detailed.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Mixed integer linear programming approaches for solving the raw material allocation, routing and scheduling problems in the forest industry

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    Transportation planning in forest industry is a challenging activity since it involves complex decisions about raw material allocation, vehicle routing and scheduling of trucks arrivals to both harvest areas and the plants. In the Argentine context, specifically in the Argentinean Northeast (NEA) region, the forest industry plays essential role for the economic development and, among the included activities, the transportation is the key element considering the volumes that must be moved and the distances to be traveled. Therefore, enhancing efficiency in the transportation activity improves significantly the performance of this industry. In this work, a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is presented, where raw material allocation, vehicle routing and scheduling of trucks arrivals are simultaneously addressed. Since the resolution times of the proposed integrated MILP model are prohibitive for large instances, a hierarchical approach is also presented. The considered decomposition approach involves two stages: in the first phase, the raw material allocation and vehicle routing problems are solved through a MILP model, while in the second phase, fixing the route for each truck according to the results of the previous step, the scheduling of truck arrivals to both the harvest areas and the plants is solved through a new MILP model. The obtained results show that the proposed approach is very effective and could be easily applied in this industry.Fil: Bordon, Maximiliano Ramon. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Montagna, Jorge Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Corsano, Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; Argentin

    A mixed integer programming model for a continuous move transportation problem with service constraints (Un método de programación mixta entera para un problema de transportación de movimiento continuo con restricciones de servicio)

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    Abstract. We consider a Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (PDP) commonly encountered in real-world logistics operations. The problem involves a set of practical complications that have received little attention in the vehicle routing literature. In this problem, there are multiple vehicle types available to cover a set of pickup and delivery requests, each of which has pickup time windows and delivery time windows. Transportation orders and vehicle types must satisfy a set of compatibility constraints that specify which orders cannot be covered by which vehicle types. In addition we include some dock service capacity constraints as is required on common real world operations. This problem requires to be attended on large scale instances (orders ≥ 500), (vehicles ≥ 150). As a generalization of the traveling salesman problem, clearly this problem is NP-hard. The exact algorithms are too slow for large scale instances. The PDP-TWDS is both a packing problem (assign order to vehicles), and a routing problem (find the best route for each vehicle). We propose to solve the problem in three stages. The first stage constructs initials solutions at aggregate level relaxing some constraints on the original problem. The other two stages imposes time windows and dock service constraints. Our results are favorable finding good quality solutions in relatively short computational times. Resumen. En la solución de problemas combinatorios, es importante evaluar el costobeneficio entre la obtención de soluciones de alta calidad en detrimento de los recursos computacionales requeridos. El problema planteado es para el ruteo de un vehículo con entrega y recolección de producto y con restricciones de ventana de horario. En la práctica, dicho problema requiere ser atendido con instancias de gran escala (nodos ≥100). Existe un fuerte porcentaje de ventanas de horario activas (≥90%) y con factores de amplitud ≥75%. El problema es NP-hard y por tal motivo la aplicación de un método de solución exacta para resolverlo en la práctica, está limitado por el tiempo requerido para la actividad de ruteo. Se propone un algoritmo genético especializado, el cual ofrece soluciones de buena calidad (% de optimalidad aceptables) y en tiempos de ejecución computacional que hacen útil su aplicación en la práctica de la logística. Para comprobar la eficacia de la propuesta algorítmica se desarrolla un diseño experimental el cual hará uso de las soluciones óptimas obtenidas mediante un algoritmo de ramificación y corte sin límite de tiempo. Los resultados son favorables

    Determination of Optimal Distribution and Transportation Network (Wood Transportation in Iran)

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    Today, transportation network optimization has become one of the significant aspects of supply chain planning, and even a slight rise in productivity can significantly reduce costs of distribution of wood in the transportation network. In the forest based industry, given that transportation is the main cost of raw wood supply, using transportation planning, distribution should be done in a way so as to minimize the overall wood displacement. Such planning must meet the needs of all demand centers and the distribution supplier points must be used to their full capacity. Accordingly, the present study strived to find an optimal solution for transportation and distribution of raw wood from the main supplier points to small and large centers of wood and paper industries in Iran. This optimization simultaneously focuses on several products and is at the macroeconomic level of the country wood market. To achieve this goal, linear programming – Transportation Simplex Algorithm was used. The results show a significant fall in transportation costs and a more organized wood distribution network than the current situation. This cost reduction can be attributed to decisions about the optimal distribution of wood types, determining transport routes, and opting for the right type of truck supplier based on load tonnage and distance. This plummet in transportation costs plunges the cost of wood and wood products, which will surge competition in the business and will be of interest to manufacturers, distributors, customers and stakeholders in general

    Low-complexity algorithms for sequencing jobs with a fixed number of job-classes

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    In this paper we consider the problem of scheduling n jobs such that makespan is minimized. It is assumed that the jobs can be divided into K job-classes and that the change-over time between two consecutive jobs depends on the job-classes to which the two jobs belong. In this setting, we discuss the one machine scheduling problem with arbitrary processing times and the parallel machines scheduling problem with identical processing times. In both cases it is assumed that the number of job-classes K is fixed. By using an appropriate integer programming formulation with a fixed number of variables and constraints, it is shown that these two problems are solvable in polynomial time. For the one machine scheduling case it is shown that the complexity of our algorithm is linear in the number of jobs n. Moreover, if the problem is encoded according to the high multiplicity model of Hochbaum and Shamir, the time complexity of the algorithm is shown to be a polynomial in log n. In the parallel machine scheduling case, it is shown that if the number of machines is fixed the same results hold. Copyrigh