63 research outputs found

    Solving constraint-satisfaction problems with distributed neocortical-like neuronal networks

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    Finding actions that satisfy the constraints imposed by both external inputs and internal representations is central to decision making. We demonstrate that some important classes of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) can be solved by networks composed of homogeneous cooperative-competitive modules that have connectivity similar to motifs observed in the superficial layers of neocortex. The winner-take-all modules are sparsely coupled by programming neurons that embed the constraints onto the otherwise homogeneous modular computational substrate. We show rules that embed any instance of the CSPs planar four-color graph coloring, maximum independent set, and Sudoku on this substrate, and provide mathematical proofs that guarantee these graph coloring problems will convergence to a solution. The network is composed of non-saturating linear threshold neurons. Their lack of right saturation allows the overall network to explore the problem space driven through the unstable dynamics generated by recurrent excitation. The direction of exploration is steered by the constraint neurons. While many problems can be solved using only linear inhibitory constraints, network performance on hard problems benefits significantly when these negative constraints are implemented by non-linear multiplicative inhibition. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of instability rather than stability in network computation, and also offer insight into the computational role of dual inhibitory mechanisms in neural circuits.Comment: Accepted manuscript, in press, Neural Computation (2018

    AlGaAs heterojunction lasers

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    The characterization of 8300 A lasers was broadened, especially in the area of beam quality. Modulation rates up to 2 Gbit/sec at output powers of 20 mW were observed, waveform fidelity was fully adequate for low BER data transmission, and wavefront measurements showed that phase aberrations were less than lamda/50. Also, individually addressable arrays of up to ten contiguous diode lasers were fabricated and tested. Each laser operates at powers up to 30 mW CW in single spatial mode. Shifting the operating wavelength of the basic CSP laser from 8300 A to 8650 A was accomplished by the addition of Si to the active region. Output power has reached 100 mW single mode, with excellent far field wave front properties. Operating life is currently approx. 1000 hrs at 35 mW CW. In addition, laser reliability, for operation at both 8300 A and 8650 A, has profited significantly from several developments in the processing procedures

    Orbital and rotational dynamics of solar power satellites in geosynchronous orbits

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    Designs for geostationary (GEO) solar power satellites (SPS) are extremely large in scale, more than one order of magnitude larger than the International Space Station. In this thesis a detailed study of the orbit dynamics of SPS is performed. Analytical equations, derived by the process of averaging of the SPS equations of motion, are used to determine the long-term orbital evolution. Previous SPS studies have simply assumed a GEO as the operational orbit, and then designed control systems for maintaining the orbit within acceptable nominal values. It is found that an alternative SPS orbital location known as the geosynchronous Laplace plane orbit (GLPO) is superior to GEO in many aspects. An SPS in GLPO requires virtually no fuel to maintain its orbit, minimises the risk of debris creation at geosynchronous altitude, and is extremely robust operationally, i.e. loss of control is inconsequential. The GLPO SPS requires approximately 10^5 kg less fuel per year compared to a GEO SPS while providing near equivalent power delivery. Although savings in orbit control are achieved, depending on the mass distribution of the SPS, attitude control costs may be incurred by placing an SPS in GLPO. Consideration of the attitude dynamics of SPS has motivated the development of a model for the rotational dynamics of a body which includes energy dissipation and the effects of external torques. Multiple spring-damper masses are used to provide a mechanism for energy dissipation. This rotational dynamics model is used to assess the naturally stable attitude configurations of a SPS design in geosynchronous orbit subject to gravity gradient torque. It is found that for a large planar array, a dynamically stable configuration requiring nominal orbit-attitude control is possible. This involves rotating around the maximum axis of inertia at the orbit rate, with the minimal axis aligned in the radial direction. It will be shown that a SPS in this configuration while in GLPO requires virtually no orbit or attitude control. The most significant result of the research in this thesis is proving that a SPS can operate in GLPO with nominal orbit control and yet still deliver almost equivalent power to the Earth’s surface as the same SPS would in a controlled GEO

    Symmetry in Renewable Energy and Power Systems

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    This book includes original research papers related to renewable energy and power systems in which theoretical or practical issues of symmetry are considered. The book includes contributions on voltage stability analysis in DC networks, optimal dispatch of islanded microgrid systems, reactive power compensation, direct power compensation, optimal location and sizing of photovoltaic sources in DC networks, layout of parabolic trough solar collectors, topologic analysis of high-voltage transmission grids, geometric algebra and power systems, filter design for harmonic current compensation. The contributions included in this book describe the state of the art in this field and shed light on the possibilities that the study of symmetry has in power grids and renewable energy systems

    Metaphor-based negotiation and its application in AGV movement planning

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    The theme of this thesis is "metaphor-based negotiation". By metaphor-based negotiation I mean a category of approaches for problem-solving in Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) that mimic some aspects of human negotiation behaviour. The research in this dissertation is divided into two closely related parts. Cooperative interaction among agents in a multiagent system (MAS) is discussed in general, and the discussion leads to a formal definition of metaphor-based negotiation. Then, as a specific application, a "spring-based" computational model for metaphor-based negotiation is developed as an approach to solving movement planning, specifically the AGV scheduling problem (AGVSP) — determing the timings of AGVs' activities, of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in a factory.By formally addressing the multi-agent cooperative interaction problem and assuming that agents in a MAS are rational, benevolent and fully informed, an initial strategy set of cooperative interaction can be reduced to a strategy set by eliminating strategies that are irrational in a group sense. However, it is proved in this dissertation that, in the remaining strategy set, no unique strategy can be found that is acceptable to all agents according their individual preferences. More specifically, in this smaller strategy set, if one agent moves from one strategy to another in an attempt to better its individual goal achievement, then there is at least one agent whose goal achievement will be negatively affected by such a move. So, the cooperative interaction problem can only be partially solved if no further knowledge is given to those agents. The idea of a common sense principle is introduced in this dissertation to overcome the deficiencies of the assumptions of rationality, benevolence and full-informedness.In reality, the assumption of full-informedness of agents may not be practical. Communication is needed for agents to (1) exchange their local problem solving information, and (2) exchange proposals for global problem solving, when their views are in conflict. Based on the discussion of cooperative interaction, a formal definition of metaphorbased negotiation is proposed to formally indicate what is a proposal and what is the condition for accepting a proposal from another agent. In this definition, the common sense principle is one of the most important features, not found in definitions of negotiation available so far in the literature, which guides agents to find an agreement when negotiation is running into difficulties.The AGVSP involves timing activities for each AGV in a AGV-based factory. The AGVSP is naturally distributed: the whole problem can be easily divided into several subproblems each of which involves timing of activities of one AGV. Therefore, it is intuitively straightforward for us to seek DAI approaches to solving the AGVSP. In spired by Kwa's Iterative Negotiation Model [Kwa 88b] [Kwa 88a] for the AGVSP, we developed a spring-based (metaphor-based) negotiation model for the AGVSP to overcome some vital problems in Kwa's model. The idea of the spring-based negotiation model is described below:The AGVSP can be regarded as a Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DCSP) and solved in a MAS. Each agent in the MAS is designed to solve a subproblem — a local scheduling problem which is a small Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP). Conflicts exist when intra-agent constraints or inter-agent constraints are violated. These constraints can be classified into hard constraints— those that can not be relaxed at the agent level unless the system designer permits (e.g., by providing an arbitrator), and soft constraints — those that can be relaxed at the agent level when necessary. When agents are in conflict, i.e, when some inter-agent constraints are violated (or say, when one agent's timings of its activities overlap those of some other agents), these agents involved will resolve the conflicts through a (metaphor-based) negotiation procedure in which conflicts will be gradually resolved by each agent's relaxation of its intra-agent constraints, i.e, by yielding some amount of its initially allocated resources to other agents or by shifting its initially allocated resources. The negotiation can be viewed as a process of exchanging proposals (of cooperative strategies) between conflicting agents, where a cooperative strategy is a possible resolution to a conflict according to the viewpoint of the proposing agent. However, since agents are designed to be rational, each agent that is involved in the conflicts will try hard to relax its intra-agent constraints as little as possible. Further, it is reasonably acceptable that the more an intra-agent constraint has been relaxed the less the respective agent is willing to relax it further. This feature can be modeled by a spring — the more it has been compressed the harder it is to compress it further. Based on this inspiration, a spring-based computational model of metaphor-based negotiation is proposed: each agent's local schedule is represented by a local spring network in which each spring element represents a soft intra-agent constraint. Relaxation of an intra-agent constraint is likened to a spring being compressed by external forces from other agents. As a consequence, the compressed spring will also show a reacting force upon those compressing agents. An agreement will be reached when those forces and reacting forces are balanced. This is the common sense principle in the spring-based negotiation. The model solves some key issues, e.g., how to select negotiation techniques and skills during the process of negotiation, that have not been solved by Kwa's iterative negotiation model. Some experimental evidence of the value of this model is presented

    Automatic creation of boundary-representation models from single line drawings

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    This thesis presents methods for the automatic creation of boundary-representation models of polyhedral objects from single line drawings depicting the objects. This topic is important in that automated interpretation of freehand sketches would remove a bottleneck in current engineering design methods. The thesis does not consider conversion of freehand sketches to line drawings or methods which require manual intervention or multiple drawings. The thesis contains a number of novel contributions to the art of machine interpretation of line drawings. Line labelling has been extended by cataloguing the possible tetrahedral junctions and by development of heuristics aimed at selecting a preferred labelling from many possible. The ”bundling” method of grouping probably-parallel lines, and the use of feature detection to detect and classify hole loops, are both believed to be original. The junction-line-pair formalisation which translates the problem of depth estimation into a system of linear equations is new. Treating topological reconstruction as a tree-search is not only a new approach but tackles a problem which has not been fully investigated in previous work

    High-frequency characterization of embedded components in printed circuit boards

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    The embedding of electronic components is a three-dimensional packaging technology, where chips are placed inside of the printed circuit board instead of on top. The advantage of this technology is the reduced electronic interconnection length between components. The shorter this connection, the faster the signal transmission can occur. Different high-frequency aspects of chip embedding are investigated within this dissertation: interconnections to the embedded chip, crosstalk between signals on the chip and on the board, and interconnections running on top of or underneath embedded components. The high-frequency behavior of tracks running near embedded components is described using a broadband model for multilayer microstrip transmission lines. The proposed model can be used to predict the characteristic impedance and the loss of the lines. The model is based on two similar approximations that reduce the multilayer substrate to an equivalent single-layer structure. The per-unit-length shunt impedance parameters are derived from the complex effective dielectric constant, which is obtained using a variational method. A complex image approach results in the calculation of a frequency-dependent effective height that can be used to determine the per-unit-length resistance and inductance. A deliberate choice was made for a simple but accurate model that could easily be implemented in current high-frequency circuit simulators. Next to quasi-static electromagnetic simulations, a dedicated test vehicle that allows for the direct extraction of the propagation constant of these multilayer microstrips is manufactured and used to verify the model. The verification of the model using simulation and measurements shows that the proposed model slightly overestimates the loss of the measured multilayer microstrips, but is more accurate than the simulations in predicting the characteristic impedance