15 research outputs found

    Proof Generation in CDSAT

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    The main ideas in the CDSAT (Conflict-Driven Satisfiability) framework for SMT are summarized, leading to approaches to proof generation in CDSAT.Comment: In Proceedings PxTP 2021, arXiv:2107.0154

    The Eos SMT/SMA-solver: a preliminary report

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    This is a preliminary report of work in progress on the development of the Eos SMT/SMA-solver. Eos is the first solver built from the start based on the CDSAT (Conflict-Driven SATisfiability) paradigm for solving satisfiability problems modulo theories and assignments. The latter means that assignments to first-order terms may appear in the input. CDSAT generalizes MCSAT (Model-Constructing SATisfiability), hence CDCL (Conflict-Driven Clause Learning), to theory combination. CDSAT reasons in a union of theories by combining in a conflict-driven manner theory inference systems, called theory modules. The current version of Eos has modules for propositional logic, equality with uninterpreted function symbols (UF), and linear real arithmetic. The module for propositional logic is a MiniSAT-inspired SAT solver. A key feature of MCSAT/CDSAT is theory conflict explanation by theory inferences: to this end, the Eos module for UF applies congruence closure inferences, and the Eos module for real arithmetic uses Fourier-Motzkin resolution; both rules may generate new (i.e., non-input) literals. The core solver in Eos implements the CDSAT transition system and several heuristics used in state-of-the-art CDCL-based SAT solvers. Some of these heuristics (e.g., random restarts) can be reused directly in the context of CDSAT, while others are adapted. Eos employs a generalization of the VSIDS heuristics to make decisions on both propositional and first-order terms, and the watched literals scheme for both BCP (Boolean Constraint Propagation) and deductions involving arithmetic terms and uninterpreted terms

    Overapproximation of Non-Linear Integer Arithmetic for Smart Contract Verification

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    The need to solve non-linear arithmetic constraints presents a major obstacle to the automatic verification of smart contracts. In this case study we focus on the two overapproximation techniques used by the industry verification tool Certora Prover: overapproximation of non-linear integer arithmetic using linear integer arithmetic and using non-linear real arithmetic. We compare the performance of contemporary SMT solvers on verification conditions produced by the Certora Prover using these two approximations against the natural non-linear integer arithmetic encoding. Our evaluation shows that the use of the overapproximation methods leads to solving a significant number of new problems.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, presented at The International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) 202

    On conflict-driven reasoning

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    Automated formal methods and automated reasoning are interconnected, as formal methods generate reasoning problems and incorporate reasoning techniques. For example, formal methods tools employ reasoning engines to find solutions of sets of constraints, or proofs of conjectures. From a reasoning perspective, the expressivity of the logical language is often directly proportional to the difficulty of the problem. In propositional logic, Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) is one of the key features of state-of-the-art satisfiability solvers. The idea is to restrict inferences to those needed to explain conflicts, and use conflicts to prune a backtracking search. A current research direction in automated reasoning is to generalize this notion of conflict-driven satisfiability to a paradigm of conflict-driven reasoning in first-order theories for satisfiability modulo theories and assignments, and even in full first-order logic for generic automated theorem proving. While this is a promising and exciting lead, it also poses formidable challenges

    Advanced Symbolic Analysis Tools for Fault-Tolerant Integrated Distributed Systems

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    The project aims to develop advanced model-checking algorithms and tools to automate the verification of fault-tolerant distributed systems for avionics. We present a new method called Property-Directed K-Induction (PD-KIND) for synthesizing K-inductive invariants of state-transition systems. PD-KIND builds upon Satifiability Modulo Theories (SMT) to generalize Bradley's IC3 method and its variants. This method is implemented in a new tool called SALLY. Case studies show that PD-KIND can automatically verify fault-tolerant algorithms under a variety of fault models and that SALLY is competitive with other SMT-based model checkers

    Satisfiability Modulo Finite Fields

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    We study satisfiability modulo the theory of finite fields and give a decision procedure for this theory. We implement our procedure for prime fields inside the cvc5 SMT solver. Using this theory, we con- struct SMT queries that encode translation validation for various zero knowledge proof compilers applied to Boolean computations. We evalu- ate our procedure on these benchmarks. Our experiments show that our implementation is superior to previous approaches (which encode field arithmetic using integers or bit-vectors)

    When Less Is More: Consequence-Finding in a Weak Theory of Arithmetic

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    This paper presents a theory of non-linear integer/real arithmetic and algorithms for reasoning about this theory. The theory can be conceived as an extension of linear integer/real arithmetic with a weakly-axiomatized multiplication symbol, which retains many of the desirable algorithmic properties of linear arithmetic. In particular, we show that the conjunctive fragment of the theory can be effectively manipulated (analogously to the usual operations on convex polyhedra, the conjunctive fragment of linear arithmetic). As a result, we can solve the following consequence-finding problem: given a ground formula F, find the strongest conjunctive formula that is entailed by F. As an application of consequence-finding, we give a loop invariant generation algorithm that is monotone with respect to the theory and (in a sense) complete. Experiments show that the invariants generated from the consequences are effective for proving safety properties of programs that require non-linear reasoning

    Deciding the consistency of non-linear real arithmetic constraints with a conflict driven search using cylindrical algebraic coverings

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    We present a new algorithm for determining the satisfiability of conjunctions of non-linear polynomial constraints over the reals, which can be used as a theory solver for satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) solving for non-linear real arithmetic. The algorithm is a variant of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) adapted for satisfiability, where solution candidates (sample points) are constructed incrementally, either until a satisfying sample is found or sufficient samples have been sampled to conclude unsatisfiability. The choice of samples is guided by the input constraints and previous conflicts. The key idea behind our new approach is to start with a partial sample; demonstrate that it cannot be extended to a full sample; and from the reasons for that rule out a larger space around the partial sample, which build up incrementally into a cylindrical algebraic covering of the space. There are similarities with the incremental variant of CAD, the NLSAT method of Jovanovic and de Moura, and the NuCAD algorithm of Brown; but we present worked examples and experimental results on a preliminary implementation to demonstrate the differences to these, and the benefits of the new approach

    Theory Combination: Beyond Equality Sharing

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    International audienceSatisfiability is the problem of deciding whether a formula has a model. Although it is not even semidecidable in first-order logic, it is decidable in some first-order theories or fragments thereof (e.g., the quantifier-free fragment). Satisfiability modulo a theory is the problem of determining whether a quantifier-free formula admits a model that is a model of a given theory. If the formula mixes theories, the considered theory is their union, and combination of theories is the problem of combining decision procedures for the individual theories to get one for their union. A standard solution is the equality-sharing method by Nelson and Oppen, which requires the theories to be disjoint and stably infinite. This paper surveys selected approaches to the problem of reasoning in the union of disjoint theories, that aim at going beyond equality sharing, including: asymmetric extensions of equality sharing, where some theories are unrestricted, while others must satisfy stronger requirements than stable infiniteness; superposition-based decision procedures; and current work on conflict-driven satisfiability (CDSAT)