373 research outputs found

    Sparsity through evolutionary pruning prevents neuronal networks from overfitting

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    Modern Machine learning techniques take advantage of the exponentially rising calculation power in new generation processor units. Thus, the number of parameters which are trained to resolve complex tasks was highly increased over the last decades. However, still the networks fail - in contrast to our brain - to develop general intelligence in the sense of being able to solve several complex tasks with only one network architecture. This could be the case because the brain is not a randomly initialized neural network, which has to be trained by simply investing a lot of calculation power, but has from birth some fixed hierarchical structure. To make progress in decoding the structural basis of biological neural networks we here chose a bottom-up approach, where we evolutionarily trained small neural networks in performing a maze task. This simple maze task requires dynamical decision making with delayed rewards. We were able to show that during the evolutionary optimization random severance of connections lead to better generalization performance of the networks compared to fully connected networks. We conclude that sparsity is a central property of neural networks and should be considered for modern Machine learning approaches

    Quality Diversity: Harnessing Evolution to Generate a Diversity of High-Performing Solutions

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    Evolution in nature has designed countless solutions to innumerable interconnected problems, giving birth to the impressive array of complex modern life observed today. Inspired by this success, the practice of evolutionary computation (EC) abstracts evolution artificially as a search operator to find solutions to problems of interest primarily through the adaptive mechanism of survival of the fittest, where stronger candidates are pursued at the expense of weaker ones until a solution of satisfying quality emerges. At the same time, research in open-ended evolution (OEE) draws different lessons from nature, seeking to identify and recreate processes that lead to the type of perpetual innovation and indefinitely increasing complexity observed in natural evolution. New algorithms in EC such as MAP-Elites and Novelty Search with Local Competition harness the toolkit of evolution for a related purpose: finding as many types of good solutions as possible (rather than merely the single best solution). With the field in its infancy, no empirical studies previously existed comparing these so-called quality diversity (QD) algorithms. This dissertation (1) contains the first extensive and methodical effort to compare different approaches to QD (including both existing published approaches as well as some new methods presented for the first time here) and to understand how they operate to help inform better approaches in the future. It also (2) introduces a new technique for encoding neural networks for evolution with indirect encoding that contain multiple sensory or output modalities. Further, it (3) explores the idea that QD can act as an engine of open-ended discovery by introducing an expressive platform called Voxelbuild where QD algorithms continually evolve robots that stack blocks in new ways. A culminating experiment (4) is presented that investigates evolution in Voxelbuild over a very long timescale. This research thus stands to advance the OEE community\u27s desire to create and understand open-ended systems while also laying the groundwork for QD to realize its potential within EC as a means to automatically generate an endless progression of new content in real-world applications

    Open-ended Search through Minimal Criterion Coevolution

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    Search processes guided by objectives are ubiquitous in machine learning. They iteratively reward artifacts based on their proximity to an optimization target, and terminate upon solution space convergence. Some recent studies take a different approach, capitalizing on the disconnect between mainstream methods in artificial intelligence and the field\u27s biological inspirations. Natural evolution has an unparalleled propensity for generating well-adapted artifacts, but these artifacts are decidedly non-convergent. This new class of non-objective algorithms induce a divergent search by rewarding solutions according to their novelty with respect to prior discoveries. While the diversity of resulting innovations exhibit marked parallels to natural evolution, the methods by which search is driven remain unnatural. In particular, nature has no need to characterize and enforce novelty; rather, it is guided by a single, simple constraint: survive long enough to reproduce. The key insight is that such a constraint, called the minimal criterion, can be harnessed in a coevolutionary context where two populations interact, finding novel ways to satisfy their reproductive constraint with respect to each other. Among the contributions of this dissertation, this approach, called minimal criterion coevolution (MCC), is the primary (1). MCC is initially demonstrated in a maze domain (2) where it evolves increasingly complex mazes and solutions. An enhancement to the initial domain (3) is then introduced, allowing mazes to expand unboundedly and validating MCC\u27s propensity for open-ended discovery. A more natural method of diversity preservation through resource limitation (4) is introduced and shown to maintain population diversity without comparing genetic distance. Finally, MCC is demonstrated in an evolutionary robotics domain (5) where it coevolves increasingly complex bodies with brain controllers to achieve principled locomotion. The overall benefit of these contributions is a novel, general, algorithmic framework for the continual production of open-ended dynamics without the need for a characterization of behavioral novelty

    Evolutionary and Computational Advantages of Neuromodulated Plasticity

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    The integration of modulatory neurons into evolutionary artificial neural networks is proposed here. A model of modulatory neurons was devised to describe a plasticity mechanism at the low level of synapses and neurons. No initial assumptions were made on the network structures or on the system level dynamics. The work of this thesis studied the outset of high level system dynamics that emerged employing the low level mechanism of neuromodulated plasticity. Fully-fledged control networks were designed by simulated evolution: an evolutionary algorithm could evolve networks with arbitrary size and topology using standard and modulatory neurons as building blocks. A set of dynamic, reward-based environments was implemented with the purpose of eliciting the outset of learning and memory in networks. The evolutionary time and the performance of solutions were compared for networks that could or could not use modulatory neurons. The experimental results demonstrated that modulatory neurons provide an evolutionary advantage that increases with the complexity of the control problem. Networks with modulatory neurons were also observed to evolve alternative neural control structures with respect to networks without neuromodulation. Different network topologies were observed to lead to a computational advantage such as faster input-output signal processing. The evolutionary and computational advantages induced by modulatory neurons strongly suggest the important role of neuromodulated plasticity for the evolution of networks that require temporal neural dynamics, adaptivity and memory functions

    Predictive maps in rats and humans for spatial navigation

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    Much of our understanding of navigation comes from the study of individual species, often with specific tasks tailored to those species. Here, we provide a novel experimental and analytic framework integrating across humans, rats, and simulated reinforcement learning (RL) agents to interrogate the dynamics of behavior during spatial navigation. We developed a novel open-field navigation task ("Tartarus maze") requiring dynamic adaptation (shortcuts and detours) to frequently changing obstructions on the path to a hidden goal. Humans and rats were remarkably similar in their trajectories. Both species showed the greatest similarity to RL agents utilizing a "successor representation," which creates a predictive map. Humans also displayed trajectory features similar to model-based RL agents, which implemented an optimal tree-search planning procedure. Our results help refine models seeking to explain mammalian navigation in dynamic environments and highlight the utility of modeling the behavior of different species to uncover the shared mechanisms that support behavior

    Manifolds & Memory: Improving the Search Speed of Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) are a set of algorithms inspired by Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection that are well equipped to perform a wide variety of optimisation tasks. Due to their use as a derivative-free continuous value optimisation algorithm, EAs are often compared to gradient based optimisation techniques, such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD). However, EAs are generally deemed subpar to gradient based techniques, evidenced by the fact that none of the most commonly used Deep Learning frameworks implement EAs as a neural network optimisation algorithm, and that the majority of neural networks are optimised using gradient based techniques. Nevertheless, despite often cited as being too slow to optimise large parameter spaces, such as large neural networks, numerous recent works have shown that EAs can outperform gradient based techniques at reinforcement learning (RL) control tasks. The aim of this work is to add more credence to the claim that EAs are a competitive technique for real valued optimisation by demonstrating how the search speed of EAs can be increased. We achieve this using two distinct techniques. Firstly, knowledge from the optimisation of a set of source problems is reused to improve search performance on a set of unseen, target problems. This reuse of knowledge is achieved by embedding information with respect to the location of high fitness solutions in an indirect encoding (IE). In this thesis, we learn an IE by training generative models to model the distribution of previously located solutions to a set of source problems. We subsequently perform evolutionary search within the latent space of the generative part of the model on various target problems from the same ‘family’ as the source problems. We perform the first comparative analysis of IEs derived from autoencoders, variational autoencoders (VAE), and generative adversarial networks (GAN) for the optimisation of continuous functions. We also demonstrate for the first time how these techniques can be utilised to perform transfer learning on RL control tasks. We show that all three types of IE outperform direct encoding (DE) baselines on one or more of the problems considered. We also perform an in-depth analysis into the behaviour of each IE type, which allows us to suggest remediations to some of the pathologies discovered. The second technique explored is a modification to an existing neuroevolutionary (the evolution of neural networks) algorithm, NEAT. NEAT is a topology and weight evolving artificial neural network, meaning that both the weights and the architecture of the neural network are optimised simultaneously. Although the original NEAT algorithm includes recurrent connections, they typically have trouble memorising information over long time horizons. Therefore, we introduce a novel algorithm, NEAT-GRU, that is capable of mutating gated recurrent units (GRU) into the network. We show that NEAT-GRU outperforms NEAT and hand coded baselines at generalised maze solving tasks. We also show that NEAT-GRU is the only algorithm tested that can locate solutions for a much harder navigational task where the bearing (relative angle) towards the target is not provided to the agent. Overall we have introduced two novel techniques that have successfully achieved an increase in EA search speed, further attesting to their competitiveness compared to gradient based techniques

    Neural representation in active inference: using generative models to interact with -- and understand -- the lived world

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    This paper considers neural representation through the lens of active inference, a normative framework for understanding brain function. It delves into how living organisms employ generative models to minimize the discrepancy between predictions and observations (as scored with variational free energy). The ensuing analysis suggests that the brain learns generative models to navigate the world adaptively, not (or not solely) to understand it. Different living organisms may possess an array of generative models, spanning from those that support action-perception cycles to those that underwrite planning and imagination; namely, from "explicit" models that entail variables for predicting concurrent sensations, like objects, faces, or people - to "action-oriented models" that predict action outcomes. It then elucidates how generative models and belief dynamics might link to neural representation and the implications of different types of generative models for understanding an agent's cognitive capabilities in relation to its ecological niche. The paper concludes with open questions regarding the evolution of generative models and the development of advanced cognitive abilities - and the gradual transition from "pragmatic" to "detached" neural representations. The analysis on offer foregrounds the diverse roles that generative models play in cognitive processes and the evolution of neural representation

    Autotelic Agents with Intrinsically Motivated Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning: a Short Survey

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    Building autonomous machines that can explore open-ended environments, discover possible interactions and build repertoires of skills is a general objective of artificial intelligence. Developmental approaches argue that this can only be achieved by autotelicautotelic agentsagents: intrinsically motivated learning agents that can learn to represent, generate, select and solve their own problems. In recent years, the convergence of developmental approaches with deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods has been leading to the emergence of a new field: developmentaldevelopmental reinforcementreinforcement learninglearning. Developmental RL is concerned with the use of deep RL algorithms to tackle a developmental problem -- the intrinsicallyintrinsically motivatedmotivated acquisitionacquisition ofof openopen-endedended repertoiresrepertoires ofof skillsskills. The self-generation of goals requires the learning of compact goal encodings as well as their associated goal-achievement functions. This raises new challenges compared to standard RL algorithms originally designed to tackle pre-defined sets of goals using external reward signals. The present paper introduces developmental RL and proposes a computational framework based on goal-conditioned RL to tackle the intrinsically motivated skills acquisition problem. It proceeds to present a typology of the various goal representations used in the literature, before reviewing existing methods to learn to represent and prioritize goals in autonomous systems. We finally close the paper by discussing some open challenges in the quest of intrinsically motivated skills acquisition
