1,287 research outputs found

    GLB: Lifeline-based Global Load Balancing library in X10

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    We present GLB, a programming model and an associated implementation that can handle a wide range of irregular paral- lel programming problems running over large-scale distributed systems. GLB is applicable both to problems that are easily load-balanced via static scheduling and to problems that are hard to statically load balance. GLB hides the intricate syn- chronizations (e.g., inter-node communication, initialization and startup, load balancing, termination and result collection) from the users. GLB internally uses a version of the lifeline graph based work-stealing algorithm proposed by Saraswat et al. Users of GLB are simply required to write several pieces of sequential code that comply with the GLB interface. GLB then schedules and orchestrates the parallel execution of the code correctly and efficiently at scale. We have applied GLB to two representative benchmarks: Betweenness Centrality (BC) and Unbalanced Tree Search (UTS). Among them, BC can be statically load-balanced whereas UTS cannot. In either case, GLB scales well-- achieving nearly linear speedup on different computer architectures (Power, Blue Gene/Q, and K) -- up to 16K cores

    Scalable Parallel Numerical Constraint Solver Using Global Load Balancing

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    We present a scalable parallel solver for numerical constraint satisfaction problems (NCSPs). Our parallelization scheme consists of homogeneous worker solvers, each of which runs on an available core and communicates with others via the global load balancing (GLB) method. The parallel solver is implemented with X10 that provides an implementation of GLB as a library. In experiments, several NCSPs from the literature were solved and attained up to 516-fold speedup using 600 cores of the TSUBAME2.5 supercomputer.Comment: To be presented at X10'15 Worksho

    Shared Memory Parallel Subgraph Enumeration

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    The subgraph enumeration problem asks us to find all subgraphs of a target graph that are isomorphic to a given pattern graph. Determining whether even one such isomorphic subgraph exists is NP-complete---and therefore finding all such subgraphs (if they exist) is a time-consuming task. Subgraph enumeration has applications in many fields, including biochemistry and social networks, and interestingly the fastest algorithms for solving the problem for biochemical inputs are sequential. Since they depend on depth-first tree traversal, an efficient parallelization is far from trivial. Nevertheless, since important applications produce data sets with increasing difficulty, parallelism seems beneficial. We thus present here a shared-memory parallelization of the state-of-the-art subgraph enumeration algorithms RI and RI-DS (a variant of RI for dense graphs) by Bonnici et al. [BMC Bioinformatics, 2013]. Our strategy uses work stealing and our implementation demonstrates a significant speedup on real-world biochemical data---despite a highly irregular data access pattern. We also improve RI-DS by pruning the search space better; this further improves the empirical running times compared to the already highly tuned RI-DS.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, To appear at the 7th IEEE Workshop on Parallel / Distributed Computing and Optimization (PDCO 2017

    Massivel y parallel declarative computational models

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    Current computer archictectures are parallel, with an increasing number of processors. Parallel programming is an error-prone task and declarative models such as those based on constraints relieve the programmer from some of its difficult aspects, because they abstract control away. In this work we study and develop techniques for declarative computational models based on constraints using GPI, aiming at large scale parallel execution. The main contributions of this work are: A GPI implementation of a scalable dynamic load balancing scheme based on work stealing, suitable for tree shaped computations and effective for systems with thousands of threads. A parallel constraint solver, MaCS, implemented to take advantage of the GPI programming model. Experimental evaluation shows very good scalability results on systems with hundreds of cores. A GPI parallel version of the Adaptive Search algorithm, including different variants. The study on different problems advances the understanding of scalability issues known to exist with large numbers of cores; ### SUMÁRIO: Actualmente as arquitecturas de computadores são paralelas, com um crescente número de processadores. A programação paralela é uma tarefa propensa a erros e modelos declarativos baseados em restrições aliviam o programador de aspectos difíceis dado que abstraem o controlo. Neste trabalho estudamos e desenvolvemos técnicas para modelos de computação declarativos baseados em restrições usando o GPI, uma ferramenta e modelo de programação recente. O Objectivo é a execução paralela em larga escala. As contribuições deste trabalho são as seguintes: a implementação de um esquema dinâmico para balanceamento da computação baseado no GPI. O esquema é adequado para computações em árvores e efectiva em sistemas compostos por milhares de unidades de computação. Uma abordagem à resolução paralela de restrições denominadas de MaCS, que tira partido do modelo de programação do GPI. A Avaliação experimental revelou boa escalabilidade num sistema com centenas de processadores. Uma versão paralela do algoritmo Adaptive Search baseada no GPI, que inclui diferentes variantes. O estudo de diversos problemas aumenta a compreensão de aspectos relacionados com a escalabilidade e presentes na execução deste tipo de algoritmos num grande número de processadores

    Overlay-Centric Load Balancing: Applications to UTS and B&B

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    International audienceTo deal with dynamic load balancing in large scale distributed systems, we propose to organize computing resources following a logical peer-to-peer overlay and to distribute the load according to the so-defined overlay. We use a tree as a logical structure connecting distributed nodes and we balance the load according to the size of induced subtrees. We conduct extensive experiments involving up to 1000 computing cores and provide a throughout analysis of different properties of our generic approach for two different applications, namely, the standard Unbalanced Tree Search and the more challenging parallel Branch-and-Bound algorithm. Substantial improvements are reported in comparison with the classical random work stealing and two finely tuned application specific strategies taken from the literature

    Towards Generic Scalable Parallel Combinatorial Search

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    Combinatorial search problems in mathematics, e.g. in finite geometry, are notoriously hard; a state-of-the-art backtracking search algorithm can easily take months to solve a single problem. There is clearly demand for parallel combinatorial search algorithms scaling to hundreds of cores and beyond. However, backtracking combinatorial searches are challenging to parallelise due to their sensitivity to search order and due to the their irregularly shaped search trees. Moreover, scaling parallel search to hundreds of cores generally requires highly specialist parallel programming expertise. This paper proposes a generic scalable framework for solving hard combinatorial problems. Key elements are distributed memory task parallelism (to achieve scale), work stealing (to cope with irregularity), and generic algorithmic skeletons for combinatorial search (to reduce the parallelism expertise required). We outline two implementations: a mature Haskell Tree Search Library (HTSL) based around algorithmic skeletons and a prototype C++ Tree Search Library (CTSL) that uses hand coded applications. Experiments on maximum clique problems and on a problem in finite geometry, the search for spreads in H(4,2^2), show that (1) CTSL consistently outperforms HTSL on sequential runs, and (2) both libraries scale to 200 cores, e.g. speeding up spreads search by a factor of 81 (HTSL) and 60 (CTSL), respectively. This demonstrates the potential of our generic framework for scaling parallel combinatorial search to large distributed memory platforms

    An efficient multi-core implementation of a novel HSS-structured multifrontal solver using randomized sampling

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    We present a sparse linear system solver that is based on a multifrontal variant of Gaussian elimination, and exploits low-rank approximation of the resulting dense frontal matrices. We use hierarchically semiseparable (HSS) matrices, which have low-rank off-diagonal blocks, to approximate the frontal matrices. For HSS matrix construction, a randomized sampling algorithm is used together with interpolative decompositions. The combination of the randomized compression with a fast ULV HSS factorization leads to a solver with lower computational complexity than the standard multifrontal method for many applications, resulting in speedups up to 7 fold for problems in our test suite. The implementation targets many-core systems by using task parallelism with dynamic runtime scheduling. Numerical experiments show performance improvements over state-of-the-art sparse direct solvers. The implementation achieves high performance and good scalability on a range of modern shared memory parallel systems, including the Intel Xeon Phi (MIC). The code is part of a software package called STRUMPACK -- STRUctured Matrices PACKage, which also has a distributed memory component for dense rank-structured matrices